快生活 - 生活常识大全


  Lesson 26 Tom’s Search 汤姆的探索
  boiling point 沸点
  boisterous adj. 喧闹的,欢闹的
  bold adj. 大胆的;放肆无礼的
  bolster n. 垫子,枕垫;vt. 支持
  bombastic adj. 夸大的,言过其实的
  bonanza n. 富矿带;兴旺发达;带来好运之事
  bond n. 联结,联系;粘连;化学键;公债
  bondage n. 奴役,束缚
  bonus n. 红利,奖金
  boom n. 繁荣;vi. 急速发展
  boon n. 恩惠,恩赐;神益,非常有用的东西
  boost vt. 增加,提高,促进
  bore vt. 钻孔
  boredom n. 烦恼,无聊
  boring adj. 令人厌烦的
  boulder n. 巨石
  bounce vi. 跳起,弹回
  bound adj. 被束缚的;负有义务的;深切的爱;注定的,必然的;n.范围,限定
  boundary n. 分界线,边界
  boundless adj. 无限的,无边无际的
  Tom was a product of the baby boom generation. He had a bold personality. His passion for adventure seemed boundless.
  He worked as a supervisor at a mining company, boring holes in boulders to extract mineral samples. To measure the mineral content, the samples were heated to a temperature that was nearly 100 times the boiling point of the water. A certain percentage of gold content would indicate the presence of a new gold mine. Although the long hours sometimes made Tom feel like he was in bondage, Tom was bound to his job. Mining was not at all boring to him. The prospect of finding a bonanza was exciting and he felt a special bond with his workers. They bolstered his confidence that he would someday find gold.
  In the early years, the mining company’s stock had boomed in value. However, it had recently decreased in worth. The company desperately needed to find a new source of gold to boost its profits and to bounce back from its losses. Tom knew this. So he spent most of his time collecting mineral samples from the western boundary line of the new frontier. It was a dangerous area, but he knew that finding gold there would save the company and could earn him a bonus. It would also be a boon to his future with the company.
  Tom was right. He found a huge gold source that year. The company promoted him to general manager, doubled his salary and held a grand celebration. Tom’s increase in importance did not lead him to make bombastic speeches at the party. Tom was not like that and it certainly would have created boredom at the gathering. Instead, he praise his men and yelled, "Let’s get boisterous tonight!
  Lesson 27 Where’s the Groom? 新郎在哪里?
  bouquet n. 花束
  bow n. (小提琴等的)弓子;弓形
  bowl n. 碗,碗状物
  bowlegged adj. 弓形腿的,膝内翻的
  brace n. 支柱,撑子;vt. 支撑,撑牢,振作
  braid vt. 编织,编成辫子
  brawl n. 争吵
  breach vt. 造成缺口,打破,突破;n. 违背,破坏
  breakdown / break down n. 失败;鼓掌;分解;细目分类
  breakup n. 分离,分裂
  breathe v. 呼吸,发出
  breathing n. 呼吸
  breathless adj. 无声息的,喘不过气来的
  breathtaking adj. 惊人的;令人兴奋的;激动人心的;惊险的,令人毛骨悚然的;令人穿不过气来的
  breed vt. 养育,繁殖
  breeze n. 微风
  brew vt. 酿造,调制;泡茶;煮(咖啡等);调制饮料; 图谋
  brighten vt. 使愉快;使乐观;vi. 使发亮,发光;生色;开颜,活跃
  brilliance n. (人)聪明;(物体)辉煌
  brilliantly adv. 辉煌地,灿烂地;卓越地,杰出地,英明地;才华横溢地
  It was Sunday, at 12:00 noon. The bridge waited patiently at the church door with her bouquet of flowers. Her lovely black hair, braided by her mother, blew gently about her shoulders in the breeze. Three violinists, with their bows in the air, stood ready to play the wedding song. The bowlegged priest was already at the uncooked rice from a bowl and were prepared to shower the blessed couple. It was a breathtaking sight. The wedding had been brilliantly planned. But where was the groom?
