近期因为国外的疫情越来越严重,孩子们越来越不容易。昨天又听说IB大考取消了,难啊!我把一些常用考试的官网逛了一圈,给大家做一个总结吧。 一.IB大考 下面是今天的官网信息,这里面并没有说B考I试取消,明确表示了会在3月27日前做决定。 The IB, like other examination bodies, is treating the challenges that this pandemic is presenting for our worldwide school community very seriously. We have deep empathy for the impact this is having on over 200,000 IB students across the globe and are currently reviewing all available options. We are gathering feedback from schools, students, universities and official bodies to determine the most judicious way forward. It is critical for us to ensure that the options we provide our world of schools are done with compassion for our students and teachers and fairness for the difficult circumstances our students and educators are experiencing. Ultimately, we want to ensure that our students have every chance of success as they pursue university entry or future career plans. Our students are at the forefront of our thinking as we navigate this extraordinary global pandemic. We are working through these options with the utmost urgency and will be providing a decision on the May 2020 examination session and the options available for schools and students no later than 27 March 2020. 不过国内各类机构的公号都流行这下面这个信息,也就是说考试取消了,直接发IB证书了。 外国留学机构WhichSchool Advisor也有这个信息,说是非官方的消息,他们还在进一步核实。 国内据说也有不少学校通知取消了,看来这大概率不是谣言,是遥遥领先的预言,但是不管怎么说建议3月27日后再上官网确认下。 二、SAT CB明确表示取消了5月2日的考试,以及原定3月28日的补考。 6月6日的SAT考试和SAT2考试,目前还没有取消。 同时,CB表示,它在探索其他的考试方式。 March and May SAT Administrations In response to the rapidly evolving situation around the coronavirus (COVID-19), College Board is canceling the May 2, 2020 SAT and SAT Subject Test administration. Makeup exams for the March 14 administration (scheduled for March 28) are also canceled. Students who already registered for May, whose March test centers were closed, or who do not receive March scores because of any irregularities will receive refunds. In the coming days, College Board will share additional information and details directly with registered students and test centers. Future Testing Opportunities College Board will provide future additional SAT testing opportunities for students as soon as possible in place of canceled administrations. We’ll be as flexible as possible to give students the best chance to show their skills and stay on the path to college. We have not yet canceled the June 6, 2020 SAT and SAT Subject Test administration and will continue to assess its status, with the health and safety of students and educators as our top priority. We are also exploring the possibility of adding an international SAT administration later this school year. 三 、AP AP取消了传统的考试模式,取而代之的是45分钟的在线考试。所有的AP考试科目都会有两个考试日期可选。 CB会提供免费的远程学习资源。(这个大家可以去看下) 最后,大家一定要关注的是:AP的在线考试形式,及考试安排会在4月3日公布,所以,考生一定要在这个时间点上去看看,毕竟头一回啊。 As schools and communities navigate the unprecedented challenges posed by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the health and safety of educators and students are the AP Program’s top priorities.Here’s how we’re supporting schools: ·We’re providingfree remote learning resources. ·We’re investing in the development of a new at-home testing option. Through our members across the country, we understand the new time constraints on everyone in the education community. These solutions are meant to be as simple and lightweight as possible for both students and teachers — without creating additional burdens for school leaders during this time. ·Traditional face-to-face exam administrations will not take place. Students will take a 45-minute online free-response exam at home. ·Some students may want to take the exam sooner rather than later, while the content is still fresh. Other students may want more time to practice. For each AP subject, there will be 2 different testing dates. The full exam schedule, specific free-response question types that will be on each AP Exam, and additional testing details will be available by April 3. We"ll also unlock any relevant free-response questions in AP Classroom for digital use so students can access all practice questions of the type that will appear on the exam. 四、ACT ACT通知原定4月3日或4日的ACT考试延期到6月12到13日举行。再后面一场考试是7月17日或18日。感觉ACT比较淡定,看来它认为疫情6月一定会过去。 Is ACT still holding its 3 and 4 April, 2020 international test? No. ACT has rescheduled its 3 and 4 April international test dates to 12 and 13 June in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. All students registered for the 3 and 4 April test date received an email from ACT informing them of the postponement and instructions for free rescheduling to 12 or 13 June or a future international test date. When are the next ACT international test dates? The next ACT international test dates are 12 and 13 June and 17 and 18 July. 五、托福 托福可以考线上了,但是仅限美国,加拿大,哥伦比亚,法国,德国,意大利,西班牙,中国香港及澳门,自3月26日开始,学生可以在家里线上考试了。哎,中国大陆还是不行。中国托福的报名体系和外网的报名体系也不同。算了,中国的学生还是考多邻国对付下吧,基本前三十的学校都认同的。(见:托福,雅思2月都停了,我们还能考什么?--多邻国线上考试,你可以试试!) NEW: At Home Testing for theTOEFL iBT®Test ETS has announced an at home testing solution for the TOEFL iBT test for students who have been affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19). Monitoring of the test will be conducted using live remote proctors by ProctorU®, the leading proctoring solution for online testing. The TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition test is available from March 23 (13:00 UTC) in selected countries where students can take the test at home beginning Thursday, March 26. We are continuing to assess the impact of the pandemic on test centers worldwide and are working to make the solution available in additional locations impacted by the pandemic. The test is identical in content, format, on-screen experience and scoring to the TOEFL iBT test taken at a test center. It is monitored online by a trained human proctor from start to finish to maintain test security. 下面是托福考试的方式,大家就看看吧,国人用不上。 六、雅思 雅思的官网说考试暂定,中国暂停到4月30日,但是什么时候能考,真心不知道。 Suspended testing Testing is currently suspended in the following locations in line with official requirements. Please note, however, that the situation is evolving quickly, and it is possible that tests in other locations may be suspended at short notice.If you have any queries, please contact your test centre. Thank you for your co-operation and understanding. 2021年毕业的孩子真不容易,上课变网课,竞赛取消,活动没法做,标化考试也取消或者变成网上考试。后面录取PK啥?我感觉对于美高生,IB学生由于GPA认可度高,可能会占不少优势,普高孩子相对会吃亏。