日前传出亚马逊首席执行官杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)与妻子麦肯齐(MacKenzie)离婚的消息。 然后...更劲爆的信息出来了,亚马逊CEO贝索斯给出轨对象劳伦·桑切斯(Lauren Sanchez)的露骨短信和私密处照片被泄露了。 我们来感受一下全球首富如何撩妹的: "I love you, alive girl. " "我爱你,你这个有活力的女孩。" "I love you. I am in love with you." "我爱你。我现在正与你热恋。" "You make me better.You"re meant for me." "你让我成为更好的人。你是我命中注定的那个人。" "I am so full of love for you.My heart is growing just so it can have room for you. " "我现在全身心地爱着你。我的心在成长,因为这样才能有更多空间给你。" "I want to hold you tight.… I want to kiss your lips…. I love you. I am in love with you." "我想把你抱紧。我想亲吻你的双唇。我爱你,我与你热恋。" "You know what I want? I want to get a little drunk with you tonight. I want to talk to you and plan with you. Listen and laugh … I basically WANT TO BE WITH YOU!!! Then I want to fall asleep with you and wake up tomorrow and read the paper with you and have coffee with you." "你知道我想要什么吗?我想要今晚跟你喝得微醺。我想要跟你好好谈一下,计划一下。倾听彼此,一起欢笑。其实我只是想跟你待在一起!!!然后我们一起相拥入眠,第二天早上一起醒来,一起看报纸,喝杯咖啡。" 以下是外媒的报道: Jeff Bezos,54,sent a picture of his private parts and several shirtless shots to Sanchez,49,months beforethey supposedly started dating in"the fall"afterseparating from their respective spouses,the Enquirer reported. 54岁的亚马逊首席执行官杰夫?贝佐斯把自己私密部位的照片和几张半裸照发给49岁的桑切斯。 亚马逊是全球最大的电商公司,目前市值7929亿美元,相当于23个京东。在今年早些时候,市值曾突破一万亿美金,和微软、苹果并列成为美国科技界的三巨头。