people who work three hours or more of overtime per day run a 60-percent higher risk of bad heart problems compared to those who work regular hours, a study published in the european heart journal said。 the findings came from a long-term research project into 6,014 british civil servants aged 39-61, two-thirds of whom were men, who had healthy hearts at the start of the probe in the early 1990s。 at an 11-year monitoring point, 369 of the volunteers had either died of coronary heart disease (chd) or had had a non-fatal heart attack or angina。 after accounting for risk factors such as smoking, overweight and high cholesterol, doctors found that working between three and four hours of overtime each day was associated with a 60 percent greater risk compared to those who did no overtime。 those who worked overtime tended to be slightly younger than the non-overtime group, were likelier to be men rather than women and be in a higher occupational grade。 the investigators say the link between cardiac problems and overtime seems clear but the cause is less so, given the complexities of heart disease and relationships in the workplace。 for instance, working overtime could affect metabolism or mask depression, anxiety and sleeplessness, they caution。 in addition, people who like their job and have greater latitude in work decisions tend to work longer hours just for the pleasure, and may have a lower rate of chd。 一项研究发现,每天加班3个小时以上的人罹患心脏病的几率比正常下班的人高出60%。研究结果刊登在《欧洲心脏病学》杂志上。 这一发现来自一个长期研究项目,研究人员对英国6014名公务员进行了调查,他们的年龄介于39岁至61岁之间,其中三分之二为男性。他们在上世纪90年代初调查研究开始时都拥有健康的心脏。 在监测11年后,其中369名志愿者不是死于冠心病,就是曾出现非致命的心脏病发作或心绞痛。 除了吸烟、体重过重和胆固醇高等危险因素外,医生们发现,每天加班三四个小时的人罹患心脏病的几率比不加班的人高出60%。 加班的人往往比不加班的人稍微年轻,多数为男性,而且职位较高。 调查人员表示,心脏问题与加班加点之间的关系看似十分明显,但鉴于心脏病和职场关系的复杂性,原因没有看起来那么清楚。 他告诫说,比如,超时工作可能影响新陈代谢,引发抑郁、焦虑或失眠。 然而,喜欢自己的工作且工作自由度较大的人常常只是出于乐趣而工作更长时间,他们罹患冠心病的几率较低。