众所周知,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京酷爱运动,他不仅是一名柔道高手,而且还擅长打猎、台球、冰球等。不过,近日,英媒文章一篇文章披露,这位"全能硬汉"也很爱读书,尤其喜欢看小说。本期内容为您介绍普京最爱读的5本小说。 名人书单:普京最爱读的5本小说 1. "The Wine of Wisdom: The Life, Poetry and Philosophy of Omar Khayyam" 《杯酒智慧:莪默·伽亚谟的人生、诗歌和哲学》 Khayyám"s poem is as well-known for its soul-searching beauty as for the fact that a mathematician wrote it. Explorations of life"s temporary nature jogs elbows with alcohol, as the author strives to make sense of the call of religion versus the immediacy of death – and the folly of trying to find Paradise on earth. 正如人人都知道这诗歌出自数学家之手,同样,莪默·伽亚谟的诗歌因其追寻灵魂之美而广为人知。对于生命转瞬即逝的本质探寻引发了杯酒之欢,作者试图理解宗教的召唤和突如其来的死亡间的关系,探究缘何人们愚笨地在地球上寻求天堂。 2. "The Three Musketeers" by Alexandre Dumas 亚历山大·仲马《三个火枪手》 There should be more book recommendations made on Dumas" masterpiece, than just for the worn-out Musketeers" quote on the magic blend of individuality and brotherly unity. There are enough quotable insults to sink a small Shakespearian ship, just between Athos and Aramis and Porthos, besides the wrangles they have with the young hothead D"Artagnan. There is villainy most foul, with Cardinal Richelieu trying to have young King Louis XIII assassinated. A host of minor characters, including the Musketeers" manservants, keep the dialogue lively, and the sinister blend of high-level politics and love keep everyone occupied. 《三 个火枪手》将个人和兄弟情义魔法般地融为一体,以往引经据典的书评至今已觉不新鲜,我们应当有更多书评推荐大仲马这部大作。 且不谈阿托斯、阿拉米斯、波托斯还有年轻莽撞的达达尼昂之间的纠葛,单摘录三剑客之间的唇枪舌剑就足以打沉莎士比亚时代的一艘小船。恶贯满盈的红衣主教黎 塞留,试图刺杀年幼的国王路易十三。还有包括火枪手的男仆在内的一群小角色,使得对话生动风趣;此外,正邪相混的高层政治和爱情让每一个读者全神贯注无暇 分心。 3. "The Brothers Karamasov" by Dostoevsky 陀思妥耶夫斯基《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》 This is one of the best allegorical novels to explain the fractured nature of 19th century Russia. Each character is representative of one of the ruling classes. There is the father Fyodor, the landowner who is negligent about his land, but greedy in using its produce for himself. There"s Dmitri, who has been passed around from house to house, and has grown up an entitled but debt-ridden soul. There"s the skeptic Ivan, who wishes to live more than people. Third is gentle Alyosha, the mystic and religious peacemaker, and the illegitimate Smerdyakov. Through out are themes of love, law, and duty, which makes this one of the best Dostoyesky books to read besides Crime and Punishment. 这是最好的寓言小说之一,阐述 了19世纪俄国分崩离析的本质。每个角色都是统治阶级的代表之一。父亲费多尔是个疏于耕种的地主,却贪婪地一心要把作物占为己用。德米特里,挨家挨户游 荡,长大成人虽有权利在握,却心债累累。满腹狐疑的伊凡,整日想着要比起别人活得更长。老三阿廖沙性格温和,信仰宗教,是个和事佬;还有私生子麦尔佳科 夫。贯穿全书的主题是情爱、法律和责任,这让其成为陀思妥耶夫斯基《罪与罚》之外最值得一读的书籍。 4. "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky 陀思妥耶夫斯基《罪与罚》 This is Dostoyevsky"s second most famous work (besides Brothers Karamasov), and also centers around a crime and a court case. Roskolnikov, a student deeply in debt and intellectual and moral issues, has a mad desire to kill the pawnbroker who owns some of his valuables, in order to pay his landlady. There are plenty of family and social issues to be explored, including the link between prostitution and arranged family marriages, the downward spiral of madness, and the nature of poverty and charity. 这是陀思妥耶夫斯基(《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》之外)第二大名著,围绕罪行和法院讼案展 开。拉斯柯尔尼科夫是个债台高筑的学生,深陷学识和道德问题的泥沼。他想付房租,而他的财物不少在当铺老板那里,疯狂之下,拉斯柯尔尼科夫动了杀机,欲杀 害当铺老板。书中有许多家庭和社会问题有待剖析,如嫖娼和包办婚姻之间的联系,不断恶化的精神失常问题,及贫穷与慈善的本质。 5. "Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy 列夫·托尔斯泰《安娜·卡列尼娜》 More humanly centered than his other well-known work, War and Peace, Tolstoy makes it clear that life is far too complicated for easy handouts of mercy or judgment. The novel begins with a case of family brokenness and adultery. The contrast between Anna, who runs away with her lover Vronsky, and Lenin (who marries Vronsky"s former romantic interest), is especially worth reading. As one falls, the other rises, seeming to imply that following one"s heart is only as worthwhile as true morality is also followed. 比起另一部广为人知的作品《战争与和平》,这部作品更加以人为本。托尔斯泰明言 生活复杂,不能轻松施以同情、给予判断。小说的开场是一个家庭的破裂和婚外情。安娜(与情人渥伦斯基私奔)与列文(娶了渥伦斯基先前的爱慕者)之间的反差 最值得一读。一方兴起,一方衰落,似乎想要暗示只有遵从真正的道德时才能从心所欲。