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  想写一封有礼貌的英文邮件,一定要掌握好结尾祝福语的使用方法。 Love, Best Reagards, cheers......这些词的区别是什么?应该在什么情况下使用它们呢?本文按照这些用词的正式程度来排序,和大家详解每一个词语的使用时间,越往后就越正式。
  Very personal. Used between lovers, family and close friends.
  Very casual. Used between friends. Can be used between coworkers if you want to appear very casual, at the risk of sounding unprofessional.
  Take care
  Casual and used between friends.
  Thanks or Thank You
  "Thanks" is very casual and "Thank You" is formal. Usually used in a business setting. "Thank You" is a great way to end an email to a stranger, especially if you are making a request or asking a question.
  Thanks偏随和,而 Thank You 比较正式,常用于商务场合。当你给陌生人写信,尤其是请求协助,提出要求或者询问事项时,用Thank You是收尾的好选择。
  Yours or Yours Truly or Truly
  Casual or Business casual. A more personal, but still polite way to end the letter. You"ve probably met the recipient in real life.
  日常交往或者商务场合都可以。 它算是一种比较私人的结束语,但同时也可以体现出你的礼貌。一般用于你之前见过面的对象。
  Best or Best Wishes
  Casual or Business casual. A polite way to end the letter. Can be used between friends or strangers.
  Sincerely or Sincerely Yours or Yours Sincerely
  Casual, Business casual or Formal. The standard letter ending. "Sincerely" is the most versatile ending because it can be used to end either casual or formal correspondence. If you"re unsure about how to sign your letter, use "Sincerely".
  日常交往、商务或更正式的信件。 是标准的信件结束用语。 "Sincerely" 是使用范围最广的一种结束语,无论日常和正式通信都可以使用。如果不确定怎么结尾署名,就用sincerely吧。
  Regards or Best Regards
  Business casual or formal. You would use this if the recipient is someone you haven"t met in real life.
  适用商务或更正式的信件。 如果你和收件人之前并不认识,或未在生活中打过交道,您可以用这两个词来结尾。
  Formal. Used in business correspondence when the topic of the letter is serious. Sometimes used if there is a conflict between the sender and the recipient.
  正式的结束用于。 当信件的内容是非常重要的时候或商务谈判时可以使用。当你和收件人之间有分歧或者冲突的时候,也可以使用。
  Using an ending that is too casual for the situation may not always be inappropriate. Conversely, using a casual ending can show your self-confidence. But to do this requires you to gauge whether the recipient would like a more casual conversation.
  这是一张有关Email Closing Words的神图,大家再感受一下: