第一篇:2014医学生面试自我介绍 医学生面试自我介绍: 我是锦州医学院临床医学专业毕业生,现在内蒙古赤峰市医院实习,即将面临毕业。 在这以知识与信息为背景的时代,面对众多高学历的求职者,作为一名大学生求职者,我深知:只有拥有一技之长,精通自己的专业技能,才能在社会立足。因此,三年多来,在校训“博学至精,明德至善”的指导下,我不断地充实完善着自己。 在校积极参加学校的各种文娱活动和社会实践活动,并取得一定的成绩:在大一和大二的暑期社会实践中,所在小分队均荣获“校优秀小分队”称号;同时,我身体素质极佳,擅长多项体育运动。 临床医学是二十一世纪最具活力、最具发展生机的学科之一,另外,它也是一门实践性很强的学科,自赤峰市医院医院实习以来,我努力地将所学理论知识运用到具体实践中去,不断的发现自己的不足,并不断向老师请教,在同事和老师的不断帮助和自己的不懈努力下,我已初步掌握了临床医学工作的一些基本方法。 临床医学是一个高尚的专业,需要我们加倍努力去探索和发展,我热爱这个职业,真诚的希望贵单位能给我一个施展自己才华的舞台,我将全身心的投入到工作中,让自己在实践中不断成长,让我们 共同努力,为临床医学事业的发展添砖加瓦! 第二篇:医学生面试自我介绍 医学生面试时的自我介绍 面试看长相 气质 性格。一般是问些生活问题和与病人的沟通技巧问题 不用太担心。 在这5分钟的时间里,有你的自我介绍,还有考官对你的提问。这种提问包括职业认识、职业道德、专业知识以及沟通技能。在这些提问中容易出问题的还是专业问题,因为在提专业问题时,医院的管理者容易出在医院的医疗工作中需要了解的,或工作中容易遇到的问题。 各种专业的人员都 要为病人服务,都要执行医疗的一些规定与制度,所以如果学的不是临床,也应了解临床的一些重要的核心制度与对医生的要求,不要只注意自己专业知识,不顾及临床的周边知识。在了解临床周边知识的同时,更要掌握自己本专业的相关知识,使得全体面试官看到的是一位专业知识熟练全面的、理想的专业人员。而不是不但周边知识不掌握,对自己所学专业的知识都不掌握的,让人不能信任的应聘者。 医学生面试三十六计(提纲) 1、请用3-5分钟的时间简单地作下自我介绍。 please use 3-5 minutes to briefly introduce youselves for the next/ please use 3-5 minutes for the simple self-introduction. 2、通过研究生课程的学习,对自已有哪些方面的促进(你取得了的哪些进步)? 我想应该是学习整合能力、专业理论、科研能力等的提高。 3、你博士学习了哪些方面的课程,成绩如何? 必修课程有英语、政治、专业课(…)、专业基础课(…),选修课有统计学、细胞术。所学课程均取得了中上等成绩。 4、你的能力与特长?。 (答专业+管理能力)/你评价一下自己的专业能力? 5、你有哪些专业能力上的不足之处或待提升的方面?/你的专业能力的不足之处有哪些,或哪些方面有待提高? 6、近期(工作中)取得的主要业绩有哪些? 学术研究:academic research: 临床实践:clinical practice: 行政管理: 学会任职及其他: 7、在…医院、…医院、…医院不同的收获及积累?(能力及/或业绩积累方面综合答) 在原单位, 在…医院期间, 在…医院期间, 经过上述…家医院的临床一线工作,以及本人硕士、博士期间长期从事…的研究,使自己在…临床水平、科研能力均得到了较大提升。本人…经验,在科室行政、医疗质量把关、教学等方面均有一定心得。 8、过去经历中有无发生医疗事故、纠纷或失误,得到了什么样的经验、教训? 未发生过责任事故、纠纷或大的失误,但是诊治偏差有时还是有的,特别在初入这个行业时。随着经验的不断积累、专业理论的不断丰富,基本上很少出现大的偏差。 9、从业经历中印象最深的一件事?(医生脱岗等) …年,我刚上班半年时,,有个同事在大年三十下午值班室去理发店理发,在他离开期间,有个病人病情出现变化,尽管值班护士及时给予了基本处理,但是医生接到通知赶到病房时,病人已经死亡。家属因此向医院提出了巨额赔偿,虽然并未通过司法程序。该医生也因此被调离临床转岗。那时病人的维权意识与现在比不可同日而语,但是仍然给我留下了深刻影响――对医生来说责任重于泰山。而且家属说了句话,令我至今记忆犹新――如果医生当时在场,无论病人出现任何结果,我们绝不会想到院方有任何责任。 10、收入、付出倒挂,医生竞争力特别强,冲击高学历,社会负面评价多,从业中有无困惑? 当然也有,这种情况与社会的不断发展、各种社会制度的不断完善、公民的维权意识等有关。但我既然选择了这个职业,就要坚定地走下去,我个人还是比较热爱医疗事业的,认为医生是受人尊重的职业,少数不良之人并不能代表整个医疗界,社会上总是需要甘于奉献的人群。 11、你认为作为一名医生,应具备什么样的素质? 知识的更新能力、良好的职业道德、良好的服务意识、严谨的工作作风。 12、工作的过程中,遇到你与上级领导/医生的诊治有较大差异时如何处理? 加强探讨与交流,仔细分析临床资料,开拓思维,通过交流得出准确的判断,为病人做出及时正确的治疗。同时医疗行为不是单纯的下级服从下级,关键是围绕病情做好科学的诊疗。当然作为上级医生其经验、能力高度不同,工作中一定要虚心地向他们学习、交流、探讨。 13、遇到疑难杂症时你如何处理? 这种病人往往需要住院系统的检查、治疗。入院后,我会认真按照诊疗程序、充分发掘自己的医疗知识,对病人进行诊断。3日确诊不能完成,要请上级医师或科主任查房,7日仍然不能确诊的话,就要申请科内病例讨论,或全院相关专业大会诊。 14、如何看待当前社会上相对紧张的医患关系? 一方面来自医生、医院自身,确实存在少数医生收受红包、索要回扣、责任心不强、业务能力差以及医院管理混乱等现象,对于医院、医生是一次失误,对患者是100%伤害,甚至是致命的。因此,存在上述现象的医院频发医疗事故和引发的社会负面评价在所难免,也是可以理解的。我想,通过提升医生素质,加强医院管理,这种现象是会得到改观的。 另外一方面,社会舆论的引导很重要,要肯定医疗行业的主流,否则容易误导群众。医疗行业是个受人尊重的职业,和乐于奉献的群体。非典事例、甲流…恰恰说明了这一点。 15、评价下你现在的上级领导/导师? 主任 副主任 16、周围的人怎样评价你? 你对自己的个性评价? 用一句话概括下自己 17、你最大的优点?最大的缺点? 优点:较强的学习整合能力吧,通过硕士、博士理论学习与科研训练,能够很好的与实践相结合,达到学以致用。 缺点: 18、你最大的优势是什么?(…能力及专业能力特长来答) 首先,我有较强的学习整合能力 其次,我多年来在…病,尤其在。病的诊治上积累了丰富的临床经验。 此外,我的临床操作能力强:… 19、欲找/转换工作的原因? /为什么要离开你工作过的的医院/ 我,,,工作的医院,应该说前景比较好,但是作为…医院,…发展受到很多条件的限制。作为一名工作多年…医生,还是想进入一家比较有实力的医院,以更好的发挥自己的专业特长。 20、为何选择应聘…院? 21、介绍下你曾所服务的…家医院? 我工作的医院是 22、你选择职业主要考虑的因素是什么? 重点是医院的实力、发展的前景、个人的职业发展平台。当然收入也是一个因素。 23、从医院前景、医院实力、人际环境、个人发展平台、收入等各方面考虑,请你对择业的优先因素做个排序? 我认为是:医院的前景、实力、个人发展平台、收入、人际环境。 