英文原文也写得很美和很朗朗上口呀,适合晨读和找语感来朗诵。 腾讯视频地址:https://v.qq.com/x/cover/mzc00200d49qjv0/c3000j8caf6.html 中英对照全文 大多数人永远不会真正成功。将人拉向平庸的吸引力太大了。大卫·施瓦茨曾经写道:"你周围所有的环境正试图把你拉向一条平庸的道路"。大多数人永远无法逃脱这种诱惑。我们周围的很多想法都是狭隘的,大多数人过分关注"打败别人",通常是通过操纵和政治的手段。结果,他们只能和其他99%的人争夺残羹剩饭。人生不一定要这样。 Most people will never be truly successful.The pull towards mediocrity is too strong. As David Schwartz once penned: "all around you is an environment that is trying to pull you down to Second-class Street.’ Most people will never escape the pull. Much of the thinking around us is small-minded. Most people are overly concerned with "beating the other guy" usually through manipulation and politics. As a result, they’re left fighting for scraps with the other 99%. It doesn’t have to be this way. 你人生中最深切的梦想,100%的经济独立,做自己的老板,和家人一起环游世界。无论什么都是可以实现的,只要你知道该从哪开始。但是大多数人永远不会为了实现这些,而放弃人群带来的安全和保障。 A life of your deepest dreams, 100% financial independence, being your own boss, travelling the world with your family. Whatever, is available, if you know where to start. But most people will never turnaway from the safety and security of the crowed to realize this. 大多数人不愿意接受失败 Most People Are Not Willing to Fail "只有在我们愿意承受失败,我们才能真正成功。——马克·曼森" "We can be truly successful only at things we are willing to fail at. —Mark Manson" 大多数人讨厌失败,逃避失败。在他们眼里,如果把某件事搞砸了,那就意味着他们本身很糟糕。因为自我价值与表现直接相关,任何失败都会证明不够好。但这也正是保持平庸的原因,如果不愿意失败,就无法从错误中吸取教训;如果不从中学习,永远不会成长,不会发展得更好。 Most people hate failure. They run from it.In their eyes, if they suck at something, it means they suck. Since their self-worth is tied directly to their performance, any failure is proof they aren’t good enough. But this is exactly why they’ll stay in mediocrity. If they aren’t willing to fail, they aren’t able to learn from their mistakes. If they never learn, they’ll never grow and develop into something more. "你想让我给你一个成功的公式吗?其实真的很简单:把失败率提高一倍。你可以因失败而气馁或者你也可以从中学习,所以放手去犯错吧,尽你所能。因为只有这样,才能找到成功。"——托马斯·沃森。 "Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really: Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn’t at all. You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it, so go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. 如果你不愿意失败,那么你也只能保持一般水平。如果你想成长为一个非凡的自己,你必须愿意失败,很多次。失败会带来谦逊,它能培养你的性格,它能帮助你笑对自己的错误,不把事情看得那么严重。就像把植物从阴凉处放到阳光下,它的成长速度将提高10倍。 Because remember that’s where you will find success."-Thomas J. Watson . If you’re not willing to fail, you guarantee you’ll stay average-at-best. If you want to grow into an extraordinary version of yourself, you must be willing to fail -- a lot. Failure brings humility. It develops your character. It helps you laugh at your mistakes and not take things so seriously. Like a plant placed from the shade into sunlight, your growth rate will accelerate 10x. 当我开始写博客的时候,特别害怕一件事:负面的反馈。我至今还记得看到网络评论:"这是我读过的最糟糕的文章"。为此伤心了好几个月,在那之后,我把我所有的文章尽可能地写得平淡无奇,我害怕失败和拒绝,因此,我的写作水平多年来一直普普通通,直到我最终开始接受批评。本杰明·哈迪这样说:"不要寻求表扬,要寻求批评。"如果你接受失败的可能性,你就有可能获得成功。 When I first started blogging, I was terrified of one thing in particular -- negative feedback. I still remember to this day a comment from an early article that read, "This is the worst article I’ve ever read." I was broken up about it for months. After that, I made all my articles as vanilla and non-controversial as possible. Before I hit "publish,"I would ask myself: "No one could criticize this, right??" I was terrified of failure and rejection. As a result, my writing stayed mediocre and average for years until I finally started to embrace the possibility of failure. Benjamin Hardy put it this way: "Don’t seek praise, seek criticism." If you embrace the possibility of failure, you open yourself up to enormous success you’ve never seen before. 