麦吉尔大学(英文:McGill University)是一所坐落于加拿大魁北克的公立研究型大学。学校成立于1821年英国殖民地时期,以著名蒙特利尔商人、格拉斯哥大学校友詹姆士·麦吉尔为名,其遗赠为大学成立的基础。麦吉尔后成为美国大学协会中,两所位于美国本土以外的成员之一。大学的本部位于蒙特利尔市中心中皇家山的山脚,另一个附属校园则位于本部以西30公里、布满田野与林地的蒙特利尔岛圣安娜-德-贝尔维尤。麦吉尔众学术单位被归入13所大的学院内。以每名学生的受惠金额来算,校方为其中一所拥有最多捐款回赠的加拿大高校(每位学生21,633加币)。麦吉尔大学所赋予的学位及文凭涵盖逾300个学术领域。大学的医学院、理学院、文学院、工程学院及管理学院5所较大型的学院拥有最多学生,而大学的录取分数亦是全国最高。省内、外及国际生的学费各有参差,该校的奖学金相比其他加拿大学府也较难获取。麦吉尔在《ARWU》、《QS》及《泰晤士》排名中均位于国内三甲之列,更连续十年荣登国内《麦克林》医学博士类院校排名之首。麦吉尔大学著名的师生、校友包括了12位诺贝尔奖得主及136位罗德学者,人数均为全国最多。另还有2名加拿大总理、13名加拿大最高法院大法官及众多其他学术奖项的获奖者。麦吉尔校友同时协助了足球、篮球与冰球赛事的发展,及约翰霍普金斯医学院、英属哥伦比亚、维多利亚及艾尔伯塔大学的创立。麦吉尔在医学领域,尤其在癌症研究、免疫学、遗传学、呼吸道疾病和神经病学等方面均取得很大成就。 麦吉尔和多大比,要小很多,但是总体来说也是大校,4万的学生数,本科生2.7万多。 再来看看国际生的规模,好像比例非常大要30%+。 麦吉尔的申请到1月15日才截止,材料可以到3月中才递交。看官网,感觉麦吉尔的申请好像也是成绩占首位。首先他根据不同的学制提出各自成绩要。我拉几个给大家参考下吧。 以工院为例,美国体系要求如下: PREREQUISITES ·Courses must include: Pre-calculus; chemistry and physics ·Standardized Tests: oACT, or oSATand two SAT Subject Tests (Subject Tests must include Math and one of Chemistry or Physics) 要ACT或者SAT成绩, 另外SAT2要求数学加物理或化学,两门, 这个和美国学校要求类似。 LAST YEAR’S CUT-OFFS Bioengineering Aaverage in grades 10, 11 and 12 Ain each prerequisite math and science ACT 31(Math & Science subscores ≥ 29, others ≥ 27); or SAT: EB Read & Writing 700, Math 700 andSubject Tests: 700in each subject Chemical Engineering A- average in grades 10, 11 and 12 A- in each prerequisite math and science ACT 31(Math & Science subscores ≥ 29, others ≥ 27);or SAT: EB Read & Writing 700, Math 700 andSubject Tests: 680 in each subject Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Software Engineering Materials Engineering B+ average in grades 10, 11 and 12 B+ in each prerequisite math and science ACT 29(Math & Science subscores ≥ 27, others ≥ 24);or SAT: EB Read & Writing 670, Math 670 andSubject Tests:650 in each subject Mining Engineering 看到没有,在工程学院里面,各个专业竟然有具体的成绩要求,看分脸,妥妥的, SAT的阅读要700 以上,其实也就是默认SAT需要1500以上。还是有点难度的。 同样工院,如果IB体系,要求如下,注意,这个IB的分值是42分总分的。 LAST YEAR’S CUT-OFFS Bioengineering ·40subject points (predicted) or 39subject points (final) overall ·6 in eachmath & science Chemical Engineering ·38 subject points (predicted) or 37subject points (final) overall ·6 in eachmath & science Civil Engineering ·38subject points (predicted) or 37subject points (final) overall ·6 in eachmath & science Computer Engineering ·37 subject points (predicted) or 36 subject points (final) overall ·5 (and at least one 6) in each math & science (6 in SL Math) Electrical Engineering ·37subject points (predicted) or 36subject points (final) overall ·5 (and at least one 6) in eachmath & science (6 in SL Math) Materials Engineering ·35 subject points (predicted) or 34subject points (final) overall ·5 (and at least one 6) in eachmath & science(6 in SL Math) Mechanical Engineering ·40 subject points (predicted) or 39 subject points (final) overall ·6 in each math & science Mining Engineering ·33subject points (predicted) or 32subject points (final) overall ·5 (and at least one 6) in eachmath & science (6 in SL Math) Software Engineering ·38 subject points (predicted) or 37 subject points (final) overall ·6 in each math & science 另外,麦吉尔的语言要求不算高,除管理专业要求100外,其他是90分就够了,但是每个单项要21分以上。 Undergraduate Program Internet-based composite score (iBT)* Education (TESL), Management 100* Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (including Dietetics and Human Nutrition), Architecture, Arts, B.A. & Sc., Education, Engineering, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Religious Studies, Science, Social Work 90* *minimum component score of 21 in each of reading, writing, listening, and speaking Music 79-80 分值的要求很清晰,但是这样也好,到了分值的孩子就放胆去申请吧,这个中国人最喜欢了,有明确尺度。 另外,麦吉尔是有奖学金的哦,对于本科入学不算多,具体金额如下: McGill"s Scholarships and Student Aid Office offers merit-based entrance scholarshipsto first-time university students entering a full-time undergraduate degree program. Transfer, Mature, Diploma, Exchange, Special, Part-time and Visiting students are not eligible for entrance scholarships. There are two types of centrally-administered entrance scholarships: ·One-year Scholarships, valued at $3,000 (non-renewable) ·Major Scholarships, valued between $3,000 and $12,000 (renewable annually up to 3 or 4 years provided criteria for renewal are met) 三千加币的一年奖学金,3000-12,000加币的专业奖学金,虽说不多,但是麦吉尔的学费也便宜。每个专业的学费不同,最贵的专业也就4万多加币左右。和美国比,还是便宜不少的。再加上蒙特利尔消费不贵,真心还是不错。当然,来麦吉尔最最福利的考量是留下来容易。看下面的标准: -有意向在魁省定居并工作 -近期住在魁省并且主要目的是为了学习 -已在魁省居住时间超过整个学业时间的一半以上 -正在完成一个符合条件的魁省学业文凭并且在递交申请之后的六个月里完成学业 -达到中高级法语标准(b2) 你要补的基本就是中高级法语考出来就行,这对学生来说应该不是难事。所以,想留下来,没有比麦吉尔更合适的学校了。