整体结构模板:(希望考生变换一下词汇,把类似的词套用进去,务必不要写成完全一样的模板) 开头段,归纳论点,指出论点问题,即漏洞。 merely based on unfounded assumption and dubious evidence, the stamen draws a conclusion that_________ to support the conclusion, the arguer points out evidence that:____________. in addition, he or she indicates that_________. furthermore, he cites the result of recent survey in support of his recommendation. at first glance, the author’s argument appears to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection reveals that it omits some substantial concerns that should be addressed to substantiate the argument. as far as i am concerned, the argument suffers from_________ logical flaws. 第二段第三段第四段分类攻击逻辑错误。 例如1 调查类错误写法: unless the surveyors sampled a sufficient number of ____and did so randomly across the whole spectrum, the survey results are not reliable to gauge __________generally. the number of respondent/ samples in itself cannot make sure representativeness. for example, provided the sample included merely_________, then the results would suggest__________. or if _________,would account for only a little percentage, which would render the result of the survey meaningless. 例如2 充分必要条件: a:充分条件(sufficient evidence) the argument assumes too hastily that _______will necessarily lead to the behavior/manner that the argument predicts. probably, _____________. what’s more,__________. b必要条件 (necessary condition) the editor’s recommendation depends on the assumption that no factors other than a caused b. however, common sense informs me that this assumption is a bad one. a myriad of other factors, including ________or_________, might just as likely be the cause of b. to be specific,_________. without ruling out these and other possible causes, the editor cannot justifiably conclude that one by _____than ____. c 因果错误 1)t he arguer fails to establish the causal relationship between the fact that __________and the claim that ________. this argument is not acceptable if there is not compelling evidence to support the association between these two events. maybe, for example, ___________lead to ___________. 2) the argument has a correlation between a and b, then concludes that the former is the cause of the latter. however, the argument fails to compel out other explanation for b. for example, ____________________(自己举例子)。 any of the factors may result b. without ruling out all other factors it is unjust conclude that a is in charge of b. 第五段结尾段继续套用公用的模版即可。 to sum up, this arguer fails to substantiate in claim that_____________, because the evidences cited in the analysis do not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains. to make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to provide more information with regard to _________. additionally, he would have to demonstrate that____________. therefore, if the argument had included the given factors discussed above, it would have been more thorough and logically acceptable.