导语:法律是维护国家稳定、各项事业蓬勃发展的最强有力的武器,也是捍卫人民群众权利和利益的工具,也是统治者统治被统治者的手段。这里励志故事网的小编为大家整理了40句法律谚语中英对照,希望你们喜欢。 1、法律是最保险的头盔。 law is the safest helmets. 2、人民的愉悦是至高无个的法。 the pleasure of the people is the highest without a method. 3、法律的性命不是逻辑而是经验。 the life of law is not logic but experience. 4、极端的法规,就是极端的不公。 extreme rules and regulations, and is extremely unfair. 5、法律的真谛,就是没有绝对的自由,更没有绝对的平等。 The true meaning of the law, is that there is no absolute freedom, more no absolute equality. 6、如果法律没有恐惧支撑,它绝不能生效。 If the law fear supports, it will not take effect. 7、放下利害,放下尊严,放下身份-爱情面前;比法律更人人平等。 Put down stakes, put down the dignity, put down the identity - love. More than the law everyone is equal. 8、法律就是法律它是一座雄伟的大夏,庇护着我们大家;它的每一块砖石都垒在另一块砖石上。 The law is the law it is a magnificent building, the protection of us; Its every piece of brick and stone base on another piece of brick and stone. 9、有两种和平的方式,那就是法律和礼节。 There are two kinds of violence of peace, that is the law and etiquette. 10、法律的力量应当跟随着公民,就像影子跟随着身体一样。 The force of law should follow the citizen, like a shadow along with the body. 11、在法律面前,一切头衔都无济于事。 The title before the law, all to no avail. 12、法律结束之处,正是暴政开始之处。 At the beginning of the end of the law, it is tyranny. 13、不体现民意的法律是绝对行不通的。 Don't reflect public opinion law is absolutely won't work. 14、法令所以导民也,刑罚所以禁奸也。 Law carries a penalty so guide people also, so rape also bans. 15、崇德明礼民安定,尚法守制国昌隆。 Chong DE Ming li people settle, rectify ShouZhi a country by law. 16、法律是人民意志的自由而庄严的表现。 The law is the expression of the people's freedom of will and stately. 17、要理解法律,特别是要理解法律的缺陷。 To understand the law, in particular to understand the defects of the law. 18、公平、公正的实现要有廉洁自律来保证。 The realization of fairness and justice be honest self-discipline to guarantee. 19、自然界中没有奖赏和惩罚,只有因果报应。 In nature there are no rewards or punishments; there are consequences. 20、法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有好的秩序。 Law is order, and good law is good order. 21、法律是为了保护无辜而制定的。 law is designed to protect the innocent. 22、法律是社会习俗和思想的结晶。 Law is the crystalization of the habit and thought of society。 23、法乃善良公平之道。 Law is the science of what is good and just。 24、法律必须保持稳定但却不能一成不变。 Law must be stable and it cannot stand still。 25、有瑕疵的法律胜于不确定的法律。 Law that is deficient is better than law that is uncertain。 26、法律旨在防止强者滥用权力为所欲为。 Laws are made to prevent the stronger from having the power to do everything。 27、法律过于温和难于遵守;过于严酷则难于执行。 Laws too gentle are seldom obeyed;too severe, seldom executed。 28、法无明文规定者不为罪,法无明文规定者不处罚。 No crime without law making it so;no penalty without law making it so。 29、法律难顾及全民,与大众有利已足。 Scarcely any law can be made which is beneficial to all;but if it benefits the majority it is useful。 30、实体法界定权利,程序法则制定保护和实施权利的秩序。 Substantial law defines rights, and procedural law establishes the procedures by which rights are protected and enforced。 31、自由是一种必须有其自己的权威、纪律以及制约性的生活方式。 Freedom is a must have its own authority, discipline and conditionality way of life. 32、法律如果不讲道理,即使延续时刻再长,也还是没有制约力的。 If unreasonable, even if the continuation of time longer, also has not further reading.in. 33、法律赋予公民的是权利和义务;公民依附法律的是人格和尊严。 The law was given to citizens' rights and obligations; Citizens to the personality and dignity of the law. 34、所谓人的法律,我是指生活的一种方策,使生命与国家皆得安全。 The so-called human law, I mean a kind of life and make life and national security. 35、任何权力都不得位于法律之上,否则它就成为腐败的最大的温床。 Any power are not allowed in the law, otherwise it will become the biggest a hotbed of corruption. 36、一项法律越是在它的理解者那里以恶行为前提,那么它本身就越好。 The more a law in its understanding of evil behavior premise, there it is, the better. 37、法律的基本原则是:为人诚实,不损害他人,给予每个人应得的部分。 The basic principles of law is: honest, does not harm others, give everyone deserves part. 38、法发展的重心不在立法、不在法学,也不在司法判决,而在社会本身。 Law of the development of the centre of gravity is not legislation, not law, is not in judicial decisions, and in society itself. 39、法律越多,违法者越多。 The more laws, the more offences。 40该法律文件具有法律约束力。 This document is legally binding。