快生活 - 生活常识大全


  出国在外,乘坐交通工具是必不可以少的。今天Master Osifu English为大家推介一些乘车交通用语,大家学以致用,去不同的地方替换不同词汇,Master Osifu English祝福大家出国顺利!
  火车站在哪?Where is the railway station?
  墨尔本中心火车站。Melbourne central stationg, please.
  多少钱?How much is it?
  又去墨尔本中心火车站的巴士吗?Is there a bus that goes to Melbourne central station?
  去墨尔本的火车是从哪一站离开的?What station does the train for Melbourne leave from?
  卖票的地方在哪?Where is the ticket office?
  一张去墨尔本的票。A ticket to Melbourne, please.
  单程还是环程票?One way or a round trip ticket?
  二等单程。Second class one way, please.
  火车上设有座位预留吗?Are there reserved seats on the train?
  我想没有必要,因为火车不是很挤。I don’t think it’s necessary, as the train won’t be crowded.
  我可以中途下车吗?Can I stop over on the way?
  一张去墨尔本的二等票。Can I have a second-class ticket to Melbourne, please?
  我买票有折扣吗?Are ther any discount tickets for me?
  我可以看看时间表吗?May I see a timetable?
  这每天都通火车吗?Does this train run everyday?
  我想明天去墨尔本,几点的火车?I’d like to go to Melbourne tomorrow. What time is there a train?
  有更快的车吗?Is there a train that goes any faster?
  火车从哪站出发?From which station does the train leave?
  在哪个窗口我可以做预定?At which window can I make a reservation?
  我想要订个座位。I’d like to reserve a seat on this train.
  我想订张去墨尔本的卧铺。I’d like to reserve a sleeper to Melbourne.
  我想要个上层(下层)的。I’d like the upper (the lower)berth.
  可以预定座位吗?Are any reserved seats available?
  我想改变我的预订。I’d like to change my reservation.
  我需要预订吗?Do I need a reservation?
  吸烟(非吸烟)车厢。Smoking(non-smoking)car, please.
  车票多长时间有效?How long is the ticket valid?
  什么时候第一辆(最后一辆/下一辆)成从墨尔本出发?What time does the frist/last/next train to Melbourne leave?
  有直达车吗?Is it a direct train?
  有去墨尔本的联运吗?Is there a connection to Melbourne?
  我还需要换车吗?Do I have to change train?
  火车准时出发吗?Will the train leave on schedule?
  火车几点到墨尔本?What time does the train arrive in Melbourne?
  有特快列车吗?Are there any express train?
  这辆车是去哪的?Where does the train go to?
  列车会分离吗?Does the train split up?
  这有餐车(卧铺)车厢吗?Is there a dining (sleeping)car on the train?
  火车在墨尔本停吗?Does this train stop at Melbourne?
  有直达去墨尔本的火车吗?Is there a direct train to Melbourne?
  我在哪换车?Where do I change trains?
  多长时间能到墨尔本?How long does it take to get to Melbourne?
  火车从哪个站台出发?What platform does the train leave from?
  这个是去墨尔本的站台吗?Is this the right platform for the train to Melbourne?
  去墨尔本需要多长时间?How long does it take to go to Melbourne?
  去墨尔本需要换车吗?Do I have change trains to go to Melbourne?
  你能帮我看一下包吗?Can you help me with these bags?
  去墨尔本的火车在这站停吗?Does the train to Melboune stop at this staiton?
  还有多长时间火车能到?How many more minute will it take for the train to arrive?
  这是去墨尔本的火车吗?Is this the train to Melbourne?
  打扰一下,我能过去吗?Excuse me, may I get by?
  这座有人吗?Is this seat taken?
  我可以坐这吗?May I sit here?
  我想这是我的座位。I think this is my seat.
  我可以吸烟吗?May I smoke?
  我需要订餐厅的座位吗?Do I nees a reservation for the dining car?
  我可以在7点订桌吗?Could I reserve a tablt at 7 o’clock?
  我可以中途下车吗?Can I stop over with this ticket?
  这是去墨尔本的车,对吗?This car goes to Melbourne, doesn’t it?
  这车去墨尔本吗?Does this car go to Melbourne?
  我可以打开窗户吗?May I open the window?
  下一站是什么?What is the next stop?
