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  标题:10 Beautiful Ways In Which Introverts Express Themselves
  The world of an introvert is like that of a beautiful bud that blooms only when the weather is perfect. But once it does, oh my, the sight is just breathtakingly refreshing.
  When a situation clicks perfectly with their heart and mind, they come out of their shell so superbly that you would not believe that in reality, they are in fact introverts. They seem so spontaneous, totally unpredic. Every gesture of theirs and every single expression has the potential of warming up your heart.
  So if all this while, your image of an introvert was that of a boring, least expressive and mysterious personality, you were partly wrong. Partly, because mysterious quotient remains very much alive in these silent ones. Rest all, might not be so true.
  Some of the many beautiful ways, introverts express themselves in, are:
  1. They dance when there is no one around
  They are generally powerhouses of varied talents. Talents, that they keep to themselves. And when those walls shut out the world, their body and mind form a perfect association and break-free. They go all funnily weird and dance like crazy. This is how they re-energize after spending a day choking up on words outside. Believe me, if you happen to peep into this beautiful sight some day, there are high chances that you will instantly fall head over heels for them. But do the peeping very stealthily. Because if you drop that lamp, they will scream bloody murder and stay in their room for days to come.
  Getting them drunk is another way you can see them unfurl. But in the next morning, they will leave the room before you will even wake up, probably to never return.
  2. They won’t congratulate you amidst all the hullabaloo. They will do it personally and genuinely.
  While the crowd will be going on all ‘yay’ over your accomplishment, a silent one, will wish you personally. This way they feel assured that their feelings of admiration for you are delivered straight to you, and not lost in the crowd. And this does not mean, they won’t congratulate you with all others. They will, but so calmly that it won’t even come to your notice. And after all the noises subside, they will wish you again. At that, some might find it an act overdone, but in reality, they are just very happy for you and want to convey it clearly.
  3. They are fun in the most peculiar of ways
  A group of 12 is having a good laugh.
  The thirteenth one is lost in their own world.
  Everyone is silent now.
  And suddenly, out of nowhere, the 13th one bursts into laughter.
  That 13th one, by the way, is an introvert.
  They have little people in their own head, churning the wheels of their imaginations. Sometimes thinking about the things they were about to say but did not tickle their funny bone, some other times a situation that they created in their heads does the trick. They do not always desire a happening environment to feel entertained because the little people in their heads are comic enough.
  And when their laugh goes loose amidst all the silence, they seem so much bubbly and alive at the moment.
  4. In troublesome times, their care and support will move you like nothing before
  They might not express it in words, but, if after sleeping your woes of a long and unsatisfying day away, you wake up to the smell of hot coffee and sunny side up on your bedside, rest assured that you have fallen in love with a beautiful person. Their warm touch comes from deep feelings of care and that’s why every time they hold your hand sensing your sadness, your woes just vanquish in a breeze.
  5. The words that they can’t find to voice out, are scribbled into an expressive poetry
  Ask for their opinion on your clothes and they might not be able to come up with anything more than, "you look fine." I know how frustrating it can be for the person on the receiving end. But then just wait around, because while they are giving you hasty compliments, they are simultaneously typing out a beautiful poem for you in their cell phone. And yes, their poems give a glimpse of their beautiful minds. Such well-crafted summaries of their feelings delivered straight from their hearts. Now who would not want such poetic compliments?
  And it is not just the poetry that they do on the side. They are also amazing artists!
  6. The are extremely sensitive to others’ pain, and those others do not necessarily have to be their close pals
  They are sensitive human beings and care a lot. Your suffering, is just as painful to them, as it is for you. They might not express it to you directly, and instead, might ask others who are close to you. But this only shows how genuinely concerned they are for you.
  7. They are banks of knowledge, and keep shedding it out, as little surprises
  They know a bit too much about events from around the globe, and those tiny of things from school that you missed out. However, they won’t join in when others are expressing their smartness out loud. Ask them for a doubt personally, and to your surprise, they will have the right answer to it. They always do.
  8. They love giving surprises but always screw up in most adorable of ways
  Introverts are the ones that are genuinely happy in your bright days and genuinely sad in your pitch dark nights. And they always want to show it in the most beautiful of ways to you, one of which is, by giving surprises. They go way and beyond in thinking of most unique of ways to get you all awestruck. But more often than not, their hard work ends up being a total bust. Although it may be a screw up, but if you have a keen eye and mind, you will understand that the amount of hard work they put into their surprise for you is a direct outcome of the amount of genuinely good feelings they have for you. Now, that’s what counts, right?
  9. They own the stage, the audience, the entire atmosphere
  They walk around you in defiance, all huffy and puffy. But, once they get on the stage (to deliver a speech, to dance, to sing, to act), they leave you hypnotized. The blacked-out crowd reminds them of their private space where they break out, the empowering spotlights are the motivating cherries on top. This is how they give the world an insight into their inner strength. And just as curtains fall and they exit by the wings, they go straight to the green room. Mostly to make quick calls to their friends asking them to pick them up at the earliest. Because compliments are something they are not very good at accepting without getting all awkward. That does not mean they don’t like them. Just in-box them a heart-warming compliment, and they might even shed a tear in their private space.
  10. When they bite the bullet to mouth the words, they do it surprisingly well
  They have a little philosopher residing in the deep corners of their hearts. And only when a situation absolutely demands it, they will let the philosopher do the talking, leaving the listener amazed and inspired.
  Everyone has at least some aspect that makes them different and beautiful. In case of introverts, there are many. The major difference between them and the rest of the world is that they express their beautiful side (which they don’t even consider is beautiful), silently but nonetheless, movingly.