英文学以致用,领略语言之美。有道词典,不只是查单词,还带你看天下。 We"ve all been warned at some point: "Never lie in a job interview!" 我们都在某些时刻被警告过:"永远不要在面试中撒谎!" But Peter Harris, editor-in-chief of online job board Workopolis, says "that"s simply not realistic." 但是,在线招聘网站Workopolis的主编皮特·哈里斯说"这可不现实。" "There are definitely some lies that you will likely have to tell in order to get hired for a new job," he says. "You certainly shouldn"t lie about abilities that you don"t really have. There"s no point in being hired for a job that you can"t actually do." "为了得到这份新工作,有些谎你不得不撒,"他说。"当然,你不能骗人说,你具备一些自己其实没有的能力。在找工作这件事情上,你没什么不能做的。" You also shouldn"t lie about working somewhere you haven"t or obtaining educational credentials you haven"t actually earned, he adds: "These are easily confirmed in background checks and tend to come out in the end." 你也不能谎报自己没工作过的公司或者没得到过的学历,他补充道:"这些谎在人家查看你的背景资料时很容易就能确认,而且随着时间流逝,这方面的真实情况也会逐渐显露出来。" But some half-truths, exaggerations, or white lies on your résumé, application, or in an interview are OK, he says. 但是,他说,一些真假参半的事实,夸大之词或者你的简历、申请表以及面试中的善意谎言其实是没关系的。 Here are a few that are acceptable in certain situations: 下面,我们就来看看,哪些情况下可以接受善意的谎言: 1. "Yup, I"ve only worked at these three companies" ‘是的,我只在这三家公司工作过’ "If you"ve worked somewhere for a very short period of time, or where it ended badly — you were fired for cause, or burned bridges on your way out — leave it off your résumé," Harris says. "如果你在某个地方工作的时间非常短,或者离开时的场面很不好看——比如你被炒鱿鱼了,或者是边离开边毁坏了什么东西——那就不要写到你的简历上了,"哈里斯说。 "A résumé doesn"t have to be a comprehensive list of everything you"ve done. It"s a marketing tool for the job you want. So just list the relevant, positive experiences." "一份简历并不需要做到综合列出你的所有经历。这是你为了得到工作而制作出来的工具。所以,只把相关的、积极正面的经历列出来就好了。" 2. "I loved everyone on the old team" ‘我很喜欢以前团队里的每一个同事’ Nobody likes everyone, and there are probably some difficult personalities at every workplace. 没有人会喜欢所有人,而且在每个公司里都会有一些很难对付的人。 "However, you should tell every future employer how great the staff was at your previous job, and how it was a privilege to work with such great people," he suggests. "不过,你得告诉每一个你未来的老板,你上一份工作里的员工们是多么多么棒,你为能跟他们共事感到很荣幸,"他建议道。 "Anything else will make you sound like a complainer and potentially a problem personality yourself." "如果说些其它的话,会让人觉得你很爱抱怨,而且可能你本身也就是个性格不太好的人。" 3. "My interests include reading, traveling, charity work ..." ‘我的兴趣有读书,旅行,慈善工作……’ If your real passions are beer, popcorn, and Netflix, you should probably not mention those in your job interview — unless, of course, you"re applying for a job with Netflix, Pop Secret, or Sam Adams. 如果你真实的热情所在是啤酒、爆米花和煲剧,那你在面试当中最好不要提到这些——当然了,除非你在应聘电视台、潮流节目或者明星助理。 "If you"re going to list interests at all on your résumé or discuss them in your interview, make sure they relate directly to the job or the culture of the company you are applying to," says Harris. "如果你要在简历上罗列出你的兴趣爱好或者是在面试中谈论它们,那你要确保它们和你正在应聘的这份工作或者公司文化直接相关,"哈里斯说。 "Does the company page include photos of the team on charity mountain bike rides? If so, your interests include mountain biking and charity fundraising." "这个公司的网站上有放团队在慈善活动中骑自行车越野的照片吗?如果有,那么你的兴趣爱好就要包括骑山地自行车和慈善募捐活动。" 4. "My last boss was the greatest" ‘我的上一任老板是最棒的’ The most common reason people leave jobs is because of their relationship with their manager, but that"s not something you can confide in a future boss. 人们离开一个岗位的最大共同原因就是他们和自己的主管关系不好,但是,这不是一件你可以跟未来老板倾诉的事情。 "Say your old manager was a great leader and you learned a lot from them," he advises. "Bad mouthing your old boss will have the potential new one wondering what you"ll say about them next." "大赞你的旧主管是个很好的领导者,你从他们身上学到很多,"他建议道。"说你旧主的坏话会让你的未来老板不禁好奇,如果你离开了这里,会不会也这样说他们。" 5. "I am considering leaving my job because this opportunity seems too great to pass up" ‘我考虑换一份工作是因为这个机会看起来不容错过’ The real reason you"re leaving probably has something to do with the boss, the coworkers, the work itself, the commute, or the money. 你离开上一份工作的真实原因可能是因为你的老板、同事、工作本身、通勤代价或者是工资问题。 "But that"s not what you say," Harris says. "Tell your potential new boss that it"s because this opportunity — the one at their company — came along. It"s the career move you"ve been waiting for and you are passionate about working for them specifically." "但是,这不是你该说出来的,"哈里斯说。"告诉你的未来老板,是因为在他们公司工作的这个机会出现了。这是你所期待的职业发展,你特别感兴趣跟他们一起工作。" 6. "My greatest weakness is ..." ‘我最大的弱点是……’ You shouldn"t make something up — but you also shouldn"t necessarily share your actual greatest weakness. 你不应该瞎编——但是你也没必要把你真实的最大弱点说出来。 "Everyone lies when answering this question," says Harris. "That"s how the game is played. You don"t honestly say that your greatest weakness is inattention to detail or accepting feedback gracefully." "每个人在回答这个问题的时候都会说谎,"哈里斯说。"就是应该这样。你不会很诚实地说,你最大的弱点就是不够细心或者友好地接受反馈。" Instead, share a weakness that doesn"t actually affect your ability to do the job at hand, and explain how you"re working to improve it. 相反,你应该说一个完全不会影响你工作能力的弱点,然后解释一下,你是如何改善它的。 "This shows that you are self-aware and proactive," he adds. "这能展示出你是个有自知之明又自觉主动的人,"他补充道。 If you get caught ... 如果你被戳穿了…… Harris says that these are the kinds of lies that you are very unlikely to be caught for. But if you do get caught in an outright lie, apologize, he suggests. 哈里斯说,这些谎言是最不容易被发现的。但如果你被戳穿了,那就道歉吧。 "Explain that you were so passionate for the role that you stretched the truth in order to get the chance to prove what you could really do on the job. You may still be cooked anyway, but it"s worth a shot," he concludes. "解释清楚,你是因为太想获得这次工作机会了,所以你夸大了事实,以证明自己真的可以胜任。尽管你还是很有可能被炒,但这也值得一试,"他总结道。