  车在这停多长时间?How long does this train stop there?
  到墨尔本之前可以告诉我一下吗?Could you let me know before we get to Melbourne?
  我们什么时间到墨尔本?What time do we get to Melbourne?
  这站是哪里?What station is this?
  卧铺在哪里?Where is the sleeping car?
  我的床铺在哪里?Where is my berth?
  可以整理一下我的床铺吗?Could you make up my berth?
  明天7点能叫我起床吗?Could you make me up at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning?
  我丢了我的票,我该怎么办?I lost my ticket. What should I do?
  我能取消这张票吗?Can I cancel this ticket?
  我想换成头等票。I’d like to change this ticket to the first class.
  我找不到火车站了。I missed my staiton.
  我找不到火车了。I missed my train.
  我忘了些东西在火车上。I left something on the train.
  请确认我的通行证。Please validate my pass.
  从后天开始45天之内我用这张通行证。I’d like to start using this pass for 45 days from the day after tomorrow.
  我可以用这张票上次吗?Can I get on this train with this ticket?
  ABC办公室在哪?Where is ABC office?
  我需要预订吗?Do I need a reservation?
  我有A票。I have an A pass.
  你们发行曾刊的优待劵吗?Could you issue the supplement coupons?
  ABC线路的巴士站在哪里?Where is the bus depot for the ABC buses?
  卖票的地方在哪里?Where is the ticket office?
  到墨尔本,谢谢。To Melbourne, please.
  我能上次买票吗?Can I get a ticket on the bus?
  墨尔本出发的巴士是几点?What time does the bus for Melbourne leave?
  去墨尔本多长时间?How long does it take to get to Melbourne?
  我还得换车吗?Do I have to transfer?
  在哪里可以检查我的行李?Where can I check my baggage?
  我能带着这些行李吗?Could I keep this baggage?
  从墨尔本出发的车在几号门?Which gate does the bus for Melbourne leave from?
  哪辆车去墨尔本?Which bus goes to Melbourne?
  下一辆车什么时候出发?What time does next bus leave?
  这个座有人吗?May I sit next to you?
  我可以坐你旁边吗?May I sit next to you?
  我的行李应该放在哪里?Where should I put my baggage?
  巴士什么时候离开?What time does this bus leave?
  洗手间在哪里?Where is the rest room?
  巴士在这停多久?How long does the bus stop here?
  我在这里下车。I’ll get off here.
  我要坐下辆车。I’ll take the next bus.
  可以给我张巴士线路图吗?May I have a bus route may?
  我可以看一下时刻表吗?May I see the time table?
  有去墨尔本的巴士吗?Is there a bus to Melbourne?
  我应该在哪转站?Where should I transfer?
  我在哪里能买到票?Where can I buy a ticket?
  步行去那里需要多长时间?How long does it take to get there on foot?
  哪辆车去飞机场?Which bus goes to the airport?
  这是去墨尔本的巴士吗?Does this bus go to Melbourne?
  去墨尔本多少钱?How much is it to Melbourne?
  换车票。Transfer ticket, please.
  去墨尔本要停多少站?How many stops to Melbourne?
  我在墨尔本站下车。I’d like to get off at Melborune.
  能告诉我什么时候下车吗?Could you tell me when to get off?
  我怎么能让巴士停下来?How can I get the bus to stop?
  在教堂前我要下车。I’ll get off at the cathedral.
  我在这下车。I’ll get off here.
  我可以看一下地铁线路图吗?May I have a subway map?
  去墨尔本我应该换哪条线?Which line should I change trains to go to Melbourne?
  在墨尔本中心火车站我从哪个出口走?Which exit should I take for Melbourne central station?
  下一站是墨尔本中心火车站吗?Is the next station Melbourne central station?
  哪有出租车站台?Where is the taxi stand?
  你能为我叫辆出租车吗?Could you call a taxi for me?
  我在哪能赶上出租车?Where can I catch a taxi?
  去哪里?Where to?
  去动物园多少钱?How much does it cost to zoo?
  你能带我去墨尔本再接我回来吗?Could you take me to Melbourne and bring me back?
  你可以把暖风(空调)打开吗?Could you turn on the heating (air-conditioning)?
  你能帮我搬行李吗?Could you help me carry my baggage?
