威斯康星麦迪逊又称麦屯。这所也是五大湖附近的一所有名的公立大U,学校本科生有近三万人。国际生招收的不多,一共有4000名国际学生。这个学校夹在两个湖中间,冷,除了冷还是冷,零下30度非常正常啊。一激动跳湖了,别急,死不了,冰面厚着呢。 言归正传,维斯康星也是一个标准的公立大U,各个专业方向齐备,理工专业也是很牛的。这个学校对标化的要求不是特别高,官网上明确说明了,托福录取段在95-105,雅思在6.5-7.5,ACT的分数段在28-32,SAT在1330-1460,同时它明确了,强烈建议送所有的SAT/ACT考试成绩,但是他会取最高分。标化还有些困难的孩子暂时可以安心了。但是也有分太高的不录取,可能算over-qualified? 学校网站做的非常漂亮,也很人性化。各类信息都非常好找。EA请的话要11月1日前递交申请,结果会在12月底出来。RD会在三月底出结果。 需要的文件如下: 1. UW或者COMM申请系统填报,注意他特别提醒大家,热门专业由于竞争激烈可能不容易录取,让大家选一个第二专业。赞一个,人性化。 2. 申请费60美金 3. 成绩单,注意有格式要求,别送错了,对于中国娃,下面试要求 If you are currently enrolled in upper secondary school:Transcripts from lower middle school/初中 (chuzhong) (grade 9), upper middle school/高中 (gaozhong) (grades 10-11), in both Chinese and English. If you have completed upper secondary school: Official transcripts for Lower (初中 (chuzhong) and Upper Middle school (高中 (gaozhong) (grades 9-12), along with either your huikaoor APT results. 必须中英文对照的版本。 4. 标化成绩,要求申请EA的同志们9月底之前的成绩。RD的孩子要12月底前的成绩。对于托福要电子送分, IELTS不接受电子送分,对不起请邮寄。 5. 文书(进COMM查看吧,据说也是holistic process,玄学申请,看来文书重要的,好吧)强烈建议写文书前浏览学校网站,他想要上网上写的很清楚,呵呵。 If you apply with the UW System Application, you will need to answer the following prompt: Tell us about your academic and personal achievements. What have you learned from your success and/or challenges, and how will this influence you as you pursue your college education? All applicants will also need to respond to this prompt: Tell us why you would like to attend the University of Wisconsin–Madison. In addition, please include why you are interested in studying the major(s) you have selected. If you selected undecided please describe your areas of possible academic interest. Keep these tips in mind as you work on your writing: Develop your thoughts before you begin the writing process, and create an outline. The maximum word count for each essay is 650, but we recommend planning for 300-500 words. Do not type directly into the web form. Instead, work on your draft in word processing software. Allow time to develop and revisit your writing. Check for spelling mistakes and ask someone to proofread your final version. Be genuine and honest in your writing. 6. 一封推荐信,申请工院的强烈建议数学或者科学老师的推荐信。 7. 其他材料(千万别漏了) A.自我汇报期中成绩(邮件过去) B.申请材料要求签名确认真实性。 除了这些以外,麦屯的大部分学院还提供了各类奖学金(比其他大U好多了)而且至少没说不考虑国际生,在申请学校的时候不管有没有录取都应该先申,至少他是这么建议的。基本也就是多一篇文书。能写大家还是写两笔吧,虽然拿到奖学金的概率不算高,但是申不申表明态度啊。