快生活 - 生活常识大全


  Abstract & Conclusion:Emotion is power. 情感就是力量。Confinement is necessary. 限制也是力量。
  1. 本文与世界上大多数文章一样,对于一个明白的你来说,全是废话;对于一个还不明白的你来说,好像讲了什么东西,但是看完第二天也不记得什么东西。
  2. 为此,本人将摘要和结论置于头条以便节省大家时间,跟世界上大多数论文一样,摘要和结论讲的是一个东西。
  3. 不过如果大家能每天念及一次本文的摘要或结论,肯定会有从未有过的喜乐,跟世界上大多数的宗教教义一样。
  1. Introduction
  所谓天蝎,神秘(淡人情),执着(缺应变能力),感情丰富(冲动),等是关键词。所以,天蝎的生活追求一种激情,但也就意味着理性的缺失,而在日常生活中则导致混乱,所以不断地修正中,我只想给自己,给可能存在类似情况的人一个参考。EQ>100 可绕过,看看TED,或者南看栋笃笑,北听郭德纲。
  2. Theory
  There are two most important things for the scorpion. One is called self-control, the other one is the will.
  天蝎有的是强烈的情感,但强则易折,来的快亦去的快。天蝎的缺失是Self control。
  Remember,the will is a kind of emotion, and the emotion is power. You can also substitute the word ‘will’ with love if you like. So, love is a strong power, it’s hard to say that it is a good thing or a bad thing, it’s neutral as well as the power of nuclear energy. With this power, you can establish something or you can destroy something, as we often do. All you need to do is to control this strong power, or it’s better to use the word ‘guide’. The behavior of guide means you are not supposed to press them only which just make the power weaker and dissipate to zero, it’s wasteful and pitiful, and it’s a painful process. You just need to guide them into another way which decided by your ration.
  But confinement is necessary, you need to set boundaries to the emotions which have no direction. In this way, confinement also means a kind of power that you need, which is not an active force, but a reaction force to the original emotion like the passive lateral pressure.
  For a normal man, 你可以爱黑丝,也可以爱萝莉,更可以爱前凸后翘,但记住在地球上大部分地区你只能娶一个老婆,虽然这似乎违背男人食色本性,但根据本文理论,事实上有些限制反而是一个好的规定。
  对于上面两种力量,所产生的四种搭配,便是有爱无限制,则滥情伤身又伤心,年轻那几年可为之;无爱有限制,生活大多时候便是如此,life is difficult,正如一杯没有奶精和糖的咖啡;无爱无限制,总有些时候会空虚无聊寂寞,羡慕嫉妒恨,颓废郁闷绝望;有爱有限制,忙碌后的充实感,充实带来的满足感,生活也总会赐予这样的幸福时刻,虽然只有十之一二。但,正是这一二显得珍贵,也因为那八九才更能体会这一二,为这一二,那八九也是幸福。
  以上是guide理论,没有给出具体指引,因为guide肯定是因人而异,因地区文化而异,就像你会有Geoguide,也会有Eurocode,British Standard。
  3. Application
  (may be continued…)