Managershare:谁说美国学习轻松来的? 1. "If you were to write the story of your life until now,what would you title it and why?" 如果把你迄今为止的经历写成一个故事,你会给这个故事起什么名字,为什么? Emerson College; Boston, Massachusetts. 爱默生学院;波士顿,马萨诸塞州 2. "Celebrate your nerdy side." "来谈谈你蠢的一面。" Tufts University; Medford, Massachusetts. 塔夫斯大学;美德福德,马萨诸塞州 3. "Whether you are goal tending or cheering from thestands, celebrate the role of sports in your life." "不管你是在干扰投篮,还是在看台上欢呼,谈谈运动在你生活里的角色。" Tufts University; Medford, Massachusetts. 塔夫斯大学;美德福德,马萨诸塞州 4. "What do you see as the biggest threat to civility?" "你认为对文明举止最大的威胁是什么?" Wake Forest University; Winston-Salem, North Carolina. 维克森林大学;温斯顿塞勒姆,北卡罗来纳州。 5. "Pick one woman in history or fiction to conversewith for an hour and explain your choice. What would you talk about?" "如果让你从历史中或者小说中挑选出一位女士来交谈一个小时,你会选谁?解释一下你的选择。你们会谈些什么?" Barnard College; New York, New York. 巴纳德学院;纽约,纽约州 6. "You’ve just reached your one millionth hit on your YouTube video. What is the video about?" "假设你的YouTube视频点击量刚刚过百万。这个视频是关于什么的?" Lehigh University; Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. 美国理海大学;伯利恒,宾西法尼亚州 7. "If your name were an acronym, what would it standfor and how would it reflect your strengths and personality?" "如果你的名字是个首字母缩略词,那你的名字代表什么?它能反映出你的哪些长处和个性?" Lehigh University; Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. 美国理海大学;伯利恒,宾西法尼亚州 8. "What’s so odd about odd numbers?" "奇数有什么特别之处?" University of Chicago; Chicago, Illinois. 芝加哥大学;芝加哥,伊利诺斯 9. "Why are you here and not somewhere else?" "你为什么在这里而不在其他的地方?" University of Chicago; Chicago, Illinois. 芝加哥大学;芝加哥,伊利诺斯 10. "You were just invited to speak at the White House. Write your speech." "假设你刚刚被邀请去白宫发表演说。来段你的演说辞。" University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; ChapelHill, North Carolina.北卡罗来纳州北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 11. UNC Professor Barbara Fredrickson—an expert inpositive emotions—has defined love as "micro-moments of connection between people, even strangers." Tell us about a time when you experienced a"micro-moment of connection." What did you learn? 正面感情专家,我校教授芭芭拉·弗雷德里克森把爱定义成「人们(甚至是陌生人)之间的瞬时联系」。谈谈你所体验过的「瞬时联系」,你从中学到了什么?" University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Chapel Hill,North Carolina.北卡罗来纳州北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 12. "What one invention would you uninvent if youcould, and why?" "如果你能将某一项发明从人类历史中抹去,会是哪一样?为什么?" Brandeis University; Waltham, Massachusetts. 布兰代斯大学;沃尔瑟姆,马萨诸塞州 13. "Tell us about an unjust law, written orunwritten, that you believe should be broken." "说一条你认为应该打破的不公正法律(成文的或是不成文的)。" Brandeis University; Waltham, Massachusetts. 布兰代斯大学;沃尔瑟姆,马萨诸塞州 14. "You are writing your autobiography. Imagine what you would say on page 54 about yourself and your experiences." "你正在给自己写自传。想象一下,你会在第54页怎样描写你自己和你的经历?" Hampshire College; Amherst, Massachusetts. 新罕布什尔州大学;阿默斯特,马萨诸塞州 15. "Imagine a scientist and artist coming together for a conversation about color. How do you think this exchange would go?" "想象一下,一位科学家和一位艺术家即将就颜色这个主题进行一场对话。你觉得这场对话会进展到什么样?" Hampshire College; Amherst, Massachusetts. 新罕布什尔州大学;阿默斯特,马萨诸塞州 16. "A good story starts with a good beginning. Get us hooked in the first 150 words." "好的故事往往有好的开头。用150字起个头,让我们欲罢不能。" University of Notre Dame; Notre Dame, Indiana. 圣母大学;圣母院,印第安娜州 17. "The founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross described education as ‘the art of helping young people to completeness.’ How are you incomplete?" "圣十字教会的创始人巴泽尔·门罗神父认为教育是「帮助年轻人达成圆满的艺术」。你的不圆满之处在哪?" University of Notre Dame; Notre Dame, Indiana. 圣母大学;圣母院,印第安娜州 18. "Every name tells a story: Tell us about your name— any name: first, middle, last, nickname — and its origin." "每个名字都有一个故事,说说你的名字:大名、中间名、姓氏、外号,都可以,再说说你名字的起源。" Dartmouth College; Hanover, New Hampshire. 达特茅斯学院;汉诺威,新罕布什尔州 19. "When you meet someone for the first time, what doyou want them to know about you, but generally don’t tell them?" "当你第一次见到某些人,你想让他们了解你哪些方面,但又不是不靠嘴说出来的?" Dartmouth College; Hanover, New Hampshire. 达特茅斯学院;汉诺威,新罕布什尔州 20. "Tell us about spiders." "和我们讲讲蜘蛛。" University of Richmond; Richmond, Virginia. 里士满大学;里士满,弗吉尼亚 21. "Design your own three-and-a-half week course anddescribe what you would do." "给自己设计三周半的课程,描述一下自己将会做什么。" Colorado College; Colorado Springs, Colorado. 科罗拉多大学;科罗拉多斯普林斯,科罗拉多州 22. "What’s a question that has changed how youunderstand the world? What changed?" "有没有一个问题,改变了你对世界的看法?通过这个问题,你哪里改变了?" Bennington College; Bennington, Vermont. 本宁顿学院;本宁顿,佛蒙特州 23. "How do you define yourself?" "你如何定义自己的?" Babson College; Wellesley, Massachusetts. 巴布森学院;卫斯理,马萨诸塞州