24、如果有幸进入我院,如何快速切入工作角色? 首先,我会尽快熟悉医院文化,工作程序,医疗应急机制,医疗设备及医院能够开展的相关检查、检验项目; 其次,我会根据医院对我的工作定位,根据相应岗位的工作要求,来履行其责任; 同时,尽快配合医院做好医师执业证的变更,我目前在海珠区卫生局注册,变更注册相对简单。这样,相信我会很快进入角色,为医院效力。 25、你未来职业生涯的规划? 进入一家有规模实力的医院,利用自己所学与经验,通过进一步的实践提升,以及与贵院专家、同事的交流与学习,成为在地区或业界有影响力的肾病专家。当然如果有良好的发展机会,更希望能成为集专家型、科研型及管理型于一体的复合型人才。 26、你过去的收入状况?期望的收入?/你过去的收入是多少?你期望的收入是多少? 因为…在发展中,我每月的收入约…元。这是税前的收入水平… 基于我的能力、资历、学历等,我相信医院会给我一个合理的价值定位。医院有自身的薪酬体系,我也期望医院能够在相应的区间内给予上限。 27、介绍下你的家庭 28、假如医院录用了你,你如何能够很快切入工作? 首先,我会尽快熟悉医院文化,工作程序,医疗应急机制,医疗设备及医院能够开展的相关检查、检验项目; 其次,我会根据医院对我的工作定位,根据相应岗位的工作要求,来履行其责任; 同时,尽快配合医院做好医师执业证的变更,我目前在海珠区卫生局注册,变更注册相对简单。这样,相信我会很快进入角色,为医院效力。 29、假如你作为科室主任,你如何来开展工作? 1、尽快了解科室基本情况:如熟悉科室人员的职称结构及个人能力,检查各项制度的落实情况,了解科室设备及运转情况,检验医疗应急措施实施效果,了解科室开展的技术项目及科室文化。 2、在行政管理上,根据上述了解的情况,针对不足,做出相应的完善或改进措施,及时跟进其落实情况;根据人员的技术特点及能力,进行合理分工。 3、在业务管理上:狠抓医疗质量,及时检查监督医疗文书的书写情况,根据执业医师法及…省病例书写规范和医院的相关管理措施,制定相应的奖惩措施。定期查房,及时为病人制定合理正确的诊疗方案。定期进行业务学习,组织好疑难危重病人的讨论。做好医保、合作医疗、公费医疗病人的住院管理工作,按照相应费别,在不影响病人治疗的情况下,控制好病人的住院费用。同时抓好病人收容工作,以优质的技术服务吸引更多患者。采取各种措施,宣传科室,扩大影响。 四、在医德医风建设上:杜绝红包及回扣,以病人为中心,做好病人的各项服务。 4、在科研教学上:根据科室情况,指定短期及长期科研规划;指定技术骨干,对科室实习进修医生、研究生进行实习带教。 5、在科室文化建上,定期组织科室职工进行文化娱乐活动,及时了解职工生活及工作困难,把科室建成一个和谐的科室,有凝聚力的集体。 名词: 36、如何看待目前的就业难现象?如何看待目前医学生就业难现象?如何看待中医专业学生就业现象? 第三篇:医学生面试自我介绍 医学生面试自我介绍 good morning: thank you for giving me the chance for this interview. can i introduce myself to you, my name is zhou ping, i was born in 1992,in 双鸭山city heilongjiang province. my major is combine traditional chinese and western medicine , and i will graduate from heilongjiang university of chinese medicine in july, 2014. and i hope to work and develop in your hospital.during the past five years, i have studied a lot of medical knowledge, including anatomy(解剖), physiology(生物学), pathology(病理学), tcm basic theories , learned systematically(系统) the theory of profession(专业) ??.. with the help of my supervisor(检查人), i have successfully finished the subject "??? " and grasped(领会) some experimental(实验) skill , such as cell culture(培养) ?i passed the cet 6 test in2014, after that, i tried my best to learn medical english and mastered(精通) a lot of medical terms. i am good at listening, speaking, reading and writing. i can manipulate(操纵) computer proficiently(精通) and master(精通) microsoft(微软公司) office software(软件), also be familiar with excel and photoshop, etc. during five-year study in research(调查), i studied hard and strived for excellence in our field. i benefit from working together with excellent colleague. i developed quality of diligence, responsibility, kindness and honesty. my internship(实习期) in college of attached hospital. could qualify(证明?有资格) me for this job, and i believe i can be fit for the position quickly. i am looking forward to working in your department. if i am admitted,(录用) i will be thankful and try my best to work for you. thank you very much. 