love ♡° IF YOU Sink Longevi Bitter(苦涩) Monody(挽歌) letyougo! dislike. The Broken Wings. Zed Poison(毒药) Ambition(野心) Infatuation(痴心) Fiee(追寻) Bitter(泪海) Distance(失落) Lipstick(口红) Lost(迷失) Late autumn(晚秋) Memory of fish(鱼的记忆) cat lovers(爱猫者) Wait for you to marry me(等你娶我) pitiful(可怜) ①ge人过 ariel sgriccia kayla vinay 维奈 ⺌dream; say、miss me ╃carl╃卡尔 ←¢eunice☆ ____wiecky CLARENCE struggle(挣扎) Superficial(肤浅) How to stay(如何挽留) release(释怀) beloved(意中人) Don"t love you(不爱你) pamper(宠溺) Love is you(爱的就是你) Blurred(迷离) Agonie(折磨) Red bean(红豆) Raging(肆虐)