第1篇第2篇第3篇第4篇第5篇更多顶部 Ŀ¼ 第一篇:关于金钱与荣誉英语演讲稿:moneyandhonor第二篇:英语演讲稿:moneyandhonor-金钱与荣誉第三篇:关于金钱与财富的格言_荣誉第四篇:关于时间就是金钱的英语演讲稿第五篇:英语演讲稿:如何节省金钱更多相关范文 正文第一篇:关于金钱与荣誉英语演讲稿:moneyandhonor the duality of money has been puzzling people since its first appearante. on the one hand, clean money can sweeten your life, help you succeed and be your lifelong faithful companion. on the other hand, dirty money may posion your mind, ruin your happiness and discard you suddenly as a false friend. the market economy tells us that everyone should earn a living by selling something. professors sell their knowledge, workers sell their labor, farmers sell their produce. money now appears more powerful than anything else and drives people crazy. the temptation of money often challenges one’s honor. we are not ashamed to make more money to have a better life by our sweat. however,there is a widespread concern that millionaires become the heroes no matter whether they make any contribution to our society. some people try desperately to make big money, which, more often than not, end up with degradation, corruption and crime. though money is indispensable to our life, dirty money may drag us into hell. there are many things no money can buy. we will keep our honor intact at any cost because it is our soul. love of money is the root of all evil. for myself, i would rather die than dishonor myself for money. 参考译文: 自从钱存在的第一天开始,对于钱的定义一直令人费解。一方面,干净钱能变甜你的生活,帮助你取得成功,并成为您一生忠实的伴侣。另一方面,脏钱可能破坏你的幸福和抛弃你突然作为一个虚假的朋友。 市场经济告诉我们,每个人都应该谋生卖东西。教授出售他们的知识,出售他们的劳动工人,农民出售他们的农产品。钱现在看来更强大的比其他任何事情都和驱动器的人疯了。金钱的诱惑常常挑战一个人的荣誉。我们并不感到羞耻赚更多的钱有一个更美好的生活我们的汗水。然而,人们普遍关切的是,成为百万富翁的英雄,无论他们做出任何贡献,我们的社会。有些人试图拼命赚钱,而更多的,往往不是最终退化,腐败和犯罪。 虽然钱是必不可少的,我们的生活,脏钱可能拖累我们带入地狱。有很多事情没有钱可以买到。我们将继续我们的荣誉完整不惜任何代价,因为这是我们的灵魂。爱钱是万恶之源。我自己,我宁可死比侮辱自己的钱。第二篇:英语演讲稿:moneyandhonor-金钱与荣誉 the duality of money has been puzzling people since its first appearante. on the one hand, clean money can sweeten your life, help you succeed and be your lifelong faithful companion. on the other hand, dirty money may posion your mind, ruin your happiness and discard you suddenly as a false friend. the market economy tells us that everyone should earn a living by selling something. professors sell their knowledge, workers sell their labor, farmers sell their produce. money now appears more powerful than anything else and drives people crazy. the temptation of money often challenges one’s honor. we are not ashamed to make more money to have a better life by our sweat. however,there is a widespread concern that millionaires become the heroes no matter whether they make any contribution to our society. some people try desperately to make big money, which, more often than not, end up with degradation, corruption and crime. though money is indispensable to our life, dirty money may drag us into hell. there are many things no money can buy. we will keep our honor intact at any cost because it is our soul. love of money is the root of all evil. for myself, i would rather die than dishonor myself for money.第三篇:关于金钱与财富的格言_荣誉 荣誉,就是不懈的努力。 ――〔法〕于・列那尔《日记摘抄》 荣誉这个词儿的含义就是义务。 ――〔俄〕陀思妥耶夫斯基《少年》 荣誉是什么?就是别人的爱,希望为别人谋利而获得人们的夸奖。 ――〔俄〕列夫・托尔斯泰《托尔斯泰论文集》 荣誉是热情站在阳光中的影子。 ――〔黎巴嫩〕纪伯伦《沙与沫》 荣辱者,祸福之门也。 ――〔中〕刘向《说苑・臣术》 人的美德的荣誉比他财富的荣誉不知大多少倍。 ――〔意〕达・芬奇《论绘画》 还有比生命更重大的,就是荣誉。 ――〔德〕席勒《阴谋和爱情》 我的荣誉就是我的生命,二者互相结为一体;取去我的荣誉,我的生命也就不再存在。 ――〔英〕莎士比亚《理查二世》 生命是每一个人所重视的,可是高贵的人重视荣誉远过于生命。 ――〔英〕莎士比亚《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》 美的可贵不是荣誉本身,而是得到应得荣誉的崇高人格。 ――〔日〕池田大作《青春寄语》 人生富贵驹过隙,唯有荣名夺金石。 ――〔中〕顾炎武《秋风行》 已获得的荣誉是我们想再获得的东西的保证金。 ――〔法〕拉罗什福科《道德箴言录》 每个社会等级都有自己的荣誉。 ――〔法〕巴尔扎克《交际花盛衰记》 荣誉这东西,不会给一个偷盗它、但配不上它的人带来愉快,它只有在一个配得上它的人的心里才会引起不断的颤动。 ――〔俄〕果戈理《肖像》 荣誉不是法令所管得到的。 ――〔美〕马克・吐温《马克・吐温自传》 荣誉有如萤虫之火。在暗黑的夜空里,它放着光,显示出美丽,极其可贵。但是靠近一看,立刻就会明白它是何等的软弱无力。 ――〔日〕池田大作《青春寄语》 人民越信任,自己越能不辜负其信任,荣誉也就越高。 ――〔中〕谢觉哉《思想随笔》 荣誉之获得在于把一个人所有的才能和价值无损无伤地显露出来。 ――〔英〕弗・培根《论尊严与名誉》 一个人有了发明创造,他对社会作出了贡献,社会也就会给他尊敬和荣誉。 ――〔英〕罗・特雷塞尔《穿破裤子的慈善家》 勇敢的荣誉在于旗鼓相当的格斗中。 ――〔法〕蒙田《随笔集》 谁能作战,谁就获得荣誉。 ――〔德〕格里美尔斯豪森《痴儿西木传》 荣誉的得来,一定是由于做的事公正无私,对众人有好处。否则即使成功,也不光荣。不光荣,就不会享受到成功的真正快乐。 ――〔法〕罗曼・罗兰《罗兰小语》 一个人对于荣誉,可以有适度的欲望,也可以有大于或小于适度的欲望;欲望太过的人,叫做有野心;不足的人,叫做无野心。 ――〔古希腊〕亚里士多德《关于德性和过恶》 关于荣誉和耻辱,其适度是适当的自豪。