第四篇:医学生面试自我介绍英文版 医学生面试时的自我介绍 医学生面试自我介绍(英文版) dear sir: thank you for giving me the chance to interview and it is my pleasure to introduce myself to you. my name is…., born in 1986, ….city, ….province. i major in ……and i will graduate from the…….. medical university in july, 2014. hope a chance to work and develop in your department. during the past three years, under the strict guidance of my tutor, professor jinxin in college of medical, i have learned systematically the theory of profession and got the basic manipulative skills about …….. with the help of my supervisor, i have successfully finished the subject "……… " and grasped some experimental skill , such as cell culture, dna extraction and other molecular biology technique; abstraction, separation, ….. .. i passed the cet band 4 test in2014, after that, i tried my best to learn medical english and mastered a lot of professional vocabulary. i am good at listening, speaking, reading and writing.. i can manipulate computer proficiently and master microsoft office software, also be familiar with spss and photoshop, etc. during three-year study in research, i studied hard and strived for excellence in our field. i benefit from working together with excellent colleague. i developed quality of diligence, responsibility, kindness and honesty. my internship in college of ….. could qualify me for this job, and i believe i can be fit for the position quickly. i am looking forward to working in your department. if i am admitted, i will be thankful and try my best to work for you.thank you very much good morning, everyone! i"m very glad to be here for this interview.first let me introduce myself. my name is hujianhua i"m 28 years old. my hometown is yancheng in jiangsu province. i"m going to graduate from yzu in july in this year. my research interests is about xxxx that supported by national science foundation. thanks to my supervisor, prof. xxx"s instruction, i get to know about some methods how to carry out scientific researches, and i get to be quite familar with related essential skills, such as cell culturing, rt-pcr techniques, sirna techniques. in the past 3 years, i have published x papers and have another x to be pu blished. meanwhile, i have taken part in serval national medical conference in te past 2 years. i won xx prize in 200x. as a surgery, i"m able to build xxxx model by myself, and i have in-situ operation eperiences working as a xx doctor. i sincerely appreciate my supervisor"s strict training and unselfish teaching! as a student, i have a good record in my courses. cet6 has already been passed. i have a good command of english, both in writtern and spoken. what"s more, i"m not only able to read foreign medical document, but also able to write medical papers in english. i believe that one will easily be lagged behind unless he keeps on learning. if i were in favor by your hosptial, i"m sure to work as hard as i can. i wish i may do some contribution in the development of your hospital. thank you! 第五篇:14医学生面试自我介绍 医学生面试自我介绍 dear sir: thank you for giving me the chance to interview and it is my pleasure to introduce myself to you. my name is?., born in 1980, ?.city, ?.province. i major in ??and i will graduate from the??.. medical university in july, 2014. hope a chance to work and develop in your department. during the past three years, under the strict guidance of my tutor, professor ??in college of ???, i have learned systematically the theory of profession and got the basic