  去这里。To this place, please.
  我有急事。I’m in a hurry.
  你能带我去市中心大概转一下吗?Could you give me a brief tour of the city, please?
  可以等我吗?Would you wait for me?
  可以开的慢点吗?Could you drive more slowly?
  请右(左)转。Please turn to the right(left).
  停这里。Stop here, please.
  收费和仪表盘上的不一样。The fare is different from the meter.
  谢谢,不用找钱了。Thank you. Keep the change.
  在这条河上有什么样的游览船?What kind of excursion curises are there on the river?
  这里一天有多少游览船?How many cruises are there each day?
  我在哪里上船?Where can I board the ship?
  来回需要多长时间?How long does it take to there and come back.
  下一班船什么时候出发?What time does the next ship leave?
  有夜间的游览船吗?Is there a moonlight curise tonight?
  费用包括吃的吗?Does the fare include meal?
  我们什么时候上船?What time do we board?
  这艘船什么时候出发?What time does the ship leave?
  我的船室在哪?Where is my cabin?
  去南岸需要多长时间?How long does it take to south bank?
  我们在那个码头停靠?At which port do we stop?
  我可以预定一张甲板上的椅子吗?Can I reserve a deck chair?
  什么时候可以吃早餐?From what time can I have breakfast?
  我们在这里停靠多久?How long do we stop here?
  当船靠港的时候,我想看看周围的景色。I’d like to do some sightseeing while the ship is in port.
  能给我些要吗?我晕船。I’seasick, may I have some medicine?
  能帮我找个医生吗?Could you call a doctor, please?
  我想要租一辆汽车。I’d like to rent a car, please.
  在哪里我可以租到车?Where can I rent a car?
  我做了预订。I have a reservation.
  这是我的凭证。This is my voucher.
  你们又什么样的车?What kind of cars do you have?
  我想要辆自动挡(轻便/运动)车。I’d like an automatic(a compact/a sports) car.
  我可以看下费用单吗?May I see the rate list?
  我想在租之前看下车。I’d like to see the car before I rent it.
  我想租这种车3天。I’d like to rent this type of car for 3 days.
  你们又特价吗?Do you have any special rates?
  每天(周)怎么收费?What is the rate per day(week)?
  3天的费用是多少?How much does it cost for 3days?
  公里数是免费的吗?Is the mileage free?
  包括汽油吗?Does it include gas?
  不,还车的时候请加满油。No. Fill the gas when you return the car.
  保险在这费用中吗?Does the price include insurance?
  我可以用中国的驾照开车吗?Can I drive a car with my Chinese driving license?
  你想要保险吗?Do you want insurance?
  我想要全额保险。I’d like full insurance.
  这是我的国家驾照。This is my international driving permit.
  请写下你的家庭地址。Please write down your home address.
  你在哪里暂住?Where are you staying?
  明天早上请把车送到波士顿酒店。Please send the car to Boston Hotel tomorrow morning.
  什么时候我还车?When do I have return the car?
  我能把车放在我的目的地吗?Can I drop it off at my destination?
  你们取车需要多少车费?How much do you charge for dropping off the car?
  我需要支付押金吗?Do I have to pay a deposit?
  请告诉我一旦发生紧急情况我应该给谁打电话?Please tell me some places to call in case of trouble.
  能个我张道路地图吗?May I have a road map?
  这附近有加油站吗?Is there a gas station around here?
  请加满油。Fill it up, please.
  10元钱。Ten dollars of gas, please.
  如何使用这个油泵啊?How can I use this gasoline pump?
  你能检查一下电池(刹车油)吗?Could you check the battery (brake fluid)?
  离合器片没有正常工作。The clutch isn’t working right.
  车发出奇怪的声音。The car makes a strange noise.
  我有一个瘪胎。I have a flat tire.
  我的车抛锚了。My car has broken down.
  能告诉我在地图上的什么位置吗?Could you show me on the map where I am?
  这里最近的旅店在哪?Where is the nearest hotel around here?
  我可以停在这吗?Where can I park?
  请叫警察。Please call the police.
  请叫救护车。Please call an ambulance.
  最近的电话在哪?Where is the nearest telephone?
  关于交通工具的用语就这些,Master Osifu English希望大家融会贯通,举一反三,活学活用。