导语:美国动画片《马男波杰克》,讲述了一匹中年过气明星马在看似光鲜亮丽的好莱坞生活中思考自身意义的故事。这部片已经更新到第三季,豆瓣评分高达9.6,被许多中国观众奉为"致郁系"神剧。下面是有励志故事网的雄安边为大家整理的里面的经典台词,希望你们能喜欢! 1(第四集) you konw what your problem is?You are trying to be a Zelda,but you're so obviously a Zoe.You can live your happy Zelda life in this happy Zelda town,and pretend you are a happy Zelda,but I know you,and this isn't you .People do not change,Diane,not really.We are Zoes,Diane.We are cynical and we are sad and we are mean.There is a darkness inside you,and you can bury it deep in burritos as big as your head,but someday soon,that darkness is gonna come out。 你知道自己的问题所在吗?你明显骨子里是佐伊,可你偏偏要做萨尔达。你可以在这个萨尔达的城市里过着萨尔达的幸福生活,并且假装自己是幸福快乐的萨尔达,但是我了解你,那不是真正的你。本性难移,黛安,真的,我们都是佐伊,黛安。我们愤世嫉俗多愁善感而又刻薄小气。你内心有黑暗的一面,你可以把它深深地埋在墨西哥卷里,但是不久的将来,你的黑暗面就会出现。 2(第六集) You konw,it is...it is really hard to have somebody,I don't know,know you,I guess.And you do,uh,know me,Diane.And I know I'm not the perfect guy.I actually kind of hate myself a lot of the time.But when...when I'm with you,I,uh,don't hate muself.I like being around you. 其实,这个世界上很难有人了解一个人,而你了解我,黛安。我知道自己并不完美,其实大部分时间我还有点讨厌自己,但是,我跟你在一起时,我不讨厌自己了。我喜欢跟你在一起。 3(第七集) —This was a mistake.I've been acting crazy.That phone call just pulled me back to reality.You are right.I don't love you.You don't love me.We're just two lonely people trying to hate ourselves a little less.Maybe that's all we're ever gonna be.Maybe that's all we ever were. —You know the worst part?I know this was gonna happen and I let muself get excited anyway. —这样不对,我最近简直疯了。刚才那通电话把我拉回了现实。你说的对。我不爱你。你也不爱我。我们只是两个孤单的人想少恨自己一点而已。可能我们以后会一直如此。可能我们以前也是如此。 —你知道最糟糕的是什么吗?我明知道会这样,可是我还是放任自己为此兴奋。 4(第八集) You want to think of youself as the good guy.Well,I know you better than anyone,and I can tell you that you're http://not.In fact,you'd probably sleep a lot better at night if you just admitted to youself that you're a selfish goddamn coward who takes whatever he wants and doesn't give a shit about who he hurts. 你总是把自己当成好人。我比任何人都了解你。我告诉你,你不是好人。如果你干脆点承认,自己是个自私自利的懦夫,会随心所欲拿走任何东西根本不在乎伤害到了谁,那可能还会睡得安稳点。 5(第十一集) —I don't actually even really care what the world thinks about me anymore.I just hated reading that book because I hated feeling like that's how you saw me.Because I guess you know me better than anybody,and if you think that... Um,I guess my question is,do you...Do you think it's too late for me? —What? —I mean,an I just doomed to be the person that I am?The...The person in that book?It's not too late for me, is it?It's...It's not too late...Diane,I need you to tell me that it's not too late. —BoJack,I... —I need you to tell me that I'm a good person.I know that I can be selfish and narcissistic and self-destructive,but underneath all that,deep down,I'm a good person.And I need you to tell me that I'm good,Diane.Tell me,please,Diane.Tell me that I'm good. —其实我根本不在乎别人是怎么看我的。