快生活 - 生活常识大全


  导语: 在2045年,现实世界衰退破败,人们沉迷于VR(虚拟现实)游戏"绿洲(OASIS)"的虚幻世界里寻求慰藉。下面励志故事网小编为大家整理了《头号玩家》语录,大家快来看看吧。
  1. People come to the oasis because they can do all kinds of things, but they sink down in this way for a different life.大家来到绿洲是因为可以做各种事,但是他们沉沦于此是为了不一样的人生。
  2. Im telling you this now because the future is in crisis.我现在跟你们说这些,是因为未来陷入了危机。
  3. Its not just a game. Im talking about life and death in the real world.这不仅仅是一个游戏,我说的是现实世界中的生死。
  4. There are many people who ha.ve lost their lives. It is a war to control the future.现在有很多人已经失去了生命,这是一场控制未来的战争。
  5. Find him. Welcome to the rebellion.找到他,欢迎加入起义军。
  6. This is the "oasis" world, where the only limit is your own imagination.这是"绿洲"世界,在这里唯一限制你的是你自己的想象力。
  7. If reality ever scares me and makes me miserable, it is only in reality that I can truly eat a good meal即使现实再令我恐惧,再令我痛苦,也只有在现实中,我才能真正吃顿好饭。
  8. Ask yourself, are you willing to fight for it?问问你自己,你愿意为此而战吗?
  9. Whether you like it or not, the ones that go forward dont go backwards.不管你喜不喜欢 该往前的不会后退
  10. came here to escape from reality, but I found something far more important than myself, and I made a lot of friends, and I found love.我来这里是为了逃避现实,但我发现了远比自己更重要的东西,我交到了许多朋友,我找到了真爱。