快生活 - 生活常识大全


  1. When all is lost, then all is found 一切尽失时,万物终将临
  2. Though the future remains unknown. May our good luck last. May our past be past. 未来依然未知,只希望好运气继续,过去的成为过去
  3. Time's moving fast, it’s true. Some things stay the same. Some things are always true. Some things never change. 任时光如何变迁,一些事情永远是真实,保持原样,不会改变的
  4. These days are precious. Can't let them slip away. I can't freeze this moment. But I can still go out and seize this day. 世间万物变化如此快,我们能做的就是珍惜现在,不无所作为地让时光白白溜走,把握现在,全力出发。
  5. There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day.And ignore your whispers which I wish would go away. I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls 有一千个继续现在安稳生活的理由,而拒绝无视内心的召唤(这种自欺欺人的无奈)
  6. Who knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be? How do I follow youInto the unknown? 有谁(有人)知道我本不属于这里。 我该如何追随这种内心呼唤走向未知的未来。
  7. This will all make sense when I am older.Someday I will see that this makes sense. One day when I'm old and wise. I'll think back and realize That these were all completely normal events 当我长大了,现在不明白的一切就能解释清楚了,总有一天我会明白。我会长大并且变得睿智,到那时当我回顾这一切时会发现,现在这些都是再正常不过的事。
  8.There's a river full of memory.河流是有记忆的。
  9. Growing up means adapting, Puzzling at your world and younse when I am older.Someday I will see that this makes sense. One day when I'm old and wise. I'll think back and realize That these were all completely normal events 当我长大了,现在不明白的一切就能解释清楚了,总有一天我会明白。我会长大并且变得睿智,到那时当我回顾这一切时会发现,现在这些都是再正常不过的事。
  10. If you don’t want me to chase you into fire, then don’t run into fire. 如果你不想我跟着你跳进火海,你自己就别往火海里跳(为了你,我愿赴汤蹈火)
  11. This grief has a gravity It pulls me down.But a tiny voice whispers in my mind.You are lost, hope is gone.But you must go on.And do the next right thing. 悲伤犹如地球引力般把我拖垮,但是我脑海中有个声音告诉我,虽然方向已迷失,希望已失去,但是你必须坚持前行,做出下一件正确的事。
  12. I won't look too far ahead. It's too much for me to take. But break it down to this next breath, This next step,this next choice is one that I can make 我不能看得太远,那样对我来说承受太多,我只能把事情拆解到下一次呼吸,下一小步,下一个需要做出的选择。
  13. Just do the next right thing. Take a step, step again. It is all that I can to do 仅仅做好下一个正确的事就好,一步,又一步,这就是我所需要做的。
  14. North is south, right is left When you're gone. I'm the one who sees you home.But now I'm lost in the woods. 你不在的日子里,南北颠倒,左右不分,我本应是那个送你回家的人,现在却迷失在森林。
  15.Some look for trouble while others don't.一些人喜欢探索,喜欢尝试看似在自找麻烦的不同事物,一些人喜欢安安稳稳过着每日生活。
  16. Now I know you're my true north Cause I am lost in the woods. Up is down, day is nightWhen you're not there. 迷失在森林中让我发现,你就是我的北斗七星,时刻为我指引着方向。你不在的日子里,我上下颠倒,昼夜不分。
  17. you're my only landmark, So I'm lost in the woodsWondering if you still care. But I'll wait for a sign that I'm your path ‘Cause you are mine. 你是我人生的唯一路标,因为你离开了,我才会迷失在森林中,可是心里依然想着你会不会在意。我会一直等待着一个信号,证明我就是你的真命天子,因为你是我生命的全部,终将属于我。
  18. You are the answer I've waited for all of my life 你就是我毕生都在找寻的,等待的答案。
  19. I have always been so different. Normal rules did not apply . 我总是那么独特而与众不同,一切常规都无法在我身上套用。
  20.But not too far or you'll be drowned,不要走太远,以免溺水
  21. I wanna make you swoon, babe. I wanna rock you with my righteous romance. I'm gonna be the man you want. I wanna make your life so good 我想让你因为爱神魂颠倒,我想用我的浪漫给你惊喜,我想成为你梦寐以求的王子,想让你生活得无比幸福。
  22. I know how crazy lucky I am to love you.Gorgeous, funny, brave, and brilliant Beautiful, won't give up on anyone You! 能够爱上你我是多么地幸运,你是如此的了不起,风趣幽默,勇敢,才华横溢,充满魅力,还不会抛弃任何人。
  23. I wanna love you in the best way I can. I wanna make you cry In a good way!By proving I could be your perfect man.I meant to write it in the sky. I meant to get down on one knee. 我想用最好的方式去爱你,我想让你喜极而泣,从而证明我是你的完美爱人,我想把对你的爱写在天空,我想要单膝跪地。
  24. I will love you with all my might. I promise you, in here. As long as we're together, we won't lose our nerve 我在这里发誓,会全心全意去爱你,只要我们在一起,就永远充满着勇气与力量。
  25.You are the one I've waited for all of my life.你是我毕生等待的那个人。
  26. I wanna get this right, babe. I wanna thrill you in the way you deserve.I wanna blow your mind, darling. I wanna give you what you want. I wanna be the man you choose 我想把这件事做好,我想让你激动万分,心花怒放,我想给你你想要的一切,做你命中注定的那个人。
  27.The next step was a question of how. I never thought it was a question of whether. Who am I, if I'm not your guy? Where am I, if we're not together Forever? 你离开后,我脑海中所想的是下一步该如何找你,从没想过是否要找你。如果我不是你的真命天子,我又是谁?如果我们不能永远在一起,我又该身在何处?
  28.There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day.And ignore your whispers which I wish would go away. I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls.为自己找了一千个继续现在安慰生活的理由,最后只能拒绝无视内心的召唤。
  29.These days are precious. Can't let them slip away. I can't freeze this moment. But I can still go out and seize this day.
  30.hough the future remains unknown. May our good luck last. May our past be past.未来依然未知,只希望好运气继续,过去的成为过去。