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  《Frankenstein》是一本由Mary Shelley著作,Bantam Classics出版的Mass Market Paperback图书,本书定价:20.00元,页数:209,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。
  ●7月买了KINDLE~这是在KINDLE看的第一本书~很棒啦~ 抖下机智:Mary早就告诉我们这是个看脸的世界了#Once I falsely hoped to meet with beings who, pardoning my outward form, would love me for the excellent qualities which I was capable of unfolding.#
  ●most stories are facade of bigger truth, bear it through and try to see beyond.
  ●pathetic, both the creator and the monster.
  最近在读这本小说。很直接的感觉就是mary shelley的单词量真的很大,19岁写出的这部作品令人敬佩。一开始读会觉得很多单词不认识,读了8个chapter之后,愈发地喜欢上这本小说了。虽然victor到底是怎么create这个gigantic figure并没有详细说,但是我主要还是被情节吸引,一些detail就ignore了。很不错的小说,蛮有意思的。可惜我在读之前看过中文简介,结局已经知道了。lol
  推荐阅读《frankenstein》 (科学怪人,or现代的普罗米修斯)
  1、在AI大热门的时代,这是第一本科幻小说,1818年,至今正好200年,可以重新探讨对人工智能的思考。作者说是受到英国政论家John Milton弥尔顿《Paradise Lost》(失乐园)思想的影响,写作的。
  2、写作者是玛丽雪莱Marry Shelley,全名Marry Wollstonecraft Godwin Shelley。Marry Wollstonecraft是她妈,英国女权主义者;William Godwin是她爹,英国政治学家、作家,提倡理性公正,认为环境影响人的思想,拥护法国大革命。老公是Percy Bysshe Shelley,浪漫主义和社会主义诗人。老公好友拜伦George Gordon Byron,也是浪漫主义诗人——提到是因为其起源是他们两对情侣旅行途中说各自写个故事(就在日内瓦,所以书里有很多日内瓦风景描述) 总之就是一家子激进派。可见对作者能有此先进性的影响了。看文学作品,我认为终究是避不开作者本身经历和背景的。
  3、书中有大量或秀丽或壮观的自然景物描写,对比着有人造人详细的丑陋又恐怖的外貌刻画,反差巨大。还有很细致的心里活动和情感阐述(怪物和Victor Frankenstein)。可以说一环扣一环,无论是气氛渲染还是情节设置,都是值得研磨细读的。 另外还有很多隐喻,从名字到情节内容,就不剧透了。
  薄荷阅读《frankenstein》37天 ;
  优酷《一千零一夜》科学怪人 45mins
  《Frankenstein》读后感(四):Reflection To 《Frankenstein》
  lt;Frankenstein&gt; is a science fiction about human clones written by English authoress Mary Shelly in 1818. It has always been considered as the first science fiction in the true sense of the phrase. The story is predominantly told by first-person letters. Readers are able to truly experience the unique "Gothic mystery" that flows throughout the whole story. Frankenstein, the protagonist of the novel,was a well-educated intellectual who committed himself to exploring profound mysteries of science and seeking the absolutes of natural world. While investigating biology, he created a giant with organs and tissues from corpses for his temporary interest, without considering the possibility that it might cause serious disaster. Lastly, fierce conflicts exploded between them, having Frankenstein’ s family destructed and leading to the end of the two men’ s lives. What an arrant tragedy! It seems that through the tragedy, the story has proved a simple truth that we, human, cannot always get thorough control of the things we create. Yet , as far as I am concerned, what the novel has told is far more than that. Frankenstein was addicted to sciences. He indulged his intellectual curiosity inordinately rather than think rationally. It was his yearning for conquering natural that had given rise to his miserable life. The full name of the fiction is<frankenstein, the="" story="" of="" modern="" prometheus="">, for it seems that the two stories have told a same truth. Prometheus stole the fire bringing light and warmth to human word, while Frankenstein created life that symbolized the summit of science and technology. They seem to have down something nice, yet if we treat their behaviour from a different angle, we found that they were doing something against the nature. Towards nature, we should never lose awes in our minds. One would surly pay a heavy price if attempting to dominate over the nature [原句:如果为了领教大自然的力量冲动行事,必将付出惨痛的代价。 观点自 现代寓言《弗兰肯斯坦》—— 张金凤——《解放军外国语学院报告》——2008年二期]. Incipiently, Frankenstein took his behaviour of creating the giant for granted. Then gradually, he realized the absurdity of what he had done. At the end of the story, he confided his anguish and compunction to captain Walton,a man who was willing to devote his whole life to seafaring, expostulating him not to wallow in desire or fight against the power of nature. Fortunately, Walton was convinced, and abandoned his desperate voyage which seemed like throwing the helve after the hatchet. Nowadays we are striving to develop technologies with the view of conquering the whole world, just like Frankenstein in the novel. We manufactured weapons like guns and missiles to ensure the impregnable security of countries, yet unexpectedly brought wars that deprived the innocent of their lives; We built up factories to produce things that we need, yet caused severe damages to the environment that we depend on deeply; We created the Internet that enabled people to communicate unimpeded with people from every corner of the world, yet we are now lack of face-to-face communications with those who around us. We seem to have completely controlled the technologies, but actually we haven’t, and we should never try to do so. Science and technology bring us detriments as they provide the society with benefits,so setting a restriction is indispensable,otherwise, such kind of "development"may bring about serious negative impact, like the giant did to Frankenstein. How to reach the balanced state between nature and technology has already become a permanent issue towards human life, and it is quite marvellous for the author,Mary·Shelley to predict the inevitable clash between human and the development of modern technologies in the early 19th century. Mary’s thoughts were well-founded. The early 19th century was the climax of British industrial revolution, the social productivity of Britain had unprecedentedly reached the top of the world. People went astray to quest excessively for material wealth and personal achievement, while science was regarded as supreme power. Immoderate self-striving brought potential crisis for the society, as it made people high-hat and impersonal. While devoting himself into scientific researches, Frankenstein became egocentric and was separate from the society. Such a man is Frankenstein that he went to extreme to abuse scientific technology, and eventually got himself and his life ruined. It is his obsession with individualism that had subverted his life. After experiencing a lifetime full of complication, he finally realized that what he actually need is to get over self-concentration, back to the nature and fit in his family and the society [ 原句:从自我关注中摆脱出来,,回归自然,融入家庭和社会。 悔悟激情——重读《弗兰肯斯坦》——陈姝波——《外国文学评论》——2005年二期] . He was truly repentant, yet it was all too late. Comparing with personal accomplishment, emotional care like family affection, friendship and love seem more significant to all of us. The author’s words which praised respectfully such kind of emotion have,undoubtedly, given readers a precept that told them to get ride of the parochial thoughts of individualism, make self-improvement[ 原句:......无疑是要告诫世人完善自我,走出个人主义的狭隘思维...... 悔悟激情——重读《弗兰肯斯坦》——陈姝波——《外国文学评论》——2005年二期] and above all, to establish a favourable relationship with the crowd around,like what the giant dreamed about in the novel.<frankenstein>, the world first science fiction which contains a variety of elements including humanistic care and technological philosophy, has been and will always be a hot-spot of literature that win universal praise.</frankenstein></frankenstein,>