其过度,可以叫做虚荣,不及则可叫做卑贱。 ――〔古希腊〕亚里士多德《关于德性和过恶》 通过荣誉的捷径就是一无所有。 ――〔英〕塞缪尔・巴特勒《平凡的观察》 对于天性简朴者而言,享乐比辛劳和痛苦更不自在;对于天性淡泊者而言,荣誉也同样不自在。 ――〔英〕塞缪尔・巴特勒《平凡的观察》 一定得保护荣誉,除此之外,我们都可以牺牲。 ――〔法〕雨果,引自《雨果传》 对滥用荣誉和世人的虚荣抱怨得最响的,正是那些最渴望得到荣誉的人们。 ――〔荷〕斯宴诺莎《伦理学》 得到应得的荣誉是可贵的。只是应该注意不要利用荣誉来挥动权势,妄自尊大。 ――〔日〕池田大作《青春寄语》 如果有人损坏了我的荣誉,不论我们之间等级差别多大,我情愿抛弃我的特权身份,要和他站在同等地位,要求他补偿我的荣誉。 ――〔英〕斯末莱特《蓝登传》 只有继续不断地前进,才可以使荣名永垂不替,如果一旦罢手,就会像一套久遭搁置的生锈的铠甲,谁也不记得它的往日的勋劳,徒然让它的不合时宜的式样,留作世人揶揄的资料。 ――〔英〕莎士比亚《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》第四篇:关于时间就是金钱的英语演讲稿 时间就是金钱,这句话从我懂事开始就开始听了。下面小编就跟大家分享一则关于时间就是金钱的英语演讲稿,欢迎大家阅读。 today is may 16, 2014.there is less than a month before the college entrance examination. i still remember the day before the examination. i and you ever made great effort to realize a dream of entering a university. and now we are here. but most freshmen are dissatisfied with the life in university in the first term, before i went to university, i viewed university as a freedom paradise where i can do anything i like. but when i get here. everything turn to be out of my imagination. i have to do a lot of homework everyday just as in senior high school. living condition is not as good as in my expectation, food here is far from being delicious. and that is what most freshmen complain about. but i must say we should still enjoy the life in university because it is the most worthwhile in our life. firstly ,it is the time we begin to form our outlook of our life. we attend classes, go to the library, surf the internet. all of these provide us with valuable knowledge and information. secondly university life is rich and colorful, without heavy task, we get more time to take a break develop some hobbies. these will surely make our life more wonderful. finally in university we can develop our social skills as well as knowledge and wisdom necessary for hunting a job. small organizations in school can provide a variety of opportunities of leaderships as well as teamship. take students union for example. it is a place where we can get our abilities trained. all of these prepare for our future. time is money, but money can not get back time. four—years of college life is short in a person’s life. do not waste time any more. try to be confident and dynamic and try to make our university life more wonderful and meaningful. believe that we can fly and we are sing in the sky.第五篇:英语演讲稿:如何节省金钱 以下分享的这英语演讲稿的主要是围绕“如何节省金钱”的主题而展开的,大家敬请阅读。 ladies and gentlemen:welcome future millionaires!im here to talk about money. we all need money.we all want to be rich.we all want to make a fortune. money doesnt grow on trees.money doesnt come easily.let me tell you how to save money. first,you must be frugal.you should be careful with your money.you should be a conservative spender. live within you(转载请注明来源:wWw.haOWord.cOM)r means.live within your budget.never spend more than you make. look before you leap.manage money wisely.dont let money burn a hole in your pocket. second,dont be a borrower.pay off your bills.pay off what you owe. out of debt,out of danger.debt is like a bottomless pit.once in it,you fall deeper and deeper. be debt free.never borrow from others.keep away from debt. tird,dont be a lender.never lend money to others.lend your money and lose your friend. lend only in case of emergency.len only if the need is reasonable.if your friend asks for one hundred,lend him twenty. no borrowing.no lending.penny and penny laid up will be many. fourth,buy things with cash.avoid using credit cards.avoid those interest pauments. never spend your money before you have it.never buy things you cannot afford.try to do without credit cards. buy only what you need.dont buy what you want.know the difference to save money. the above is my advice.from saving comes having.neither a borrower nor a lender be. follow these rules.the sky is limit.your millions are waiting for you. thanks for listening.have a great day!now,start saving for financial success. 更多精彩的文章分享: 英语演讲稿:奉献是一粒种子 英语演讲稿:因为有你 让我的信心重塑的英语演讲稿 向您推荐更多范文: 中学生英语演讲稿:荣誉 中学生英语演讲稿:荣誉 关于金钱英语演讲稿:钱不是万能的 关于金钱英语演讲稿钱不是万能的 英语演讲稿:时间和金钱 time and money