平庸的大多数人不重视学习 The Mediocre Majority Doesn’t Value Learning "你学到的每一项技能都会使你成功的几率加倍。"——斯科特·亚当斯 "Every skill you acquire doubles our odds of success." _ Scott Adams 大多数人会选择娱乐和消遣,而不是学习和成长,这并不奇怪,学习是困难的。去咨询,成为一项技能的学徒,不断失败并不有趣。用哈尔·埃尔罗德的话说:"重复可能会无聊,这就是为什么很少有人能掌握任何东西。"不过,这对我们其他人来说是个好消息,成功的企业家达伦·哈迪曾经说过:当遇到困难时,他总是很高兴,因为这意味着大多数人永远不会做这件事,竞争不会很激烈。 Most people would choose entertainment and distraction instead of learning and growing. It’s not surprising. Learning is hard. Going to counseling, becoming a student of your craft, and constantly failing aren’t fun. In the words of Hal Elrod: "Repetition can be boring or tedious, which is why so few people ever master anything." This is great news for the rest of us,though. Uber-successful entrepreneur Darren Hardy once remarked that he’s always glad when something is difficult, because that means most people won’t ever do it. The competition will always be low. 优先学习和自我教育对你来说可能是新的,但要知道:每天你读的一本书,都有成千上万人没有读过;每个你早起创造和生产的清晨,成千上万人还在睡着;你坚持下去的每一天,都有成千上万的人选择放弃。讽刺的是,最激烈的竞争,往往存在于平庸的人群中。一旦你把学习放在首位,你会意识到那1%的机会,才是真正改变生活的。更重要的是,这些机会的竞争,少得令人难以置信。大多数人将继续与"平庸的大多数"为残羹冷炙而战,那会是一场你不想赢得的比赛。相反,完全退出这场比赛,离开人群,选择学习和自我教育,而不是娱乐和消遣。 Prioritizing learning and self-education maybe new for you. But know this: For every day you read a book, millions of others didn’t. For every morning you woke up early to create and produce, millions of others slept in. For every day you kept going, millions of others quit .Ironically,the fiercest competition is for the second-class prizes. Once you prioritize learning, you become aware of the 1% of opportunities that are truly life-changing. More importantly -- these opportunities have incredibly less competition! Most people will continue fighting for scraps with the "mediocre majority." That’s a game you don’t want to win. Instead, quit the game entirely. Leave the crowd. Choose learning and self-education instead of entertainment and distraction. 成功者在成为成功者之前就像成功者一样行动 Winners Act Like Winners Before They Become a Winner 在内心深处,大多数人认为自己不具备成为非凡人物的条件。这是一个自我实现需要的预言,当然如果你不相信自己能做到的话,你肯定不会成功。 Deep down, most people don’t think they have what it takes to be extraordinary. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy, of course-- if you don’t believe you can, you surely won’t! 我写了四年博客,从来没有超过200个订阅者,回首往事,我发现我从未真正相信自己能写出真正伟大的作品。在过去的几个月里,我已经获得了5000多名订阅者,这是因为我开始认真对待我的写作,开始认真对待自己,我开始相信自己。在我取得任何成功之前,我就开始表现得像个成功者。我做了什么?我花了500美元买了一门写作课,我每天早上6点起床写作,我花了几百美元买个人发展方面的书,我对待自己就像一个知道自己是互联网上最好的作家之一的人。很快,我就会实现。 I blogged for 4 years and never got more than 200 subscribers. Looking back, I see now that I never really believed I could produce truly great writing. In the past couple months, I’ve gained more than 5,000 subscribers. This is because I started to take my writing seriously --started to take myself seriously. I began believing in myself. I started acting like a winner before I found any success. So what did I do? I bought a $500 writing course. I started waking up at 6 A.M. every day to write. