在牛津的官网上: The following Honour Schools (both three or four year) fall within the aegis of the Group ·Mathematics ·Mathematics and Philosophy ·Mathematics and Statistics ·Mathematics and Computer Science ·Computer Science ·Computer Science and Philosophy and the criteria will be measured with full regard to their differing requirements. 明确说明了,数学,数学+哲学,数学+统计,数学+CS ,CS ,CS +哲学,这几个专业是需要参加专业类考试MAT的。 MAT(Mathematics Admissions Test)考试是牛津的专业类考试之一,想要录取牛津的相关专业,必须参加牛津的相关专业类考试。MAT考试时间为2.5小时,一共7道大题,申请者至少需要回答5道问题。专业不同,要求回答的题目也不相同,记住自己报的专业,千万别考错了。 · Mathematics, Mathematics and Statistics, and Mathematics and Philosophy applicants should attempt questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 · Mathematics and Computer Science applicants should attempt questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 ·Computer Science and Computer Science and Philosophy applicants should attempt questions 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 数学,数学+统计,数学+哲学考1-5 数学+CS考1,2,3,5,6 CS及CS+哲学专业考1,2,5,6,7 另外,这些考试也能用于华威和帝国理工相关专业的申请。 MAT考试报名9月开始,截止日期是10月15日,可以通过学校报名,也可以通过Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing (CAAT)自己报名,报名需要和UCAS的编号关联,我研究了半天,这个考试貌似只能在申请前考一次。不知是否正确,我猜的。 考试是11月头上,通知面试会在12月,然后1月初录取结果。每年都是这样一个节奏。 考试的难度和题型自己看官网,不多解释了: https://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/study-here/undergraduate-study/maths-admissions-test 自己下载题目和解答,有兴趣去刷吧。 那么有多少人考试,国际生多少,考出多少分有希望呢?英国人做的统计非常好,这是2019年考试的报告: 1.In all 2682(last year 2445) applications were received in 2019for the above fourdegrees. Of these, 2628successfully registered for and sat the MAT (2391 in 2018). All applicants are expected to sit the Mathematics Admissions Test (MAT), or must seek permission in exceptional circumstances from the subject Admissions Coordinator to be exempted from the test. In 2019the test date wasthe 30thOctober.Any applicant who failed to register for the test (including those who registered late) or who did not sit the test –and did not have exceptional circumstances –was notified that their application was no longer under consideration.· 17.5%of applicationsmadewere open applications (18.2%in 2018).·15applicants applied for deferred entry (17in 2018). Of these, 3were interviewed, and fewer than 3were offered places.32.8% of applicants were female (35.5% in 2018)and 27.1%of offer holders are female (26.3% in 2018).· 1427applicants were studying A-levelsin the UK(1356in 2018). Of these,95% were taking Further Mathematics as a full A-level. Of the 74applicants who weren’t taking Further Maths as a full A-level, 10were short-listed for interview, and fewer than 3wereoffered a place.·In 2019there were 994international fee-paying applicants (843in 2018). 2.Of the2682total applications made, 765or 29% (828or 34%) were short-listed. In all 287(288) offers, including open offers,were made. Broken down by degree subject:·Mathematics: 1828(1653) applications;559(617)short-listed;206(211) offers.· Mathematics and Statistics: 230(224) applications; 33(46)short-listed; 12(12) offers.· Mathematics and Philosophy: 119(138) applications;55(57) short-listed;20(16)offers.· Mathematics and Computer Science: 505(430) applications;118(108) short-listed;49(45) offers 原来一共也只有2682人考试,其中国际考生有994人,最后申请的分布是: 数学有1828人申请,559人进入短名单,206人收到录取。 数学+统计有230人申请,33人进入短名单,12人录取 数学+CS有505人申请,118人进入短名单,49人录取。 (备注:短名单就是获得面试资格) 那么你一定关心什么样的分数能够录取,在群友帮助下,我找到两张截图。 第一张是CS的录取分,可以看出来,非欧洲地区的申请CS的孩子基本要80分左右才有可能。 这个是具体到各个学院的数学大类的录取人数和分数。因为包含了英国,所以分数低了不少,大家参考。 基本结论是,大家准备MAT自己做做模拟卷,有80左右再去考,要么只为帝国理工或者华威考,那么另说。