泰安英文简介 : Taian city is located in the centre of Shandong province, adjacent to spring city of Jinan of Shandong provincial capital northward, near to Confucius’ hometown of Qufu city southward, administers six counties, cities and sections, has 7762 square kilometers areas and a total population of 5508 thousand. Taian,named from Mount Tai, means that the country is peaceful and the people are safe, is among the first batch of Chinese Excellent Tourism City and Chinese Special Charm City. Taian’s tourism resources are advantaged there are 426 square kilometers in the Mount Tai Famous Landscape Area, the peak of Mount Tai is 1545 meters in altitude. Mount Tai has honored the beautiful title of the head of the five most famous mountains and the first mountain of all over the world. Itunites the grand natural landscape and the centuries-old historical culture, and it is not only the natural mountain garden, but also the Chinese historical culture miniature. It was listed as the national important landscape areas by State Council in 1982. It was also named as the world natural and cultural heritages by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in 1987. It was listed the Most Beautiful 40 Vacationlands of Chian by National Tourism Bueeau in 1992. In 2002,Mount Tai was lucky enough to be on the top of 10 Famous Mountains of China in the activity of Chinese famous mountains nominating and selecting. Mount Tai was also listed top of China Most Beautiful Places and National Geological Garden in 2005.It became the National Civilized Landscape Tourism District, and obtained gold medal of the most worthwhile Visiting Places for foreigners in China in 2006,and was also selected as the World Geological Garden in September of the same year. The natural scenes of Mount Tai are very spectaculai, and its four seasons are respective and various, such as sun rising east, nebulous sea and jade plate, Yellow River gold belt, and night aurora reflect which are the Mount Tai’s Famous natural and particular scenes. Mount Tai is one divine mountain, one saint mountain and one cultural mountain , is also the Chinese soul hometown. Every dynastic emperor climbed the Mount Tai to make grand ceremony of worship of heaven on mountain(Tai) top to pray and say thanks for peace and prosperity. Numberless literators and scholars such as Confucius, Sima Qan , Li Bai , Du Fu etc. climbed the Mount Tai in order that they could see the scenes and make lyrics, many peak masterpieces which can go round through the ages were left. The carved stones of full of beautiful things in eyes were just like a long historical gallery, displayed the ancient Chinese civilization. Once you walk into the Mount Tai, you just like enter the Chinese 5,000 years history. Taian city , with the convenient transportation, is 90 Km from Jinan international airport, and 300 Km from Qingdao harbor, Jing-Hu railway and Jing-Hu,Jing-Fu motorway are also through its areas, the high speed Jing-Hu railway which will be constructed will also set its station at Mount tai. Taian and Mount Tai are united together where the mountain can be seen within the city. The mountain is splendid and the city is brilliant. Nowadays, Taian has beautiful lakes and colorful mountains, enriches new splendors on the base of the ancient charms, and deserves to be called the Heaven Yard Garden at the foot of Mount Tai. **简介: **古称"岱宗"、"**",世称"东岳",为"五岳之首"、"五岳独尊",位于**省中部,总面积426 平方公里,主峰玉皇顶海拔高度1545 米。** 以其有容乃大的气魄将历史文化、自然景观、地质地貌完美和谐地 融合在一起,被誉为中国历史文化的缩影、中华民族的精神象征。自古**便被视为社稷稳定、政权巩固、国家昌盛、民族团结的象征,也成为几千年来中国唯一受过皇帝封禅的**。据史书记载,**代以前曾有72 位帝王到**祭告天地,**以后又相继有12 位皇帝来**封禅朝拜。**目前有保存较好的古建筑群26 处、寺庙58 座、古遗址128 处、碑碣1239 块、摩崖刻石1800 余处,**古建筑群为全国重点文物保护单位。**形成于28 亿年前的太古代,地质年代久远,有群峰拱岱、山水相依、气势磅礴、雄伟壮丽的山系,"稳如**"、"重如**"即源于**独特的地质特征。1982 年,**被国务院公布为第一批国家重点风景名胜区;1987 年,**被联合国教科文组织列为首例世界文化与自然双遗产;2006 年**被联合国教科文组织评为世界地质公园,成为世界文化、自然、地质三重遗产。 近年来** 连续荣获首批全国文明风景旅游区、首批国家5A 级旅游景区、首批国家级非物质文化遗产、首座中国书法**、中国最美的十**山、 中国民间文化遗产旅游示范区榜首、 中国旅游行业十大影响力品牌、 中国青年喜爱的旅游目的地、欧洲人最喜爱的中国十大景区 等一系列高含金量品牌; 连续两届排名"中华100 大人文与生态**口碑金榜"首位,荣膺"中华国山"特别美誉,**在国内外的知名度、美誉度和核心竞争力明显提升。 **岱庙 岱庙坐落于**省**市区北,**的南麓,是**中路登山起点。又名东岳庙、泰岳庙、**庙,俗称泰庙。它是**最大、最完整的古建筑群,为道教神府,是历代帝王举行封禅大典和祭祀**神的地方。岱庙占地面积约9.65 万平方米,内有古建筑和仿古建筑186 间,碑碣184 块,汉画像石48 块,古桧、侧柏212 株,观赏植物292 种。建国前,由道士管理。建国后,曾为**管理机构驻地,后为**市博物馆。1988 年列为全国重点文物保护单位。主要景点有**门、遥参亭、天贶殿、**、汉柏院、东御座、后花园等。