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on personal development books. I treat myself like someone who knows they’re one of the best writers on the Internet. Soon, I will be. "在人们相信自己可以成功做某件事之前,是无法为之做好准备的。"——拿破仑·希尔 "No one is ready for a thing until he believe he can acquire it."——Napoleon Hill 我发现一旦你告诉自己该做什么,它就会实现。现在我唯一的目标是在6个月内,获得10万人的电子邮件订阅。疯狂的是,我真的相信这是可能发生的。因此,我的大脑总是下意识地寻找解决方案来实现这一点。大多数人永远不会体验到在你相信巨大的成功是可能实现的之后,那种兴奋的浪潮,成功者在成为成功者之前就像成功者一样行动,他们相信他们能成功,于是他们的大脑开始思考如何才能成功。 I’ve found that once you tell your mind what to do, it will make it happen. Right now, my sole goal is to gain 100,000 email subscribers over 6 months. What’s crazy is I actually believe this can happen. As a result, my mind is always subconsciously finding solutions to make this happen. Most people will never experience the surge of excitement after beginning to truly believe enormous success is possible. Winners act like winners before they become winners. They believe they can succeed, and their mind starts working on how to get there. 你追求的是金钱和头衔,而不是经验和转变 You Seek Money and Titles Not Experience and Transformation "人们不快乐在很大程度上是因为他们对什么是有价值的感到困惑。"——威廉·欧文 "People are unhappy in large part because they are confused about what is valuable" ——William Irvine 我23岁的时候,只有一个每天浏览量不到50次的小博客。我加入了一个企业家人脉小组,这些人把我吓坏了,穿着西装,讲着古怪的笑话,喜欢去一杯啤酒要11美元的酒吧。称自己为"创始人"、"首席执行官"和"投资者"。几周后我就不参加了,在那个小组里有很多很棒的人,他们善良而热情。但也有很多成员,只是喜欢谈论他们的头衔。头衔其实没有太多意义,任何人都可以成为任何事情的"专家"或"CEO",如果你追求的是金钱和头衔,我保证你走到这条路的尽头时,会感到空虚和悲伤。 Back when I was 23, and all I had was a little blog with less than 50 views a day, I joined an entrepreneur networking group. These guys were intimidating. They wore suits and laughed at weird jokes and liked going to bars where a beer cost $11. They called themselves "Founders" and "CEO’s" and "Investors." I quit going after a few weeks. There were many great guys and girls in that group who were kind and passionate. But there were also many members who just liked talking about their title. Titles don’t mean much anymore. Anyone can be an "expert" or a "CEO" of anything. If titles and money are what you chase, I guarantee you’ll reach the end of that road feeling empty and sad. 你应该追求的最重要的目标,应该是经验学习和个人转变。如果你总是追求成功,它就会不断地离你而去。用维克多·弗兰克的话说:"因为成功和幸福一样,是无法追求的,它必须随着你的努力而发生"。但如果你总是优先考虑惊人的个人转变和范式转换的经验,成功就会想你自身具备磁场一样跑向你。 The most important goals you should have should be experiential learning and personal transformation. If you’re always chasing success, it will constantly elude you. In the words of Victor Frankl, "For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue." But if you always prioritize incredible personal transformation and paradigm-shifting experiences, success will gravitate towards you as if you were a magnet. 我刚读完《艺妓回忆录》,这是关于一个被卖为取悦男人而努力的女孩的一个非常悲伤的故事。最悲伤的部分是年轻的艺伎,甚至没有意识到她用她的一生追求错误的东西,试着让一个男人爱上她,她相信如果她能表现得足够好,这个男人的爱最终会给她带来她一直想要的治愈和满足。大多数人一生都在追求错误的东西,金钱、性、安全和认可,这些不会给你想要的,忘掉头衔、忘掉给别人留下深刻印象、专注于成为一个让你自己无比自豪的人。 I just finished reading Memoirs of a Geisha. It’s an incredibly sad story of a girl sold into slavery of pleasing men. The saddest part is that the young geisha doesn’t even realize she’s spending her whole life chasing the wrong thing: trying to make a man love her.She believed if she could perform well enough, the affections of this man would finally give her the healing and fulfillment she always wanted. Most people spend their lives chasing the wrong things -- money, sex, security, and recognition. These won’t give you what you want. Forget about titles and impressing others. Focus on becoming a person you are incredibly proud to be. 