通常,想要研究某个领域的知识,需要大里阅读这个领域的相关文献,才可以了解: (1)前人硏究成果?(研究热点?主要研究内容?研究趋势?研究该主题的权威学者?等等 (2)研究存在哪些不足? (3)我想研究这个主题应该从哪些角度切入才有研究意义?才能推进目前的研究进展? (4)等等... 那好了,如果研究的主题是相对成熟,那前人的研究成果肯定是相当多的,几千甚至上万的文献,一篇一篇看?漫无目的地看? excuse me?那要怎么在国内外浩翰的文献中进行阅读,从而达到快速了 解该领域文献的目的呢?这时候 CIteSpace准备闪亮登场! 在家看看文献,就能发高分SCI论文,你有没有很心动呢?来看看2018年以来,Citespace都帮医生们发表了哪些论文(不出意外,绝大多数都是中国作者哦)! [1] Wang J, Zhao X, Guo X, et al. Analyzing the research subjects and hot topics of power system reliability through the Web of Science from 1991 to 2015[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2018, 82: 700-713. [2] Muhuri P K, Shukla A K, Janmaijaya M, et al. Applied soft computing: A bibliometric analysis of the publications and citations during (2004–2016)[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2018, 69: 381-392. [3] Li Y, Lu Y, Taylor J E, et al. Bibliographic and comparative analyses to explore emerging classic texts in megaproject management[J]. International Journal of Project Management, 2018, 36(2): 342-361. [4] Yu D, Xu Z, Wang W. Bibliometric analysis of fuzzy theory research in China: A 30-year perspective[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2018, 141: 188-199. [5] Madrueño R, Tezanos S. The contemporary development discourse: Analysing the influence of development studies’ journals[J]. World Development, 2018, 109: 334-345. [6] Hosseini M R, Martek I, Zavadskas E K, et al. Critical evaluation of off-site construction research: A Scientometric analysis[J]. Automation in Construction, 2018, 87: 235-247. [7] Porter A L, Garner J, Carley S F, et al. Emergence scoring to identify frontier R&D topics and key players[J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2018. [8] Wang B, Liu Y, Zhou Y, et al. Emerging nanogenerator technology in China: A review and forecast using integrating bibliometrics, patent analysis and technology roadmapping methods[J]. Nano Energy, 2018, 46: 322-330. [9] Pan X, Yan E, Cui M, et al. Examining the usage, citation, and diffusion patterns of bibliometric mapping software: A comparative study of three tools[J]. Journal of Informetrics, 2018, 12(2): 481-493. [10] Li W, Dong H, Yu H, et al. Global characteristics and trends of research on ceramic membranes from 1998 to 2016: Based on bibliometric analysis combined with information visualization analysis[J]. Ceramics International, 2018, 44(6): 6926-6934. [11] Ouyang W, Wang Y, Lin C, et al. Heavy metal loss from agricultural watershed to aquatic system: A scientometrics review[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 637-638: 208-220. [12] Li M, Porter A L, Suominen A. Insights into relationships between disruptive technology/innovation and emerging technology: A bibliometric perspective[J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2018, 129: 285-296. [13] Xu J, Gao W, Xie H, et al. Integrated tech-paradigm based innovative approach towards ecological coal mining[J]. Energy, 2018, 151: 297-308. [14] Huang X, Li H, Zhang X, et al. Land use policy as an instrument of rural resilience – The case of land withdrawal mechanism for rural homesteads in China[J]. Ecological Indicators, 2018, 87: 47-55. [15] Ma H, Shen S, Yu M, et al. Multi-population techniques in nature inspired optimization algorithms: A comprehensive survey[J]. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2018. [16] Liang T-P, Liu Y-H. Research Landscape of Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics: A Bibliometrics Study[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2018. [17] Wang F, Liang C, Zhang X. Research of anti-frosting technology in refrigeration and air conditioning fields: A review[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2018, 81: 707-722. [18] Cui C, Liu Y, Hope A, et al. Review of studies on the public–private partnerships (PPP) for infrastructure projects[J]. International Journal of Project Management, 2018, 36(5): 773-794. [19] Olawumi T O, Chan D W M. A scientometric review of global research on sustainability and sustainable development[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 183: 231-250. [20] Nguyen T-H D, Melcer E, Canossa A, et al. Seagull: A bird’s-eye view of the evolution of technical games research[J]. Entertainment Computing, 2018, 26: 88-104. [21] De Oliveira U R, Espindola L S, Da Silva I R, et al. A systematic literature review on green supply chain management: Research implications and future perspectives[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 187: 537-561. [22] Xu J, Li Q, Xie H, et al. Tech-integrated paradigm based approaches towards carbon-free hydrogen production[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2018, 82: 4279-4295. [23] Zhang X, Li H. Urban resilience and urban sustainability: What we know and what do not know?[J]. Cities, 2018, 72: 141-148. 附件: CiteSpace下载网址: http://cluster.ischool.drexel.edu/~cchen/citespace/download.html 有关CiteSpace的使用,可参看以下网站: CiteSpace从安装到简单使用http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_64be4ff90100tps9.html 基于CiteSpaceⅡ的数字图书馆研究热点分析: http://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTotal-TNGZ201104021.htmCiteSpace 图文教程: http://zhidao.baidu.com/share/a252fb4f9a689beb0fed001c51fa7425.html