Trauma Team Roles Overview and Checklist The Trained Auxiliary Ego (TAE)受过训练的辅角 Overview 概述 Inclassical psychodrama the Auxiliary Ego serves three primary functions and two deeper functions. The primary functions are: 在古典的心理剧里面自我辅助主要有三个功能和两个更深层次的功能,主要功能有: •to take on the role required by the protagonist, 承担主角做需要的角色 •torepresentthe protagonist’s perception of the role, 表达主人公的角色的看法 •andto explore the protagonist’s material in action. 并且在活动中探索主角的实质(问题) The deeper functions are: 深层次的功能是: •to giveback, from role, to the protagonist additional information about which the protagonist may not be aware, 从角色方面给予主角额外的,主角可能不知道的信息回馈。 •andto offer guidance and instruction. 并且提供指导和指令 It is within these last two role functions, and beyond, that TSM’s trained auxiliariesoperatemost fully. 最后这两个功能,在螺旋心理剧治疗训练得最为充分。 TSM Trained Auxiliary Egorole functions include: TSM自我辅助训练角色功能包括: ❑Being available and warmed up for any role required by the action. 在活动中,根据角色要求,做好并暖场 ❑Maintaining communication with the Assistant Leader (AL). 维持与助理领导人的沟通 ❑Anticipating physical needs of the action and providing for them. 预期活动中需要的物理需求,并提供 ❑Supporting containment or expansion of affect and states of awareness as clinically determined. ❑Feeding information to the Team Leader/Director through the AL or through role. 通过助理领导人或交接回馈信息给到团队领导人。 ❑Being able to serve competently in the roles of Containing Double, Body Double,and Manager of Defenses for both protagonist and group members as needed. 能够胜任角色里面的包容性替身,身体替身,并能根据需要管理好团队成员和主角的防御(阻抗)。 ❑Being able to take the Trauma-based roles of Victim or Perpetrator without going into dissociation or being triggered into your own material, thereby losing the role. 能够担任基本创伤的的受害者角色或是加害者角色,同时不陷入解离或是自身创伤当中,导致角色迷失。 ❑Being able to use your own material, through role, in service of the protagonist and group. 能够利用你自身的创伤材料,通过角色为主角和团队服务。 TAEs Required Clinical Awareness and Knowledge of TSM include: 螺旋心理剧里面受过训练的辅角要求的临床经验和知识包括: ❑Trauma Survivor’s Intrapsychic Role Atom (TSIRA) 创伤幸存者精神内在原子角色 ❑Four Roles of Director 四种角色表演 ❑Projective Identification, Projection, Transference, Counter-transference 设别透射性认同、移情、反移情。 ❑Management of personal Issues ("doodahs") 个人情绪"迸发"管理 The TAE in Action 受过训练的辅角在行动中的作用 TAEs serve the TL, the protagonist,and the group by taking a global view of the action. TAEs develop an awareness of which roles are present and which are absent, but clinically necessary. As awareness of needs for action of any kind arise, on stage or within the group, the TAE brings this to the attention of the Assistant Leaderdirectly orthrough roleat the appropriate timefor therapeutic healing. 受过训练的辅角通过全局行动的观点为团队领导者、主角和团队服务,受过训练的辅角发展关于那个角色是当下的,哪个角色是缺失的但是临床上却是必须的意识。对于任何一种需求产生时,在舞台上或是在团队中,受过训练的辅角将这些带给助理领导人关注,直接或者通过合适的时机来进行创伤疗愈。