Head-Heart Interactions 心脑交互作用 Traditionally, the study of communication pathways between the "head" and heart has been approached from a ratherone-sided perspective, with scientists focusing primarily on the heart"s responses to the brain"s commands. However, we have now learned that communication between the heart and brain is actually a dynamic, ongoing, two-way dialogue,with each organ continuously influencing the other"s function. 对于心脑之间的信息传递路径,传统研究比较片面,仅仅注重研究心脏如何回应大脑的命令。我们现在发现,心脑之间的信息交流是双向、动态的,一方持续不断地对另一方施加影响。 Research has shown that the heart communicates to the brain in four major ways: neurologically (through the transmission of nerve impulses), biochemically (via hormones and neurotransmitters), biophysically (through pressure waves) and energetically (through electromagnetic field interactions). Communication along all these conduits significantly affects the brain"s activity. Moreover, our research shows that messages the heart sends the brain can also affect performance. 研究发现,心脏向大脑传递信息的方式主要有4种:神经(神经冲动的传递)、生物化学(通过激素和神经递质)、生物物理(通过压力波)、能量(通过电磁场的交互作用)。心脏通过这些路径向大脑传递的信息极大地影响大脑的活动。我们的研究还显示,心脏传递的信息还能影响大脑工作的效力。 The results of our studies demonstrate that intentionally altering one"s emotional state through heart focus modifies afferent neurological input from the heart to the brain. The data suggest that as people experience sincere positive feeling states, in which the heart"s rhythms become more coherent, the changed information flow from the heart to the brainmay act to modify cortical function and influence performance. These findings may also help explain the significant shifts in perception, increased mental clarity and heightened intuitive awareness many individuals have reported when practicing the HeartMath techniques. 研究的结果证明,通过关注心脏有意识地调整自己的情绪状态可以改变从心脏传递给大脑的传入信息。数据显示,当人们感受到积极、真诚的情感时,心律变得更协调,相干信息从心脏传递给大脑,可以改变大脑皮层的功能。我们由此可以解释为什么很多人在使用HeartMath技巧后,知觉发生显著变化,头脑的清晰度明显提高,直觉更敏锐。 ———————————————————————————————————— 扫描二维码免费订阅情绪压力管理相关文章