快生活 - 生活常识大全


  赵明明 葛怀普 王友欢 李志明
  关键词:单轨列车; 焊接体系管理; WRP焊接资源管理系统; 无纸化
  中图分类号:TG 47
  Abstract:Today, with the continuous development of corporate management, the rail vehicle welding system also urgently needs a set of software systems for standardized and refined management. In the past, the monorail welding system management method was to store the process and quality documents required by each project in the form of paper documents at the heads of each department. The file storage was scattered and it was difficult to share information. After using WRP welding resource management system, important process documents, such as joint list, WPS list, WPQR list, welder and qualification list could be edited online, approved online, and stored in the database. The file information edited by each engineer could be in the database. The system realized sharing within the system, and at the same time, the system set the data matching algorithm according to relevant standards and regulations, which ensured the accuracy of data matching, avoided duplication of labor, manual misjudgment, and various process data versions, and effectively promoted the standardized management of welding processes. At the same time, the document management of the welding system was standardized, and the digital conversion of welding process documents was completed, laying a good foundation for the implementation of paperless and digitalization of workshop production.
  Key words: monorail train; welding system management; WRP welding resource management system; paperless
  0 前言
  焊接作為单轨列车生产制造中重要的一道特殊的加工工艺,必须通过整个过程来共同控制,只有将设计、工艺、生产、质量保证结合起来加以严格管控才能保证最终的质量需求。目前单轨列车焊接制造执行EN 15085认证制造体系,ISO 3834焊接质量体系,焊接工艺文件按照体系要求,工程师们在准备项目资料时需进行多种文件管控,如:要求评审、技术评审、接头清单、WPS,清单、WPQR清单、焊工及资质清单、母材清单、焊材清单、气体清单、焊接作业指导书、质量控制计划、无损检测报告等。
  WRP焊接资源管理系统基于EN 15085和ISO 3834焊接体系要求开发而成,统一了工程师的工作方式,整合归纳各工程师的工艺文件资料,形成数据库,采用B/S网络结构设计模式,以网页形式登录进行系统操作和管理,实现了工艺数据云共享和智能匹配,更方便了文件和数据的查阅调用,能有效促进单轨列车制造企业完成工艺数据标准化管理和车间生产无纸化管理的改革升级。
  1 传统管理模式的现状和痛点