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  《First Love, Last Rites》是一本由Ian McEwan著作,Vintage Books出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 14.00,页数:165,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。
  《First Love, Last Rites》精选点评:
  ●The absurdity of life and loneliness of mankind..
  ●很独特的感觉 第一个故事是杀妻。第二个故事是操妹。 第三个故事是死姐。第四个故事是群P。 第五个故事是溺童。第六个故事是返童。 第七个故事是兽交。第八个故事是异装。
  ●"last day of summer" is my favorite story,while "solid geometry" is quite original~
  ●Ian McEwan is a sick ,sick man. But damn he can write!——Goodreads上某评论
  ●Solid Geometry...
  《First Love, Last Rites》读后感(一):青春期前的爱与伤害
  Ian McEwan通过不同年龄阶段,相同的灵魂波动给我们剖析了他所想让读者看见的一切。
  同样地,Ian McEwan这本<first last="" rites="">,书封同样是青春期前的少年影像,倒置的影像,瘦削的少年,迷茫回避的表情,避而不见的眼神。在满世界的阳光中寻找一点解释迷茫,触及心底的阳光。</first>
  Ian McEwan并非天才,论天才,许多人都强于他。
  《First Love, Last Rites》读后感(二):读书笔记
  《First Love, Last Rites》,英国作家伊恩·麦克尤恩的处女作,短篇集,1975年出版,作者时年27岁,本书获得1976年毛姆奖(奈保尔的《米格尔大街》也曾获此奖)。
  1. Homemade.是个处于青春期的哥哥利用妹妹的无知的乱伦故事。
  2. Solid Geometry.很具想像力,通过将一个人折叠而消失(练瑜珈的同学请注意)。但是为何又插入一个浸泡于福尔马林液中的传奇船长阳具一事(后来瓶子打破,古物成了垃圾)?作者如此写作令人费解。
  3. Last Day of Summer.前面90%叙事都波澜不惊,似乎讲的是两颗孤独心灵的接近,最后河上出现的翻船事件一事令人震惊,由于叙述者的不作为(也许是事出突然),致两人溺亡。
  4. Cocker at the Theatre.此篇较短,在某处舞台剧排练现场,几对男女裸体作做爱状,一对演员打真军,被逐出。男演员名为Cocker.
  5. Butterflies.某9岁女童淹死,叙述者是最后见到她的人,遂为证人,但未负责任。随着叙述者的讲述,揭示出是他因其不良企图,将女童引到河边,女童之死虽非其有意所致,但责任确定,虽未受法律制裁。
  6. Converstation with a cupboard man.主人公从小被单身母亲一直当成小孩养,心理不健全,母亲结新欢弃家出走后其悲惨生活自不待言,惹人同情。
  7. First love, last rites.叙述的是两个社会边缘之人的性爱生活,穿插在生活中挣扎的人生故事。故事结束时叙述者打死了一只怀孕老鼠,象征?不知道。
  8. Disguises.这一篇的惊悚程度不如其他篇,讲的是一个控制欲强烈的姨妈和孤儿外甥的事,最后是个开放式的结尾,也是不敢过多联想。
  以下摘录自《First Love, Last Rites》一篇,叙述者本来想去罐头厂门口接女友:
  Other small doors opened and they streamed out, converging on the gates, scores of women in pink-and-white nylon coates and pink caps. I stood on a low wall and tried to see Sissel, it was suddenly very important. I thought that if I could not pick her out from this rustling stream of pink mylon then she was lost, we were both lost and our time was worthless. As it approached the factory gates the main body was moving fast. Some were haft running in the splayed, hopeless way that women have been taught to run, the others walked as fast as they could. I found out later they were hurrying home to cook suppers for their families, to make an early start on the housework. Latercomers on the next shift tried to push their way through in the opposite direction. I could not see Sissel and I felt on the edge of panic, I shouted her name and my words were trampled underfoot.
  《First Love, Last Rites》读后感(三):Forbidden Topic, Pure theme
  I was not quite familiar with the well-known writer Ian McEwan but fortunately I was recommended the book First Love Last Rites of his. I simply cannot believe it was written only when McEwan was in his twenties and was published as his first collection of short novels. Anyway no sooner had the work come out when it created a sensation at that time. It won the "Somerset Maugham Award", which praised McEwan’s skill of writing as well as penetrating thoughts about themes of human nature .
  I searched for some background information during his maturity so as to get closer to the writer and his purpose of the shocking works, only to find out that his family was somewhat complicated. His parents met due to extramarital love. McEwan lived with his parents outside motherland and was drifted from place to place homelessly and miserably. I believe these particular pathetic experiences have provided McEwan with different tastes about life. Maybe bitter, maybe dark. What’s more, small McEwan dreamed of having a brother when he was a child, and he played with his imaginary little brother in his daydreams. He talked secretly to the little brother and took adventures with the invented pal, which to some degree demonstrated that McEwan was not used to communicating with others and always kept his ideas inside.
  Actually, to be honest, the first time I read some chapters of short stories in this book, I was absolutely astonished to see such lousy and filthy plots about sex, violence and adolescence. I am a traditional Chinese teenager and have never got access to such open-minded and direct descriptions about these themes which are considered to be the dark and dull parts of human nature. I believe most Chinese young guys do so. For instance, The first one "Solid Geometry" was about a man indulged himself in the research of sex. but killed his wife at last only because she wanted to get enthusiastic feelings of sex from him. The second one "Homemade" was a story of a boy in his teens who got his first experience of sex by seducing his own sister. I uttered a sigh of amazement and felt like to abuse these gloomy stories. However, when I read them again, I abandoned the skin-deep bias and came to my own thoughts. Here I take "Cocker at the Theatre" as an example.
  Generally, the story was about a humorous scene on the stage. It was arranged to play a show of copulation. Naked men and women stood in pairs and performed to have sex under the rhythm of fucking music. But one couple on the end of the stage made the fake to be true, which led to endless embarrassment and resentment of the director. Finally the man called Cocker was expelled out of the stage. I was amused. If the copulation show was regarded as a kind of art performances, why did people laughed and felt ashamed when it turned to be real actions of making love? Can we really divide art from sex? I am not surprised the appearance of Cocker and his mate. Those naked actors and actresses were in fact suppressed in sex. And Cocker was just a representative of them. The director was rather hypercritical. He announced that "This is a respectable show" but how can we define something that restrains human nature as "respectable"? I believe that art stems from life. The best form of art is always the accurate reflection of life. The eruption of sexual desire which showed in the story reminded me of some reality in Chinese society. As a matter of fact, the sex education in China is not that successful and well developed. Chinese conventional minds may account for the lack of sex education phenomenon. Chinese parents mainly choose to avoid the topic relevant to sex and school education also ignores courses in this forgotten but crucial aspect. The consequences may turn out to be harmful, for sex is something curious for the young and unexpressible for the grownups. Therefore some adolescents may have a dangerous try of sex. They just need correct sex education and normal right ways of releasing the accumulating sexual desire.
  On the other hand, the book First Love Last Rite is identified with everyone’s own adolescent years. Cruel as the description is, we can still feel a sense of tenderness between the words. It is something about the crazy and insane part of everyone’s feeling towards adolescence. McEwan took a very objective tone to display the plots, which made the evilest themes pure and nonemotional. I firmly believe that even the dark and pornographic theme is capable of purifying people’s mind. We will have to know about the evilest side of ourselves before we are able to pursuing the kindest side. After reading the series of stories, I likewise have gained improvements in mental fields.
  In short, First Love Last Rites is a book which is worth contemplating and discussing. I shall get more from reviewing it again and again.
  y 辛雨楣 WHU