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  《美语发音秘诀》是一本由Ann Cook著作,群言出版社出版的平装图书,本书定价:42.00元,页数:276,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。
  ●"Hello, my name is so-and-so. I"m taking American Accent Training. There"s a lot to learn, but I hope to make it as enjoyable as possible. I should pick up on the American intonation pattern pretty easily, although the only to get it is to practice all of the time..."
  ●有了旧版不该再买新版的 其实差别不大
  ●1、美音其实和唱歌一样,语音和文本并非直接对应关系,这一点要搞清。 2、耳朵会欺骗你,一些口语APP上,之所以有人拿高分,原因是人家不是朝着录音念的,而是照着这本书上的美音规则,该连读的时候连读,该弱读得时候弱读,你虽然听不出来,但是语音识别设备能听出来。 3、要多练习。这个课程是为了在美国的外国人准备的。假定已经英语很好了,只是语音不太正宗。我想说的是,虽然我的发音不够标准,但是口语表达能力更差啊,阅读也太少,听力也不行,需要抢救的太多了,这个先搁着吧。
  ●好书,弄懂英语发音,这本书就够了!照顾到了我目前从其它书籍和视频上学到的所有发音要点。(虽然有些出入……) 就是稍微有点学术化,但是从本质上讲清楚问题当然是最好的。还有一点是这个用的是韦氏音标。
  英语发音纠音训练营 群号:16890954
  回望自己的英语学习历程,原来距离自己第一次在大学时学习《American Accent Training》已经六年之久。由于本身爱好,这期间的英语学习是没有间断过,有时偶尔还是会拿起AAT这本书进行学习,当然这其中免不了走了很多弯路,自己决心去年重新再一次系统的学习AAT,想着是要把这么多年没做好的事给做好,算是对自己的一个交代。由于是系统学习,自己也会在专栏中将AAT各章节的学习攻略和心得记录下来。目前已经将攻略写了三个多月,跟着学习进度,基本是一周一篇的状态。希望大家能给予指正或建议。https://www.zhihu.com/column/c_1243087016079855616
  《美语发音秘诀》读后感(四):关于本书没有采用IPA, 作者的回答
  Amazon original post link:
  Initial post: May 24, 2014 10:20:42 AM PDT
  Ann Cook says:
  Hello, Ann Cook here, author of American Accent Training. Thank you for posting your opinion and I"d like to clarify why we have chosen to use a modified IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) since the first edition in 1991. The people who use this book tend to be very educated in fields other than linguistics. Rather than having them learn a completely different system, we stay as close to the regular English alphabet as possible, only using phonetic symbols when standard spelling doesn"t make a clear distinction.
  The four main symbols we use are æ, ä, ǝ and ü. This enables students to pronounce common words such as bat, bought, but and book, without undue effort. By combining regular spelling with just a little IPA, a word like jazz is transcribed as jæzz, rather than t͡ʃæz, which would necessitate learning a completely new alphabet system.
  We also stay away from technical phonetic terms such as sibilant, fricative, plosive and use everyday expressions such as hiss, buzz, pop. Similarly, instead of "final voiced consonant," we"ll say that the last letter is spoken, not whispered. We do frequently reference the alveolar ridge (with a clear definition) because so many letters are created in this area. Of course, for students who do prefer to learn the technical terms, they can refer to the index.
  Thank you for creating the opportunity for me to explain our methodology.