2018年已经过去,但是2018所发生的大事在强烈地提醒着我们:世界技能运动的广度和深度在不断扩大。在过去的12个月里,我们看到了众多领域令人激动的发展和变化,向我们展示了技能是如何改善全球年轻人的生活。 在世界各地,甚至是外太空,世界技能从未像现在这样积极活跃,从未像现在这样与经济和社会迅速发展所带来的挑战紧密相关。 2018年,我们可以看到一个年轻的面孔:来自纳米比亚的布鲁诺·卡里尔拉(Bruno Karaerua),他是"世界技能冠军联络小组(Champion Trust)"的非洲代表。童年的布鲁诺曾经在烛光下费力地完成家庭作业,而现在,他成为了一名训练有素的电气技术人员,帮助他的村庄及其他地区带来电力光明,他说:"世界技能给了我信心和决心,鼓励我去探索并发现技能如何显著地改变我们的生活"。 然后,是三位由惠普基金会发起的"创变者2018(BeChangeMaker 2018)"指导计划的获奖者-罗西奥·利昂·阿古拉(Rocio Leon Agular)、娜塔莉亚·贝尼特斯·梅萨(Natalia Beneitez Meza)、何塞·马里奥·萨拉雅(Jose Mario Zalaya),他们分别来自危地马拉和洪都拉斯。该团队受到启发,创建的项目将传统方法中本应收割后随即焚烧的稻谷秸秆变成生物燃料和纸浆等有用的产品。这些年轻人为我们带来了鼓舞,展示了世界技能在全球真正的影响力。 此外,我们还将欢迎波兰,预计波兰今年将成为世界技能组织的第80个成员。 这一年,我们还见证了在韩国建立的世界技能国际能力建设中心(WorldSkills International Capacity Building Centre),它由韩国产业人力公团(HRD Korea)的技能传播国际研究所(GIFTS)提供支持,旨在为迫切需要技能培训的非洲和其他发展中国家提供支持。 非洲的挑战和机遇也使非盟与世界技能组织开展合作,在一个论坛上启动了数字技能活动。非洲大陆将成为本世纪世界上人口增长最快的地区,许多非洲年轻一代将面临快速变化的就业市场。"数字技能现在被认为是一项基本技能,和识字和算术一样",非盟人力资源、科学和技术专员莎拉·安洋·阿格波教授(Sarah Anyang Agbor)在论坛上说道。 我们还欢迎新的世界技能冠军联络小组的到来,其中包括7位新的代表。世界技能冠军联络小组目前有10个国家参加,新加入者将从上海的训练营开始,任期为期两年。当然,2021年世界技能大赛将在上海举行。 没有全球合作伙伴的慷慨支持,这一切都不可能发生,合作伙伴们不仅提供资金支持,而且是世界技能与行业和劳动市场的关键联系。 今年,我们新增了Studica公司作为机器人和软件产品等教育技术的领先供应商。此外、总部位于瑞典的汽车公司Car-O-Liner、全球最大的工厂自动化和机器人制造商FANUC、以及来自中国的科技教育技术企业VCOM,新近加入成为了世界技能组织最新的全球合作伙伴。 2018年7月,世界技能组织再次积极组织并举行了世界青年技能日主题活动。基于主题Skills Change Lives(技能改变生活),世界技能组织主席西蒙·巴特利先生和来自世界各地的冠军们一起录制了视频,为当天留下了美好纪念,并展示技能就改变年轻人未来的影响。 然后是2018年阿姆斯特丹世界技能全体成员大会的胜利召开和世界技能2025年战略规划的深入开展实施。感谢大会的主办方,荷兰技能组织出色地举办了这场精彩的大会和世界技能研讨会,接待了400位代表、演讲者和相关人员。 更新后的世界技能品牌在本次全体成员大会上正式公布。其中包括全新的网站、品牌动画以及相关的资源。更新的品牌定位在于让我们所做的一切的核心都是为了年轻人,为了以积极乐观的态度、为了用技能来应对未来的经济挑战。 俄罗斯和2019喀山世界技能大赛离我们不再遥远,准备工作已进入最后阶段,我们的主办方已经开始对这一世界上最伟大的职业技能竞赛进行积极宣传。 2018的世界技能旗帜传递经历了令人难以置信的旅程,首次接力是由俄罗斯联盟号火箭送往国际空间站,接下来,旗帜将继续在过去68年中曾举办过世界技能大赛的每个国家和地区中传递。目前,旗帜传递仍然在进行,现在正在俄罗斯的主要城市间进行传递。这是一个史诗般的旅程,旗帜传递活动的终点将是2019年8月在喀山的世界技能大赛开幕式。 最后是关于上海世界技能博物馆计划的重大消息,该博物馆将讲述从1950年在西班牙马德里发起,如今拥抱了世界三分之二人口的世界技能运动的动人故事。为了建造更好的博物馆,世界技能组织谨向所有的世界技能成员、全球合作伙伴,我们出色的专家和我们的冠军们发出呼吁,征集你們的作品和故事,你们的奉献将使得这个展览更加灵动,并赋予其生命。 一如既往,世界技能运动未来的成功取决于你们,我们的成员、合作伙伴和支持者。 世界技能组织在此祝您2019年幸福、快乐,前程似锦! Welcome 2019! The events of 2018 were a powerful reminder of the growing scope and reach of the WorldSkills movement. Over the past 12 months we have seen exciting developments in numerous areas that demonstrate just how skills can improve young lives all over the world. Around the world and even into outer space, WorldSkills International has never been more active or more relevant to the challenges of rapidly evolving economies and societies. One of the faces of 2018 was Bruno Karaerua from Namibia, the WorldSkills Champions Trust representative for Africa. Bruno, who once did his homework by candlelight, is now a trained electrician helping to bring electricity to his village and beyond. "WorldSkills has given me the determination and encouragement to see how my skill can make significant changes," he says. Then there are Rocio Leon Agular, Natalia Beneitez Meza, and Jose Mario Zalaya, the winners of BeChangeMaker 2018, our mentoring initiative with the HP Foundation. From Guatemala and Honduras respectively, the team were inspired to create a project to turn waste rice straw, traditionally burnt after harvest, into useful products like biofuel and paper pulp. These young people, as well as being an inspiration, show the true global reach of WorldSkills, as Poland this year became our 80th Member. The year also saw the establishment of a WorldSkills International Capacity Building Centre in Korea. Backed by the Global Institute for Transferring Skills (GIFTS) of the Human Resources Development Service of Republic of Korea (HRD Korea) it will aim to