  The bride’s father was getting angry. His breathing was becoming more intense. He started to argue with groom’s father. "This is a clear breach of our wedding agreement", he yelled. It looked like there might be a brawl. The guests were beginning to gossip. "Did the couple have a breakup?" some asked. It looked like the bridge was going to faint. Her brother rushed up and braced her with his body so she wouldn’t fall. "Breathe," he whispered to her. "I brewed a pot of coffee to calm everyone down."
  Suddenly, a loud piercing scream filled the air. It was the bridge. Something had caused her face to brighten. It was the sight of her groom, racing towards the church on a strange-looking skateboard. In a matter of seconds, he arrived. He was breathless. He took her in his arms and side, "I’m so sorry baby, my car suffered a breakdown 5 kilometers away near that new barn where they breed cattle. I made a skateboard out of an old box with wheels and got here as soon as I could."
  "Don’t worry," she laughed, looking down at his feet, "Your brilliance saved the day."
  Lesson 28 Starting Small 从小事做起
  brim n. 边;边缘;n. 满溢
  brisk adj. 活泼的,轻快的;兴隆的,繁忙活跃的
  brittle adj. 易碎的
  broaden vt. 放宽,变阔,扩大
  brochure n. 小册子
  bronze n. 青铜,铜像;古铜
  Bronze Age 青铜器时代
  brook n. 小河
  brown n./adj. 褐色的,棕色的;vt. (使)成褐色,晒黑
  brownish adj. 呈褐色的
  brusque adj. (指人及人的举止等)粗暴和唐突,无礼的
  brutal adj. 野蛮的,残忍的,冷酷无情的
  bubble n. 气泡,水泡
  buckle n. 带扣;v. (使)变弯曲
  bud n. 芽,蓓蕾;vi. 发芽
  buddy n. 密友,伙伴
  budget n. 预算
  building block 积木;基础材料
  bulb n. (花)球茎,球形物
  bulk n. 大批;大部分;大小,体积
  bulky adj. 庞大的;笨重的
  They say it’s best to start with something small when you’re trying to build a business. So I started with belt buckles. It’s a good building block for a clothing business. Fortunately, I had a buddy already in the business so he helped me to set up a store.
  The buckles I sell are made out of bronze. Bronze is a brownish colored metal that matched every color of clothing including brown garments. They’re not at all brittle. In fact, they are strong and long lasting. My buckles are made in ffice:smarttags" Spain by the best craftsmen alive since the Bronze Age. I save a lot of money by exporting them in bulky contains that are filled to the brim.
  The clothing business is very competitive and it can be brutal at times. I suppose it’s better than selling light bulbs. Some customers are rather brusque and don’t seem to like conversation. It doesn’t bother me. I try to run a brisk business by selling most of my products in bulk at a discount. As long as I keep to my budget, I can make a profit,
  My goal is to broaden my business by the end of the year by adding belts and hats to my product line. I also want to publish a brochure of my goods. If I succeed at making a good profit, maybe I can buy that house by the brook that I’ve always wanted.
  Every time I feel exhausted by the demands of my business, I close my eyes and dream of that house. I think of the cool water coming from the nearby brook. I imagine the sweet smell of flower buds in the garden. And I picture myself sitting in a big bathtub full of bubbles
  Lesson 29 A Bump in the Night 夜晚一击
  bump n. 肿块;突起;v. 碰(伤),撞(破);猛击;冲撞
  bunch n. 串,束;群;vi. 捆成一束;聚焦
  bundle n. 捆,束,包;vt. 捆
  burgeon vi. 迅速成长,发展
  burgeoning adj. 迅速成长的,发展的
  burglar n. 夜盗,窃贼
  burnish v. 磨光,使光滑,擦亮
  burrow n. 洞穴;vi. 挖地洞
  bush n. 矮树丛
  bust n. 半身(雕)像
  butter n. 奶油
  buzz n. 嗡嗡声
  buzzer n. 蜂鸣器
  bypass vt. 绕过,迂回;n. 旁道,旁路
  by-product n. 副产品;附带产生的结果
  cab n. 出租马车,出租汽车
  cabin n. 小屋,船舱
  cabinetmaker n. 家具师,细工木匠
  cadence n. (音乐、舞蹈动作步伐等的)节律,节拍,节奏;(说话时语调的)抑扬顿挫
  calamity n. 灾难,不幸事件
  I don’t care to live in a burgeoning city. When a city burgeons too rapidly, it creates two unfortunately by-products, crime and pollution.
