近期,南加大放榜了,录取的中国学生不少。有钱任性的学校,不少学生还有奖学金,让你不舍得放弃它,的确,这几年他一直在进步。那么南加大什么是热门学科,知道吗? 主要是商科,管理,市场及相关的社会科学,视觉与表演艺术,工程,传媒,新闻学等。根据网上的信息,我整理的本科生读各个专业的比例大概如下: 23.6% Business/marketing 14.1% Social sciences 12.1% Visual and performing arts 9.0% Communication/journalism 9.0% Engineering 6.2% Biological/life sciences 4.2% Architecture 4.2% Interdisciplinary studies 4.0% Psychology 3.1% Health professions and related program 2.1% Computer and information science 1.7% Foreign languages, literatures, and linguistics 1.6% English 1.3% Philosophy and religious studies 0.8% Natural resources and conservation 0.8% History 0.7% Area, ethnic, and gender studies 0.7% Physical sciences 0.4% Parks and recreation 0.3% Public administration and social services 南加大的Marshall商学院在本科商学院排名第12名,有钱人多的地方,怎么可能商科不吃香呢!那么如果没有直接录取Marshall商学院,是否有可能转入呢?答案是,学校贴心的告诉你可以的!有专门的介绍! https://www.marshall.usc.edu/current-students/applying-marshall-current-usc-students 在Marshall商学院,孩子可以学到,经济,商业统计,会计,组织行为学,财务,市场,公共关系及商务策略等很多领域的知识,如果录取了的新生,在第一个学期的前三周可以联系商学院的录取办公室联系,试试看是否有机会成为Marshall商学院新生哦,貌似有一点点可能,虽然竞争很激烈。当然,后面你还可以作为内部转学生在后面转学进入Marshall商学院。Marshall商学院为此做了在线讲座,有几个时间点 有兴趣听介绍的孩子赶紧用下面的链接: https://www.marshall.usc.edu/current-students/applying-marshall-current-usc-students/business-administration-major 有考虑的学生,千万进去听一听,别漏了! 这里具体介绍了进入Marshall商学院各种专业的课程要求,GPA要求,和办理的方式,以及联系方式。需要考虑的孩子,赶紧接着问,Marshall商学院欢迎你! 有很多家长一定想知道录取难度了,我没有找到录取的具体数据,根据前面的信息23.6%是商科,学校的一届入学人数约3400人,也就是说会有800人进入商学院学习。所以说,难度呢,我觉得不算最难,但是容易也谈不上。 根据前面讲座和网上的信息,GPA一般要求3.5+,是否能够录取关键看GPA(当然还是要完成商学院要求的基础课程),课外活动不重要,按照下面的说法,如果你到了3.85(两个A,两个A-)你基本就肯定八成能进了,如果低于这个成绩,那么就是六成把握。 To keep it short and sweet -- the minimum internal GPA transfer is 3.5 -- meaning you need to get a 3.5 GPA or better your first semester. It is important to note that an A- is a 3.7 NOT a 4.0. I was VERY competitive because I earned a 3.925 (3 A"s, 1 A-). The internal transfer process is STRICTLY based on GPA -- in the application they do not ask about extra curricular activities. You will meet with a counselor who will tell ALL the students the same thing -- take 2 GE"s and take 2 Marshall Classes -- specifically BUAD 310 (statistics) and ECON 351 (microeconomics) -- the 2 GE"s are up to your discretion. Obviously performing better in 310 and 351 will have more is significance than performance in your GE"s. BOTTOM LINE: If you get in, you will be taking BUAD 310 and ECON 351 plus 2 GE"s, to be competitive you need a 3.7+ (that is all A-), extra curricular activities do not matter. Simply put, if you get a 3.85 (2 a"s, 2 a-) you should be a lock. Anything less and you become 60% chance -- any thing more and it goes from 80% to me 100% 相信中国录取的孩子都是拼出来的,有实力的。有想法的,赶紧去听讲座吧。别以为录取了,工作就结束了!