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  Heart Rate Variability: An Indicator of AutonomicFunction and Physiological Coherence
  HRV 心率变异性分析:反映自主功能与生理相干水平
  Heart rate variability is a measure of the beat-to-beat changes in heart rate. Systems-oriented models propose that HRV is an important indicator of both physiological resiliency and behavioral flexibility,reflecting the individual"s capacity to adapt effectively to stress andenvironmental demands. It has become apparent that while a large degree of instability is detrimental to efficient physiological functioning, too little variation can also be pathological. An optimal level of variability within an organism"s key regulatory systems is critical to the inherent flexibility and adaptability that epitomize healthy function. The normal variability in heart rate is due to the synergistic action of the two branches of the ANS, which actin balance through neural, mechanical,humoral and other physiological mechanisms to maintain cardiovascular parameters in their optimal ranges and to permit appropriate reactions to changing external or internal conditions.