上图是卡梅录取率,男生吃亏不一天了,抱歉,今年因为疫情,卡梅提前放榜了,录取通知上还写着3月28日,我还以为穿越了,呵呵。今年RD特别友好,很多人录取了,不过统计下来的明显录取非理工科专业的孩子偏多。卡梅是一个理工见长,计算机科学排名第一的学校。不过,卡梅的商学院其实也是非常棒的。最近的重点是研究商科,所以今天仔细分析一下,你录取CMU以后转入商科和CS专业的可能性。看看卡梅商学院方面各种方向的排名吧,眼馋了没有。 信息管理第一,量化分析第二,生产/运营管理第三,金融第八,供应链管理第八。卡梅用它强大的CS水准再加上商科的各类技能,妥妥的坐稳了商科某些领域的顶尖位置。所以,就算读商科,你在卡梅还是和CS息息相关。 卡梅的商学院是可以转进去的。看下面链接: https://www.cmu.edu/tepper/programs/undergraduate-business/admissions/transfer-students.html 卡梅明确表示,卡梅的学生可以转入Tepper商学院。 Students at Carnegie Mellon are able to transfer into the Tepper School of Business as internal transfer students to pursue the undergraduate Business Administration degree. Transfer acceptance is evaluated on academic performance and is limited by space. Students may apply for acceptance into the Business Administration program twice during their undergraduate career. Applications are due by 5 p.m. on the last day of classes in the fall and spring semester. To be eligible to apply for transfer, students must: oComplete two semesters at Carnegie Mellon University (First-year students who begin in the fall are eligible to apply in the spring.) oEarn a cumulative QPA of 3.0 or higher oComplete 21-256, Multivariate Analysis21- 259, Calculus in Three Dimensions oComplete 73-102, Principles of Microeconomics A complete transfer application includes: oThe completed application form, which includes a resume and personal statement submission oA recommendation from a Carnegie Mellon University faculty or staff member 申请转学的学生必须满足: -必须完成两个学期的课程(一年级的学生可以在春季申请) -GPA至少3.0 -完成21-256多元分析或21-259三维积分 -完成73-102微观经济学原理 给你一些相对详细的信息。在2018年,直申有3639人,录取了426人,约12%的录取率,所有的学生是544人,所以应该是有118人转入。 The undergraduate business program received 3,639 applications to join them in Fall 2018, and admitted 426 students, giving them an admittance rate of 12 percent for direct applicants. The total full-time enrollment for all business majors in Fall 2018 was 544. 根据网上的消息TEPPER商学院不难转入,满足上面条件的孩子有兴趣去申请,表达兴趣就可以了。 真正难的是转进CS,有硬杠子的。 首先不管哪个学院都可以转,但是要求六门核心课程要到3.6的GPA,总的GPA到3.0。这六门是:15-122,15-213,15-150,15-210,15-251,21-127基本就是这六门课至少要获得4个A和2个B,不过据说现在已经涨价到至少5个A和1个B。看实力了,这个和伯克利类似,伯克利也是用GPA来控制进专业的人数,你行你进专业,不行,怪不得别人。所以,有心CS要去CMU的孩子,要做好准备,读书特别辛苦,PK出好成绩还是有机会杀出一条路的。同时强烈推荐读一下卡梅家长写的"CS全民校-卡梅专业新解"。 Non-SCS students: CMU students in majors outside of SCS can apply for transfer into the Computer Science major or a dual degree in Computer Science using thisonline form. Students considering a transfer are expected to earn at least a 3.6 QPA in 15-122, 15-150, 15-210, 15-213, 15-251 and 21-127, and have an overall 3.0 QPA. 最后再次恭喜获得offer的孩子们,准备往死里学吧。出路不用我多说了,到处都有信息。有实力,喜欢,可以拿下商科和CS的双专业。