support Africa and other developing countries where skills training is desperately needed. The challenges and opportunities of Africa also saw the African Union partner with WorldSkills at a forum to launch a digital skills drive. The continent will see the worlds largest rise in population this century, with the danger that many young Africans will be left behind in a fast-changing jobs market. "Digital skills are now recognized as basic skills along with literacy and numeracy," the African Union Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology, Professor Sarah Anyang Agbor told the forum. We also welcomed the arrival of a new Champions Trust, including 7 new representatives. 10 countries are represented on the Champions Trust, and the new recruits began their two-year term at a training camp in Shanghai, where, of course, WorldSkills Competition 2021 will take place. None of this would be possible without the generous support of our Global Partners, who provide not just financial support but are a key connection to industry and the world of work. This year we added Studica a leading supplier of educational technologies such as robotics and software products, Car-O-Liner, the Swedish-based automotive company, FANUC, one of the world biggest manufacturers of factory automation and robots, and VCOM, a high-tech educational technology enterprise from China, as our newest Global Partners. WorldSkills once again led recognition of World Youth Skills Day in July. Based on the theme #SkillsChangeLives, Simon Bartley, WorldSkills President, along with Champions from around the world created videos to recognize the day and demonstrate the impact of skills to improve the futures of young people. Then it was on to Amsterdam for WorldSkills General Assembly 2018 and the further implementation of Vision 2025. Thank you to our host, WorldSkills Netherlands, for your hospitality in hosting an excellent General Assembly, and the WorldSkills Conference which attracted 400 delegates, speakers, and stakeholders. The General Assembly marked the official release of the updated WorldSkills brand, which includes a new website, a brand animation, and additional resources for Members. The brand positioning places young people and a positive view of how skills can meet future economic challenges, at the heart of everything that we do. Never far from the action was Russia and WorldSkills Kazan 2019. Preparations for next year are at an advanced stage, and our hosts are already spreading the word about the worlds greatest vocational skills contest. This year has seen an incredible journey for the WorldSkills Flag, on a relay that began with a trip on the Russian Soyuz rocket to the International Space Station and continuing through every country where a WorldSkills Competition has been held over the past 68 years. The Flag is still on the move, now visiting major cities in Russia, an epic journey in itself, that will end at the Opening Ceremony in Kazan next August. Finally comes the big news of plans for a WorldSkills Museum in Shanghai that will present a compelling narrative for a movement that began in Madrid in 1950 and now encompasses two thirds of the worlds population. To build the Museum, an appeal has gone out to all WorldSkills Members, the WorldSkills Global Partners, our amazing Experts and our Champions for artefacts and stories that will bring this collection vividly to life. As always, the future success of WorldSkills rests with you, our Members, partners, and supporters. WorldSkills wishes you a happy and prosperous 2019! 來源:世界技能组织 翻译:陈晓曦 副教授 世界技能大赛中国(天津)研究中心