圣母大学的Mendoza商学院也是排名前十五,而且由于是天主教教会学校,校友之间的关系非常密切,就业内推荐是非常帮忙的。所以,如果考虑商科,圣母大学是可以放在选校名单里面的。那么圣母是否能够曲线救国呢?抱歉,我的分析是基本不行! 外面的有消息是这么说的: 商学院Mendoza College of Business不接受转学,学校内部的转学也不接受。因此,考虑转学读商科课程的学生就不要考虑圣母了。另外在其他学院和商科相关的课程也受到了限制,比如College of Science的转学生也不可以申请 Science-Business and Chemistry-Business majors。 官网上是这样描述的: Upon application to Notre Dame, all students are asked to make a non-binding indication of the college or school and specific major or discipline in which they intend to major.Applicants who indicate an intent to enroll into the Mendoza College of Business will be informed at the time of admission, whether they are "preapproved" to do so at the end of their first year. If admitted but not preapproved, students will be advised that they will be free to enroll in any other college or school, but that the chances of being approved to major in business after the first year will belimited. If a student who is preapproved to major in business later decides not to do so, she or he will be free to choose a major in any other college or school at Notre Dame (assuming they have completed the appropriate prerequisite courses).Notre Dame is the first choice college for most of our applicants, and we anticipate that many who indicate a business intent on their applications will opt to enroll here without the preapproved status and seek other majors.After the first year, a small number of students who were not preapproved to major in business, will be allowed to do so. This number will include both students currently matriculated at Notre Dame as well as some students applying to Notre Dame as transfer applicants from other universities.Notre Dame offers many programs in addition to the BBA degree that affordstudents the opportunity to learn about business principles. 意思是,学生在申请圣母大学的时候是有选择学院的,学院会通知学生是否"preapproved"了。"preapproved"的学生直接去读就行了,如果录取了,但是没有"preapproved"可以去其他学院,一年以后还有一丝机会被商学院考虑,但是非常难。如果学生进了商学院要转出去,那分分钟可以走。 学院鼓励学生一入学就说明要读商科获得"preapproved",建议如果没有"preapproved",就考虑其他学科吧。 一年以后,会有少部分不是"preapproved"转入,也有一些其他学校的学生转入。(从这里可以看出,不是不接受,但是很难。) 网上也有学员建议,选Mendoza商学院不定专业,就可以修到商科的课程,反正专业要等一年结束以后再定。 也有学生说,他没有申请Mendoza商学院,只是到他的课程顾问那里申请获得选修商学院课程的资格,然后经过一年商学院基础课程,你可以在二年级的二月样子申请Mendoza商学院的专业,貌似成功了。 Also I never had to apply to Mendoza. All I had to do was get my advisor to sign off of it and then it was entered into the computer so I could get into exclusive classes for Mendoza. Also in Mendoza, you take a year of the basic classes before you declare you major amongst them. 这样看来,圣母大学跟以前的完全不行比,有了进步,没有说绝对不行,但是门开的非常小,具体难度如何,真心不详,但是网上很多的信息都说难,难,难,所以,不宜冒险! 当然,如果真的录取圣母但是不在Mendoza商学院,圣母在其他学院还是有一些和相关的课程的,所以去了也可以考虑, https://admissions.nd.edu/apply/resources-for/business-major-policy/ 建筑学院 Architectural Practice and Enterprise(APE) 科学学院 Actuarial Science Joint Five-Year MBA/ Science Program Science-Business Administration Program Mathematics-Business Administration Program Chemistry-Business Administration Program 文理学院 Economics Major International Economics Major Business Economics Minor (MBEC) Computing and Digital Technologies Minor 工院 Integrated Engineering and Business Practices Program Minor in Engineering Corporate Practice (MECP) Joint Five-Year MBA/Engineering Program ESTEEM Program 除了上面这些,Mendoza商学院还给所有学生提供以下课程: 1.Master of Science in Management 2.Accountancy Minor 3.Digital Marketing Minor 4.Innovation and Entrepreneurship Minor 5.Real Estate Minor 所以,总体看下来,圣母依托他Mendoza商学院的资源,还是给了其他学院的学生不少福利,要不要直接申圣母,还是也能接受这些在其他学院读这些专业或者项目,自己考虑了。