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  哥伦比亚大学今年usnews排名全美大U本科综合第三,仅次于哈普,和耶鲁并列,属于常春藤ivy league八校之一。哥伦比亚大学的历届毕业生和教职员中累计共有97名诺贝尔奖得奖者,于世界各大学中排名第一。曾与哈佛大学和芝加哥大学一起被公认为美国高等教育三巨头。
  哥大比较有名的是它的core curriculum,每个学期都有书单开下来要去读,reading很多,每个Columbia College的学生都要求学习的Literature Humanities (Lit Hum) 和 Contemporary Civilization非常值得一提。Lit Hum从荷马史诗讲到Virginia Woolf, 以一系列经典著作将西方思想史的发展以文学的形式展现给我们。(理科生是否倍感压力,没错,这就是哥大!)
  申请哥大之前先要了解清楚哥大,都说自己是哥大毕业的,本科和研究生质量不同,本科体系内也有很大差距哦, 有下面几种哥大学生:
  Columbia Collegeis Columbia"s traditional undergraduate liberal arts college, its founding in 1754 as King"s College marks the birth of Columbia University.
  Columbia Engineeringis the University"s engineering school, offering undergraduate and graduate degrees.
  Barnard Collegeis a liberal arts college for women in partnership with Columbia University.
  At Columbia College, Columbia Engineering and Barnard College, students usually come directly from high school and attend full-time.
  The School of General Studiesis Columbia’s college for nontraditional students who want to earn a degree while attending full- or part-time. Nontraditional students have had a break of one year or more in their educational paths or have compelling personal or professional reasons for completing their bachelor’s degrees part time. Students in the School of General Studies take the same courses with the same faculty and undertake the same majors as all other undergraduates at Columbia.
  All four colleges are located on the Morningside Heights campus in New York City.
  ·Columbia College (简称"CC"):(录取率6%左右)认为自己才是哥大最正统的学生,也就是另一答题中有资格说自己是HYP之后排名第四的本科学府;
  ·Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science (简称"SEAS"):(录取率7%左右)排名不如CC,但也是不错的学院,而且跟CC的学生统一orientation、一起住宿舍、统一所有校园活动,所以除了上课很少在一起之外,CC和SEAS的学生们基本都是生活在一起的,尤其是大一(必须住校园墙内临近的5栋宿舍),所以两个学校之间的学生之间关系非常融洽。
  ·School of General Studies (简称"GS") https://gs.columbia.edu/:(录取率32%左右,另有多个joint-degree programs)是一个"提供传统的本科教育给非传统学生"的学院(如高中毕业后因为各种原因没有直接读本科,或在本科期间中断过一段时间回到学校继续的学生),不住CC/SEAS的宿舍,也很少在课外一起social(毕竟年龄不一样),所以基本上感觉不太像同一个学校的小伙伴;
  ·Barnard College (简称"BC"):(录取率25%左右)跟哥大的关系可能连Barnard校长自己都很难解释清楚。不同校园、不同宿舍,但经常和CC/SEAS一起social,所以学生之间关系融洽,但申请渠道完全分开。
  哥大不和老大们吵架,你们用限制性EA显摆,我用ED,RD。ED在11.1日,RD在1.1。至于FA,美国人是need-blinded, 外国人么,有胆子你申好了,不拦着你,但是录不录我掂量,哎,没办法。
  To be considered for admission to Columbia, you must be comfortable with rapid and idiomatic spoken English. There are several different ways to demonstrate that you are proficient in English on your application.
  1.Your home language is English.
  2.Your primary language of instruction at school has been English for the duration of your secondary school career.
  3.You earned one or more of the following subsection scores:
  1.650 or higher on either the Critical Reasoning or Writing sections of the SAT before March 2016
  2.700 or higher on the Evidence Based Reading and Writing section of the redesigned SAT (beginning in March 2016)
  3.29 or higher on the English or Reading sections of the ACT
  If you meet one or more of the above criteria, you have fulfilled Columbia’s English Language Proficiency requirement. If you do not, you will need to take one of the following English Language Proficiency exams.