manipulative skills about ??.. with the help of my supervisor, i have successfully finished the subject "??? " and grasped some experimental skill , such as cell culture, dna extraction and other molecular biology technique; abstraction, separation, ?.. .. i passed the cet band 6 test in2014, after that, i tried my best to learn medical english and mastered a lot of professional vocabulary. i am good at listening, speaking, reading and writing.. i can manipulate computer proficiently and master microsoft office software, also be familiar with spss and photoshop, etc. during three-year study in research, i studied hard and strived for excellence in our field. i benefit from working together with excellent colleague. i developed quality of diligence, responsibility, kindness and honesty. my internship in college of ?.. could qualify me for this job, and i believe i can be fit for the position quickly. i am looking forward to working in your department. if i am admitted, i will be thankful and try my best to work for you. thank you very much. thank you for giving me the chance to interview and it is my pleasure to introduce myself to you. my name is lifeng. i major in ……and i will graduate from the…….. medical university in july, 2014. hope a chance to work and develop in your department. (网 中 网公文) 自我介绍:学生 (语文网中网文秘频道) good morning. i am glad to be here for this interview. first let me introduce myself. my name is ***, 24. i come from ******, the capital of *******province. i graduated from the ****** department of *****university in july, 2014.in the past two years i have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while i have been teaching *****in no.****middle school and i was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two. now all my hard work has got a result since i have a chance to be interview by you. i am open-minded, quick in thought and very fond of history. in my spare time, i have broad interests like many other younger like reading books, especially those about ****.frequently i exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line. in addition, during my college years, i was once a net-bar technician. so, i have a comparative good command of network application. i am able to operate the computer well. i am skillful in searching for information in internet. i am a football fan for years. italian team is my favorite. anyway, i feel great pity for our country’s team. (语文网中网摘录,版权属原作者) i always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .of course, if i am given a chance to study ****** in this famous university, i will stare no effort to master a good command of advance ******. (语文网中网摘录,版权属原作者) (网中网友情提示:发表论文请选择正规刊物) during the past three years, under the stric(内容来源好 范文网:WWw.hAOWOrd.COM)t guidance of my tutor, professor ……in college of ………, i have learned systematically the theory of profession and got the basic manipulative skills about …….. with the help of my supervisor, i have successfully finished the subject "……… " and grasped some experimental skill , such as cell culture, dna extraction and other molecular biology technique; abstraction, separation, ….. ..