女性面试宝典:十招助你成功 (2011-10-18 15:40:56) 1. Call CompanyReceptionists 打个电话给前台 Before you screw up your day and the person is who would talk toyou, better check the company"s profile. Make enough research aboutthe position that you are applying for. It is always important thatyou know your purpose why do you want to win the position overspecific number of applicants. Sell your best self by not sayinganything at all but projecting your best you. 在面试之前,先查阅该公司的资料。对你要应聘的职位多做了解。在一大堆来面试的人中间,知道自己为什么想要做这份工作是非常重要的。话不要多,通过行动把你最好的一面展现出来。 2. Minimal Accessories 少戴饰品 Dangles are not appropriate although they are cool earrings forparty, but simple earrings like a pearl and a wristwatch would do.Too much accessories would result to casual get up. In fact, nojewelry at all is recommended but one or two are enough to bepresentable. 虽然大耳坠在派对上看起来很酷,但是去面试,最好还是佩戴简单的饰品为好,比如珍珠耳钉,腕表等等。太多的饰品会让你看起来太随意。不建议佩戴珠宝,但是戴上一两件以示得体也无妨。 3. Professional Hairstyle 发型要职业 You are not going to attend a formal party and have your hairrolled up or produce curly styles. You do not need to show off yourbangs. What you need is a simple hairstyle that you can easilymaintain. You should not cause any distraction and you should becomfortable while talking to the executive of the company. 记住,你不是去参加宴会,不需要盘发或烫发,也不要展示你的刘海。只要干干净净,易于打理就行。和公司领导面谈的时候,不要让发型分散了别人的注意力。 4. Close-Shoes areMandatory 一定要穿满帮鞋 In all standard office positions, you have to wear closed toeshoes, not slip-ons and a sandal. They are not just forprofessional purposes but also to protect your feet from anyaccidents that might come while walking towards your jobinterview. 办公室里所有的职位都要求穿满帮鞋,不能穿便鞋或凉鞋。这不仅仅能体现专业性,还能保护你的脚,防止在去面试的路上发生任何意外。 5. Dress-up that Suits yourBudget 力所能及购新衣 Of course, if you have your resources then you could buy a decentpair of suits, skirts, and slacks. Hence, you do not need to dresslike the President of the company just to please them. Stay on yourbudget because you might have more than two interviews for the dayor more for the week. 如果你能负担得起体面的外套、裙装和裤装的话,那没有问题。但是,如果你负担不起,那就在你力所能及的范围内添置吧。你没有必要为了取悦老板而和他们穿的一样好。要知道,你可能一天或一周里要去参加好几个面试呢。 6. Not too tight and casual 别穿得太紧身,也别穿得太随便 It does not matter if you would be interviewed by a man or a woman.You cannot wear your mini skirt, skimpy clothing, and other casualattire that may leave an impression to your interviewer that youare not up for the job but you are taking lightly of theposition. 无论你的面试官是男是女,不要穿迷你裙、紧身衣去,也别穿得太随便,这样会给面试官留下你不重视该职位、你不适合该职位的印象。 7. Check and Fit 事先检查 Nothing beats a timely preparation. If you were informed a few daysbefore your scheduled time of interview, you should checkeverything, especially if you are not going to wear new shoes,dress, pants and other professional clothing. Make sure that theyare clean and well pressed. Check and prepare everything so youwill not go on a rush to avoid any inconveniences on the saiddate. 充分准备才能万无一失。如果你提前几天得到面试通知,那么你就要把一切都检查一遍。如果你穿得不是新衣服,新鞋子,就更要仔细检查一遍,保证其平整清洁。事先准备好才不会在面试当天手忙脚乱。 8. Too much is bad 浓妆不适宜 Do not overdress yourself. Do not wear too much make-up. It goeswith the cologne or perfume that you would be wearing that day.Just a light scent would do. You are not going to create a magicspell to your future boss but you want to impress them rather thanseduce them. 别过分打扮,妆也不要化得太浓。根据当天的打扮,喷一点点古龙水或淡香水就好。毕竟,你是去见你未来的老板,要给他们留下好印象,而不是去引诱他们。 9. Follow Basic Hygiene 基本的清洁卫生工作要做好 This is very basic. We do it each day and must follow it since mostof the activities that we do is in a socialization phase. Anyhow,you do not want to go to your interview with your hair unkempt,teeth unclean, and foul odor spreading like a virus. Keep yournails trimmed, shoes polished and of course, nothing defeats thenatural fresh smell from a shower. 这很基础,只要我们与人打交道,就需要每天做好基本的清洁工作。你也不想在面试的时候,发现你的头发乱蓬蓬的,你的牙齿没刷干净,身上还有股异味吧?所以,把指甲修剪干净,把鞋给擦亮了。当然,干干净净洗个澡是最好的选择。 10. Purse is a Big NO 别拎个小手袋去面试 There is no fashion statement to be observed before you puteverything that you need in your bag. Although purse is a crazy fadtoday, employers will observe that and not even your too big bagsince you are not going to bring your whole house up to yourinterview. 虽然现在小手袋很流行,但是去面试的时候,没有人会在乎你是不是紧跟潮流,只要你把所有需要的东西都装进包里就可以了。切记,别背个大背包去,你是去面试,不是去搬家。