研究显示色情刊物获得越容易,性犯罪要么降低要么不会增加。 来源:"Pornography, public acceptance and sex related crime: A review" from International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, Volume 32, Issue 5, September-October 2009, Pages 304-314 强烈的性冲动与承担性风险相关,在许多女人看来,减弱了爱情关系的亲密程度和性满足。但是,我们并没有发现过早的接触色情刊物和强烈的性冲动的有什么关系。 来源:"Is Early Exposure to Pornography a Risk Factor for Sexual Compulsivity? Findings from an Online Survey among Young Heterosexual Adults" from International Journal of Sexual Health, Volume 20, Issue 4 November 2008 , pages 270 - 28