你花在嫉妒上的时间比花在成功上的时间还多 You Spend More Time Being Jealous Than Working on Succeeding "你用来嫉妒别人成功的时间,就是别人用来努力的时间。"——乔恩·韦斯滕博格 "The time you spending jealous of others’ success is time they spent working, guess which one is more valuable."—— Jon·Westerberg 你花在嫉妒上的每一刻都是在浪费时间,我们在这个世界上没有多少时间。那些最成功和最有名的人,常常在晚年评论说一切都过去的如此之快。你没时间去嫉妒,如果你经常观察别人的行为,你就会变得不像自己,你的价值观和行为很难保持一致,这会让你不快乐和空虚。 Every moment you spend being jealous is a moment wasted. We don’t have much time in this world. The most successful and renowned individuals have often commented later in life how surprisingly fast it all went. You don’t have time to be jealous. If you constantly look to the actions of others, you rarely act like yourself. Your values and behavior have a harder time aligning, making you unhappy and empty. "个人的不协调是造成我们如此多痛苦的原因,不做自己只会毁掉你。"——蒂姆·丹宁 "Personal incongruency is what causes so much of our pain. Not being you will destroy you."-Tim Denning 不要把时间浪费在平庸的比较游戏中,选择把时间花在自己身上。我曾经听过嫉妒和怨恨,就像自己喝下毒药,却期待着另一个人死去。我认为这是一个非常准确的描述。 Instead of wasting away in mediocrity playing the comparison game, choose to spend that time working on yourself instead. I once heard being jealous and resentful is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. 我听过的关于这个话题最好的建议之一,就是简单的四个字:走你的路。其他人前进得多快并不重要,你自己有多快也不重要。如果继续看别的车道,你会撞车的。 I thought that was an eerily accurate description. One of the best pieces of advice I’ve heard on this topic was four simple words: "Stay in your lane." It doesn’t matter how much faster they’re going. It doesn’t matter how much faster you’re going. If you keep looking at other lanes, you’re going to crash. 专注于你自己,尽你所能学习、实验、失败,去发现什么是有效的。很快你就会产生动力,有朝一日回头看,天哪,我怎么成长得这么快! Focus on you. Learn all you can. Experiment, fail, and discover what works. Soon, you’ll build momentum. And one day, you’ll look around you, and marvel at just how damn fast you’re going. 停止嫉妒,把你所有的空闲时间都用来学习和成长。 Cut out jealousy. Spend all your spare time learning and growing. 总结 In Conclusion "当你为生命中的每一件事承担起全部责任的那一刻,你就拥有的改变生活的力量。"——哈儿·艾尔罗德 "The moment you accept total responsibility for everything in your life is the day you claim the power that will change anything in your life "——Hal Elrod 大多数人将保持平庸,他们将继续与大多数人争夺普通的、一般的奖品。人生不一定这样。通往令人难以置信的、令人幸福的充实生活的道路正在等着你。它是免费的、开放的,并且没有拥挤的人群。从平凡的生活到非凡的生活的转变,是你能做的最令人兴奋的决定之一。在这条道路上学习、成长和发展,会让你感受到前所未有的活力。 Most people will stay in mediocrity. They’ll continue fighting with the majority for average, subpar prizes. It doesn’t have to be this way. The road that leads to an incredibly exciting, fulfilling life is waiting for you. It’s free and open, and there are no crowds. Making the shift from an ordinary life to an extraordinary life is one of the most exciting decisions you’ll ever make. The learning, growing, and development on this path will make you feel more alive than you’ve ever felt. 选择成功而不是平庸, 选择学习而不是娱乐, 选择个人成长而不是嫉妒, 选择你想要的,而不是别人想要的! Choose success over mediocrity. Choose learning instead of entertainment. Choose personal growth instead of jealousy. Choose what you want, not what anyone else wants. 觉得这个视频和文章不错的话,建议收藏起来,迷茫时、焦虑时翻出来提醒自己。