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  《苏弗雷火山》是一部由沃纳·赫尔佐格执导,纪录片 / 短片主演的一部西德类型的电影,特精心从网络上整理的一些观众的影评,希望对大家能有帮助。
  ●4.5 勇者之心。
  ●当人类消失了,而文明还在。私以为是最美好的。Death waits forever and for everyone.
  ●Crazy shit, always
  你只要走在空无一人的街道上,对着从天而降的镜头说: 我不怕,我不愿和他们离去。此心安处是吾乡。
  科长发布了他《江湖儿女〉的一段视频,有关火山。我突然想起了赫尔佐格&lt;苏弗雷火山&gt;,大师在这电影里继续他的诗意。首先展示了该山柔和的一面,青翠的山坡上流动着几条小溪。接着摄影机(手提)立刻带观众穿过弃置的村镇,首先进入画面的是一只女人的白鞋掉落在一栋百花围绕的别墅前。然后两只笨驴和一只饿了好些天的小猪在街上闲逛。一家弃置了的医院门窗都是开着的。码头依旧映照着温煦的阳光,几只海鸟懒洋洋地列队在船坞前的木桩上。整个画面看不到一艘船,看不到一个人,一切空的可怕。再加上不时传来的火山怒吼,给人一种恐惧的压迫感。 这些只是大环境的写照而已。接着摄影机沿着山坡逐渐推进,最后来到一个身穿白衫的老头跟前。他很自在的躺在山坡。身边什么东西也没有,只有一只黑白相间的肥猫,这时候导演本人弯着腰走了过去,并和他打了招呼。这老头回了一笑,但并没有起身。导演说他似乎是这方圆百里唯一仅存的人。老头说:‘这就是人生,也是上帝安排好的,我没有什么可怕的,因为上帝马上要把这里整顿一下,这对我来说反倒是永生"导演提醒他可是坐在火药库上"不错,可是我哪天不是这样来着?我都躺了一辈子了" 导演问他是否可以唱支歌,随便什么曲子都行,老头润了润喉咙,露出仅存的两颗牙,开始唱一首老掉牙的法国情歌《悲伤的奴隶》。他低沉沙哑的声音,与地震地的火山,构成一幅很奇特的世界末日的景观。<!--苏弗雷火山-->
  赫尔佐格并不是一位只对自然环境感兴趣的导演,他的电影造成了这种错觉:亚马逊河和热带丛林(《阿基尔,上帝的愤怒》和《陆上行舟》),俄罗斯西伯利亚针叶林(《快乐的人们》),南极的冰原(《在世界尽头相遇 》),喀喇昆仑山脉(《发光的山》),阿拉斯加州卡特迈国家公园及自然保护区(《灰熊人》),活火山(《苏弗雷火山》和《进入地狱》),巴塔哥尼亚的"瑟拉托里"山(《石头的呐喊》)……当然,还能在赫尔佐格的电影中找到更多的例子,即便那些未曾出现自然景观的纪录片或历史题材的剧情片,也会象征性地在片头设置自然景观的镜头(比如《沉默与黑暗的世界》《卡斯帕尔·豪泽尔之谜 》),并配上极富宗教感的音乐或歌声。
  赫尔佐格拒绝摄影棚,将摄影机直接搬入大自然和在真实的场景中拍摄,其原因也在于此:唯有在最自然的环境中,角色才会像在现实生活中那般做出直接又自然的反映。这种高度的真实性反映在了赫尔佐格制作的虚构剧情片中,我想到了《卡斯帕尔·豪泽尔之谜 》这部电影中对自然声响和环境音效的真实还原,剧情片于是变得像纪录片一样让人感觉"真实"如在目前。而在纪录片中,赫尔佐格极富个人色彩的画外音则将客观的纪录变成主观的影像建构。最明显的例子是《灰熊人》,大部分影像是蒂莫西·崔德威尔拍摄的日常纪录,但在赫尔佐格手上却变换为一部慢慢揭开"剧情"的作品,这种极富观赏性的特色指向了剧情片的界定范围。
  《苏弗雷火山》影评(四):Part of the Screen Play. Read by Herzog Himself.
  Clear indication is about to erupt.
  Late August. 75 thousands inhabitants were evacuated.
  Excited.One peasant refused to leave.deserted.
  Traffic light, refrigerator, art condition, TV set.
  It was a comfort for us not having the law hanging around.
  hops had been cleared. Scattered on the ground.
  Dogs...no more garbage to garvenge.
  A pier devoid of ships.
  eismic crisis. scientist fled in a boat.
  The disaster is inevitable within the next few hours. 25 miles camera.
  Flew the last hours of town and last pictures taken of it.
  Tranquil and Serenity.
  The quite and deserted atmosphere of the town was so intense that we became fascinated and eager to take a look at the source of the silence namely as the crater of the volcano itself.
  The greatest dangers came from toxic gas.
  For the first time became to get scared.
  Toxic gas Clouds.
  A few hours later, things look better because the wind turns. We decided to carry on.
  We are able to film for several hours without anxiety.
  The ground was hot and rather unsteady.
  ottomless Fissures where the hot gas were pouring.
  Camera man left spectekies behind. pick up the next day.
  eople are aware of dangerous because there was a eruption on the neighboring island. Warnings were identical to those of LA.
  The population intended to flee. But since there are some elections that has already be postponed for other reasons that governor persuaded the people to stay. Only a few hundred had left, all others remained.
  The horrified rescue team found not a living soul. People had been chard to in cinder.
  o usual expulsion of larva. expelled a cloud of gas. The whole things could only have taken seconds.
  It was a young thief. That he only survived because he was the baddest guy in town.
  In underground solitary confinement. Side show Attraction in circus.
  The hours past, and the waiting began. Nobody knew the eruption is gonna happen the next minute or next day. Because no one can see a thing, the fear became anonymous.
  MAN ONE with a cat.
  I’m here because it’s god’s will. I’m waiting for my death. And I wouldn’t know where I’m gonna go anyway. I haven’t a cent. I am poor. Yes and no one knows when it will come.
  It’s as god as commanded. Like life, Death is forever. I haven’t the slightly fear. He is taken everyone to his "prison". Death waits forever. It’s eternal. I am not the sli...
  why should I leave. I made peace with myself with what insides me. I have nothing at all and I am waiting for death. You see this is how I’m waiting. "Eyes closed and arms stretched, lying straight." Talking became singing. I have lived through so many typhoons.
  There is not a thing you can do.
  I am not afraid of death. Here I am and I look after the ani all the times. They are kept behind. So I am looking after them I am saving them. And if gets much worse and really bad, maybe I will clear out today. I want to see my children. But I am not afraid of dying. I am fifty five now. I am not afraid.
  I have fifteen children. Waiving hands.
  I’m here and I am poor. I only have myself to look after.
  I can also walk to LA. But if you are gonna take me to XX, I will go along.
  After some weeks, population drifted back in town.
  ever before in the history of volcanology where signals of such magnitude measured, and yet nothing happened.
  The volcano would pro be soon forgotten, in my memory it is not the volcano that remains, but the neglected oblivion in which those black people live.
  There were something pathetic for us in the shooting of this picture and therefore it ended a little bit embarrassing.
  ow It has become a report of an inevitable catastrophe that did not take place.