昨天研究了哥大的3+2项目,遗憾的发现哥大取消了所有保录的协议。今天来研究华盛顿圣路易斯的工院3+2项目,我惊奇的发现,排名USNEWS前二十名的华盛顿圣路易斯大学竟然提供工院保录!!! 看看官网怎么写的: 保录的条件是: 1.在我们的关系学校读书 2.完成要求的课程并且达到3.25及以上的成绩 3.他们目前所在的学校确认他们对工院有兴趣,并且完成了非工程方向本科的学习。 除非有严重学术不端问题或者犯重罪,否则一般就一定会录取。 满意吧,在乎排名的家长,一定可以考虑这个路线了,我感觉3.25这个成绩不难拿。 好了,先关心下,关系学校有哪些: Affiliated Schools ·Allegheny College (Meadville, PA) ·American College of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki, Greece) ·Arcadia University (Glenside, PA) ·Assumption College (Worcester, MA) ·Augustana College (Rock Island, IL) ·Augustana University (Sioux Falls, SD) ·Austin College (Sherman, TX) ·Baker University (Baldwin City, KS) ·Bates College (Lewiston, ME) ·Beloit College (Beloit, WI) ·Birmingham-Southern College (Birmingham, AL) ·Capital University (Columbus, OH) ·Carleton College (Northfield, MN) ·Centenary College (Shreveport, LA) ·Centre College (Danville, KY) ·Claremont McKenna College (Claremont, CA) ·Colgate University (Hamilton, NY) ·Connecticut College (New London, CT) ·Creighton University (Omaha, NE) ·Davidson College (Davidson, NC) ·Denison University (Granville, OH) ·DePauw University (Greencastle, IN) ·Doane College (Crete, NE) ·Drake University (Des Moines, IA) ·Drew University (Madison, NJ) ·Drury University (Springfield, MO) ·Earlham College (Richmond, IN) ·Eckerd College (St. Petersburg, FL) ·Elon University (Elon, NC) ·Florida Southern College (Lakeland, FL) ·Fontbonne University (St. Louis, MO) ·Franklin & Marshall College (Lancaster, PA) ·Gettysburg College (Gettysburg, PA) ·Greenville University (Greenville, IL) ·Grinnell College (Grinnell, IA) ·Gustavus Adolphus College (St. Peter, MN) ·Hamilton College (Clinton, NY) ·Hawaii Pacific University (Honolulu, HI) ·Hendrix College (Conway, AR) ·Hiram College (Hiram, OH) ·Illinois College (Jacksonville, IL) ·Illinois Wesleyan University (Bloomington, IL) ·Juniata College (Huntingdon, PA) ·Kalamazoo College (Kalamazoo, MI) ·Kansas Wesleyan University (Salina, KS) ·Kenyon College (Gambier, OH) ·King"s College (Wilkes-Barre, PA) ·Knox College (Galesburg, IL) ·Lake Forest College (Lake Forest, IL) ·Lawrence University (Appleton, WI) ·Lewis & Clark College (Portland, OR) ·Loyola University of Chicago (Chicago, IL) ·Luther College (Decorah, IA) ·Marietta College (Marietta, OH) ·Maryville University (St. Louis, MO) ·McDaniel College (Westminster, MD) ·MidAmerica Nazarene University (Olathe, KS) ·Millikin University (Decatur, IL) ·Monmouth College (Monmouth, IL) ·Moravian College (Bethlehem, PA) ·Nebraska Wesleyan University (Lincoln, NE) ·Northland College (Ashland, WI) ·Northwestern College (Orange City, IA) ·Notre Dame of Maryland University (Baltimore, MD) ·Oberlin College (Oberlin, OH) ·Ohio Wesleyan University (Delaware, OH) ·Oklahoma City University (Oklahoma City, OK) ·Pacific Lutheran University (Tacoma, WA) ·Pepperdine University (Malibu, CA) ·Pitzer College (Claremont, CA) ·Pomona College (Claremont, CA) ·Providence College (Providence, RI) ·Randolph College (Lynchburg, VA) ·Regis University (Denver, CO) ·Rhodes College (Memphis, TN) ·Ripon College (Ripon, WI) ·Rollins College (Winter Park, FL) ·Salve Regina University (Newport, RI) ·Scripps College (Claremont, CA) ·Sewanee: The University of the South (Sewanee, TN) ·Simpson College (Indianola, IA) ·Southwestern University (Georgetown, TX) ·St. Edward’s University (Austin, TX) ·St. Louis University (St. Louis, MO) ·St. Mary"s College of California (Moraga, CA) ·St. Olaf College (Northfield, MN) ·Susquehanna University (Selinsgrove, PA) ·The College of Idaho (Caldwell, ID) ·The College of Wooster (Wooster, OH) ·University of La Verne (La Verne, CA) ·University of Puget Sound (Tacoma, WA) ·University of Redlands (Redlands, CA) ·Wabash College (Crawfordsville, IN) ·Washington & Jefferson College (Washington, PA) ·Webster University (St. Louis, MO) ·Westminster College (Fulton, MO) ·Westminster College (Salt Lake City, UT) ·Whitman College (Walla Walla, WA) ·Whitworth University (Spokane, WA) ·Willamette University (Salem, OR) ·William Jewell College (Liberty, MO) ·York College (York, NE) 大把的学校啊,你们在这里面慢慢选,哈哈。 接着看看课程有啥要求: ·Chemistry:One semester of general chemistry with lab. ·Computer programming:One course or certified proficiency in a high-level language (MATLAB experience is helpful for biomedical engineering, chemical engineering and mechanical engineering majors). ·English composition:One course, acceptable examination scores or college certification of proficiency. ·Humanities and social sciences:No fewer than 15 semester hours in approved areas; this sequence must include at least six semester hours in humanities and three semester hours in social sciences. ·Mathematics:A calculus sequence that includes exposure to multivariable calculus and a separate course in differential equations (linear algebra or matrix algebra strongly recommended). ·Physics:One-year calculus-based sequence with lab. ·Total credits:A minimum of 90 semester hours of transferable college credit (courses with grades below C-minus do not transfer). 化学,计算机,英文,人文,数学,物理,要求并不高。各个专业还有不同的要求,见下: Department-specific requirements ·Biomedical Engineering:one semester of biology that covers cellular, molecular and developmental biology and a second semester of general chemistry with lab. ·Chemical Engineering & Environmental Engineering:one semester of biology that covers cellular, molecular and developmental biology; a second semester of general chemistry with lab; and one semester of organic chemistry with lab. A second semester of organic chemistry, physical chemistry, and a course on energy and environment from a scientific point of view are strongly recommended. ·Computer Science & Engineering:A second computer programming course. Note that Computer Science majors are not required to complete chemistry or differential equations. 基本上也就是一些课程的规定。符合要求就行了。 WUSTL的3+2项目是有语言要求的,它没写具体分数要求,但是一定要有效期(2年内)的托福成绩,并且要求官方送分,看来托福还得重新考一次。在美国待了3年,这个应该难不倒孩子。 财主的福利来了,我一直说WUSTL是有钱的学校,实力体现来了,你如果选+3,研究生毕业,他说第一年级学费只要交一半,后面两年分别是55%,60%的折扣,国际生也可以享受哦,另外,还有奖学金可以申请,美国孩子助学金也可以申请。有钱任性啊!如果你文理带奖,到这里来继续申奖,基本可以不花钱读完书! 最后,给大家一些数据,目前有252名双学位学生,2018年录取了121人。前面一年是89人,在45年内一共1800人,来自74个学校。看来走这条路的越来越多了。 Dual Degree program These students have taken advantage of the 45-year-old Dual Degree program, in which students attend a liberal arts college or university for three to four years earning a bachelor’s degree, then come to Washington University in St. Louis to earn a second bachelor’s degree in engineering. The program — one of a handful in the U.S. — is growing increasingly popular each year. For the class entering in fall 2018, there were a record-breaking 121 new Dual Degree students. The previous record was 89 in one year, said Ronald Laue, assistant dean and coordinator for the program. 252:current dual degree students 38:states represented 1,800 alumni in 45 years