Entrainment, Coherence and Autonomic Balance 互引、相干与自主平衡 Definitions of Coherence: When we speak ofphysiological coherence, we are referring to the degree of order and stabilityin the waveform that reflects the rhythmic activity of any given physiologicalsystem over a specified period of time. Physiological Coherence: High heart rhythm coherence(sine wave-likerhythmic pattern); Increased parasympathetic activity; Increased entrainmentand synchronization between physiological systems; Efficient and harmoniousfunctioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, hormonal and immune systems. Psychophysiological Coherence: Sustained positive emotion; High degree ofmental and emotional stability; Constructive integration of the cognitive andemotional systems; Increased synchronization and harmony between the cognitive,emotional and physiological systems. 相干性:在生理学领域当我们说到这种意义的相干时,我们指的是反映特定生理系统在特定时间内律动的波形,涉及波的有序性和稳定程度。 生理相干:心律的高度相干(心率变异性分析的波形接近于正弦波);副交感神经的活动增强;不同生理系统之间的互引和同步化增强;心血管、神经、激素及免疫系统的运行高效、和谐。 精神生理相干:持久的积极情绪;智力思维与情感具有高度的稳定性;认知与情感系统积极整合;认知、情感与生理系统趋于同步化。 Different emotions affect autonomic nervoussystem function and balance in measurably different ways. Anger tends to increasesympathetic activity, while appreciation is associated with a relative increasein parasympathetic activity. The experience of sincere positive feeling statesmay be accompanied by distinct modes of heart function which drive physiologicalsystems into increased coherence. Such shifts are attainable not only undercontrolled laboratory conditions, but also during real-life stressful situations. 不同的情绪能以不同的方式影响自主神经系统的运行状况和平衡状态。愤怒能促进交感神经的活动,感激则能促进副交感神经的活动。在积极而真诚的情感状态下,心脏和谐稳定的律动模式能使生理系统的相干性增强。我们不仅能在可控制的实验室条件下取得生理相干的效果,在现实生活的压力情境下也是如此。 ———————————————————————————————————— 欢迎扫描二维码免费订阅情绪压力管理相关文章