我只是讨厌看那本书,因为我在你的眼中是那个样子我很难过。你应该比其他任何人都了解我,如果你觉得…我的问题是,你…你觉得我现在晚了吗? —什么? —难道我注定就是这样的人?你书中写的那个人?现在还不晚,对吧?还不晚……黛安,我需要你告诉我现在还不晚。 —波杰克,我… —我…我需要你告诉我我是个好人。我知道自己自私自恋又有自毁倾向,但是我内心深处,我是个好人。我需要你告诉我我是个好人,黛安。告诉我,求你了,黛安,我诉我我是个好人。(静默) 6(第十二集) BoJack,when you get sad,you run straight ahead and you keep running forward,no matter what.There are people in your life who are gonna try to hold you back,slow you down,but you don't let them.Don't you stop running and don't you ever look behind you.There's nothing for you behind you.All that exists is what's ahead. 波杰克,当你伤了心,就奔跑吧,一往无前地奔跑,不论发生什么。你的人生中会有人想要阻止你,拖慢你,但别让他们得逞。不要停止奔跑,不要回顾来路。来路无可眷恋。值得期待的只有前方。 7(第十二集) The universe is a cruel,wncaring void.The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning.It's to just keep youself busy with unimportant nonsense,and eventually,you'll be dead. 这个宇宙是一个残酷的空间。变得快乐的关键并不是去寻求人生的意义,而是让自己在不重要的小事间忙忙碌碌,然后,你就会过完这一生。 8(第十二集) —Well,do you think I'm a good person...deep down? —That's the thing. I don't think I believe in deep down.I kind of think all you are is just the things that you do. —那你觉得我内心是个好人吗? —可问题是,我不相信人的内心。我认为你做的事就说明你是怎样的人。 9(第一集) —I just wanted to tell you I know.I know you wanna be happy,but you won't be,and...I'm sorry. —What? —It's not just you,you know.Your father and I,we...Well,you come by it honestly,the ugliness inside you.You were born broken,that's your birthright.And now you can fill your life with projects ,your books and your movies and your little girlfriends.But it won't make you whole. —我就想告诉你我知道,我知道你想幸福,但不会的……对不起。 —什么? —不仅是你,你爸爸和我,我们…说实话这是你继承的,你内心的丑恶。你生来就支离破碎,这是天生的。现在尽管你可以用工作、用书、用电影还有你的小女朋友充实人生,但你依旧不会完整。 10(第二集) —Well,BoJack's stunted,too.He got famous in his twenties,so he'll be in his twenties forever.After you get famous,you stop growing,you don't gave to.Every celebrity has an age of stagnation. —I'm glad I never got famous. —It doesn't just happen when you get famous.Your age of stagnation is when you stop growing.For most people,it's when they het married,settle into a routine.You meet someone who loves you unconditionally and never challenges you or wants you to change,and then you never change. —波杰克也发育不良,他二十几岁就成名了,所以他就永远二十几了。成名之后,人就不会成长,因为没必要。每个名人都会有冻龄点。 —我很庆幸自己没有扬名立万。 —不是只有出了名才会有冻龄的,冻龄点就是你停止生长的那一刻。对大多数人来说,就是步入婚姻殿堂,开始安居乐业的那一刻,或是碰到一个全身心爱你,一直呵护你并想让你始终如一的那个人时,你就再也不会成长了。 