  That’s why I live in a cabin in the woods. It’s miles away from the nearest bypass. It’s the perfect place for a retired cabinetmaker. It’s relatively quiet except for the buzz of the bees and the occasional cadence of horses galloping in the distance. Nobody comes to visit me, although a mouse did burrow into my cabin once. You can’t even get a cab here. The isolation has left me with plenty of time for hobbies. I’ve ever had time to sculpt a bust of my father and to burnish it.
  I don’t need to travel very far. The furthest I need to go is through the trees and bushes to collect a bundle of firewood and a bunch of fruit. I do wish I had some animals. Perhaps a cow for milk and some chickens for eggs. It would be interesting to make butter with the milk.
  The woods are a relative safe place, so calamities are rare. The closest misfortune I came to was the time a burglar broke into my cabin and tried to steal some food. It was late at night. Fortunately, the buzzer of my homemade burglar alarm woke me up. I bumped him on the head with my broom and he went running out the door.
  I didn’t get a clear look at his face because of his black mask. Although I was angry, I didn’t call the police. You don’t bother the police with these kinds of things in the woods, especially if your burglar is just a raccoon.
  Lesson The Dinner Guest 晚餐时的来客
  calculate vt. 计算,估计
  calibration n. 校准;规定;刻度
  camouflage n./v. 伪装
  campaign n. (政治或商业性)活动,竞选活动;vi.竞选;作战
  cancel vt. 取消
  cancellation n. 取消
  candid adj. 率直,坦白而诚实的
  candidate n. 候选人
  cannibalism n. 同类相食
  canny adj. 精明的,节约的
  canopy n. 天蓬,遮蓬
  canvas n. 帆布,画布
  canvass v. 征求意见,游说拉票
  canyon n. 峡谷
  capability n. 能力
  capable adj. 有能力的
  capacious adj. 容量大的
  capacity n. 容量,能力
  captivate vt. 迷惑,迷住
  captivity n. 囚禁,拘留
  My new employer told me that they needed someone with my capabilities to lead their unpopular forest clearing campaign. They said I was the best candidate for the job. I was a canny negotiator and a very capable speaker. To me, it was just a matter of being candid with the resident natives. I would captivate them with money before telling them that we needed to deforest their land. Then, I could easily calculate and negotiate a reasonable price.
  I got the job, rather easily I thought. The company directed me to travel into the wilderness by boat to canvass the resident natives. The night before the trip, I weighed myself. "Could the calibration on this scale the correct?" I said to myself. "I guess I better cancel my dinner plans. Otherwise the boat might sink." But I knew that such a cancellation would make me too sad to travel, so I ate my usual meal.
  The boat was capacious. The boat’s large canopy was made of green and brown canvas. It served as a nice camouflage for the boat. We floated down through the canyon for hours until we finally stopped. "You’ll travel by foot now, alone!" the boat captain said. He filled my water bottle to capacity and pointed the way with a strange smile.
  Not long after, I ran into a resident native. He led me deep into the forest where I met their chief. He smiled and said, "You’ve had a long trip. My family would love to have you for dinner." Expection a feast, I replied, "I’d be honored."
  Well, I’ve been in captivity for several hours now, awaiting the feast. What a pity. I was prepared for everything but cannibalism