据国外媒体报道,演员玛戈·基德(Margot Kidder)日前在蒙大拿的家中去世,终年69岁,目前死因未知。基德曾在克里斯托弗·里夫主演的《超人》电影里饰演超人女友路易斯·莱恩,也参演了接下来的三部续集,她直到今年还在演戏,在一些电影和电视剧里出演配角,也参演了百老汇舞台剧《阴道独白》。 基德与躁郁症斗争多年,曾在1996年短暂地无家可归,在那之后她成了精神健康的倡导者。基德结过三次婚,但自从80年代就一直单身,育有一个女儿。 玛戈·基德个人资料: 性别:女 星座:天秤座 生卒日期: 1948-10-17至2018-05-13 出生地:加拿大,西北地区,耶洛奈夫 职业:演员 更多外文名: Margaret Ruth Kidder (本名) / Margie (昵称) 家庭成员: Philippe de Broca(前夫) / Thomas McGuane(前夫) / John Heard(前夫) 玛戈·基德简介: Margaret Ruth Kidder (October 17, 1948 – May 13, 2018) professionally known as Margot Kidder, was a Canadian American actress and activist. She rose to fame in 1978 for her role as Lois Lane in the Superman film series, alongside Christopher Reeve. Kidder began her career in the 1960s appearing in low-budget Canadian films and television series, before landing a lead role in Quackser Fortune Has a Cousin in the Bronx (1970).