11(第三集) —You ascribed a mystery to Herb's death to give it meaning.But there is no meaning in death.That's why ti's so terrifying. —It was just easier to believe that you killed him for his book than believe that he just died for nothing. —There is no shame in dying for nothing.That's why most people die. —I just wanted to fix things somehow. —I'm sorry,but you can't. —你觉得赫比的死有可疑之处,想给它一个意义,但死亡本身就没有意义,所以死亡才让人害怕 —我只是宁愿相信你为了他的书杀了他比相信他白白死了容易。 —白白死了不丢人,大多数人都是白死。 —我只是想做出点弥补。 —抱歉,但你无法弥补。 12(第四集) —I'm not happy. —With me? —I don't know.With everything.I wake up in the morning and I feel like I have no purpose.And I'm 35.And if I don't make some change in my life,then this is how I'm gonna feel forever. —Well,I don't know what to say because I'm an old dog and I'm not gonna change.Do you know what I do while you're at work all day?I mostly just sit right there.Sometimes I pretend to dig a little hole and then I take a nap.And when I hear your car in the driveway,it is the best part of my day. —我不幸福! —跟我一起不幸福吗? —我不知道,身边一切都不幸福。我早上醒来,觉得人生没有任何目的。我都35岁了,如果我不在生活中做些改变,那我下辈子都会是这种状态了。 —我不知道说什么好了,因为我老了。你知道你白天工作的时候我在做什么吗?我大部分时间就坐在这里,有时候我假装挖个洞,然后就小睡一会儿。我听到你开车回来的声音时,是我一天中最美好的时刻。 13(第六集) Carolyn,you are the star of a movie.This is the part of the movie where you get your heart broken.Where the world tests you,And people treat you like shit.But it has to happen This way.Otherwise.the end of the movie,when you get everything you want,won't feel as rewarding.There are assholes out there,but in the end,they don't matter.Because this movie's not about them.All this time,the movie's been about you. 卡洛琳,你是一部电影的主角,电影中这里你是要心碎的,世界考验你,周围的人不正眼看你,但电影必须这样演,否则电影最后,你得到一切时,就不会有苦尽甘来的感觉。虽然你身边到处是混蛋,但最后都没关系,因为这部电影主角不是他们。一直以来,这部电影的主角都是你。 14(第十二集) It gets easier.Every day,it gets a little easier.But you gotta Do it every day.That's the hard part.But it does get easier. 会变容易的,每天都会容易一点点。但是你得每天都坚持做。这才是最难的部分,会变得容易的。 15(第四集22) Kelsey,in this terrifying world,All we have are the connections that we make. 凯尔西,在这可怕的世界上,我们就只有我们认识的人。 16(第五集21) —I love Karen.But does she complete me? —Taneisha,nobody completes anybody.That's not a real thing.If you're lucky enough to find someone you can halfway tolerate,sink your nails in and dont't let go,no matter what. —So,what,I should just settle? —Yes,thank you,exactly.Settle.Because otherwise you're just gonna get older,and harder,and more alone.And you're gonna do everything you can to fill that hole,with friends,and your career,and meaningless sex,but the hole doesn't get filled.One day,you're gonna look around and you're going to realize that everybody loves you,but nobody likes you.And that is the loneliest feeling in the world. —我很爱凯伦,但是她是否让我完整呢? —塔妮莎,没人能让谁完整,这种事情不存在,如果有幸遇到能凑合忍得了的人,就用尽全力抓紧,无论如何都不要放手. —所以我应该将就吗? —没错,说得对,就是将就。因为不将就的话,你会一点点变老,生活会变得更艰难,你会更孤单。你会想方设法要填补内心的空虚——用朋友、用事业、用毫无意义的性爱,但是内心的空虚却依然还在。直到有一天,你看着自己的周围,发现大家都爱你,却没人喜欢你,那将是这世上最孤单的感觉。 17(第七集) When you do bad things,you have something you can point to when people eventually leave you.It's not you,you tell yourself,it's that bad thing you did.Do you often keep people at arm's length?Are you afraid of being known and knowing others? 如果做了坏事,就给了自己一个理由。别人最终离开你时,你就有理由了,你告诉自己他们离开不是因为你,而是因为你做的那些坏事。你经常会与人保持距离吗?你害怕被人了解,也害怕了解别人吗? 18(第十一集) That there are going to be times when you'll see someone in trouble.You're going to wants rush in there and do whatever you can to save them,but you have to stop yourself,because there are some people you can't save.'Cause those people will thrash and struggle and try to take you down With them. 总会有几次你看到他人陷于危难之中,你可能想奋不顾身地冲到现场不惜一切代价拯救他们,但你要控制自己的冲动,因为有些人你是救不得的,因为有些人会拼命划水用力挣扎,试图把你一起拖下水。 19.波杰克,当你伤了心,就奔跑吧。 20.我们的故事由自己决定,轮不到别人来指手画脚。 21.你听我说,你是输了几次,但你还会东山再起的。 22.电视就是靠把我们这个时代的各种复杂性变为空洞易为人接受的标语而兴旺繁荣的。 23.你越是无法得到的东西就越是想要。 24.花生酱先生:说不准天上什么时候掉馅饼。马男波杰克:天上不会掉馅饼。花生酱先生:所以才说不准嘛。 25.我没事,我会幸福快乐。 26.没人能让谁完整,这种事情不存在。如果有幸能遇到能凑合得了的人就用尽全力,无论什么时候都别放手。 27.爱到最后,要么伤人,要么受伤,有什么意义呢? 28.因为不将就的话,你会一点点变老,生活会变得更艰难,你会更孤单。你想方设法要填补内心的空虚,用朋友,用事业,用毫无意义的性爱,但内心的空虚却依旧还在。直到有一天,你看着自己周围,发现大家都爱你,却没人喜欢你。那将是这世上最孤独的感觉。 29.对了,我是爱你的在我能爱一个人的能力范围内爱你但这从来都不够爱,对不起 30.你不能一直做一些烂事,然后自己后悔,好像后悔有用一样,你需要变好。 31.你要么知道自己想要什么,却得不到;要么得到了,可却不知道自己想要什么了。人生总是如此,对吧? 32.你永远无法逃避自己。 33."我对以前的事情感到很抱歉""你是在道歉吗?""是,对不起。""好吧,我不原谅你。""赫比,我说了对不起。""我知道,我说我不原谅你。" 34.你生来就支离破碎,这是你天生的现在尽管你可以用工作,用书用电影,还有你的小女朋友充实人生但你依旧不会完整 35.看到落日在两山之间让我想起了大屁股。 36.猪医生:波杰克,你好像是轻度焦虑症发作。波杰克:天呐,这都是轻度的话,那重度得成什么样子。 37.他们只想听自己已经相信的事,没人想知道真相。 38.你知道我的问题出在哪儿吗?我不会拒绝别人。因为我想要每个人都喜欢我。 39.你得应付自如。 40.卡洛琳:你是说你这周会忙于对自己的照片撸管无暇看书?波杰克:我说过了,那次不是你想的那样,我撸管的对象是那张照片所代表的东西。是你走进来的时机不对。 41.他竟然笨到没有意识到,自己该多么可悲,我真嫉妒他。 42.看吧,萨拉·琳恩,我们并未受到命运的诅咒。在这一片广袤的宇宙当中,我们不过是不起眼的瞬间而已,终有一日会被世人遗忘。最重要的是当下,眼前,是我们与彼此分享的这段时光。所以,我们做过什么,或是如何被人铭记都不重要。 43.我觉得很多军人都是混蛋给他一把枪 告诉他,你可以去杀人了,然后混蛋就变成英雄了吗? 44.韦恩:你不应该和花生酱先生在一起,你应该 和我在一起。戴安:我跟你在一起过啊,当然,你为人聪明 事故爽快,但是,你太小气了。韦恩:你知道你的问题出在哪儿吗?你骨子里是Zoe可你偏要做Zelda并且假装自己是幸福快乐的Zelda但那不是真正的你本性难移,Diane,真的花生酱先生是Zelda他活的快乐无忧无虑而且很忠诚但你跟我,我们都是Zoe我们愤世嫉俗多愁善感而又小气刻薄你内心有黑暗的一面你可以把它深深地埋在墨西哥卷里但是不久的将来,你的黑暗面就会出现,等到那时候,你记得打电话给我 45.人生苦短 何必留长 46.有时候 自欺欺人也是一种自我安慰 47.看到一个人真实的样子,其实会让人觉得很亲切,但那种亲切感觉并不好。 48.我讨厌我的人生,我等不及要去死了。 49."你必须每天告诉自己""我能改变,我会改变" 50.你的人生中会有人,想要阻止你拖累你,但别让他们得逞,不要停止奔跑 不要回顾来路,来路无可眷念,值得期待的只有远方