怎么清洗小白鞋 百搭的小白鞋流行了数季都不退烧,已经成为必备单品之一,不少明星都爱穿小白鞋,就连凯特王妃也是小白鞋的粉丝。 但为什么别人的鞋子永远那么干净清爽,自己的鞋子没穿几次就洗不出来了呢? 现在就来教你几个清洗小白鞋的窍门。 时装电商Who What Wear为我们提供了几条清洗小白鞋最好用的小窍门,让你的鞋子亮白如新,而使用的材料都是居家用品。 ❶ 使用白色指甲油盖住划痕 A little touch up with white varnish will easily hide any scratches or scuffs that can"t be washed off. Just think of it like you would touching up a manicure. 涂点儿白色指甲油就能轻松覆盖洗不掉的划痕或磨损,就好像给鞋子做美甲。 ❷ 使用稀释的漂白剂 Make a solution of bleach diluted with plenty of water. 使用足量的水制作漂白剂溶液。 Dip your toothbrush in the diluted bleach solution and scrub the shoes gently. Rinse with warm water when you’re finished. 用牙刷蘸取漂白剂溶液,轻刷鞋子。刷完后用温水冲洗干净。 ❸ 用醋去污 Apply vinegar to a clean cloth and rub gently to magic away small marks. 把醋倒在抹布上,轻擦鞋子,小污渍就像变魔术一样消失了。 ❹ 使用牙刷 For more stubborn stains, scrub gently with a mild soap and warm water using an old toothbrush. 对更顽固的污渍,使用旧牙刷用温和型肥皂和温水轻轻刷洗。 ❺ 使用温和型洗发水清洗油污 If you get an oil stains on your favourite plimsolls, as soon as you get home treat them with your mildest shampoo and warm water and use a toothbrush or cloth to gently wipe away the stain. AVOID SUN EXPOSURE. 如果你最爱穿的帆布鞋粘上了油污,一到家就马上用温和型洗发水和温水清洗,用牙刷或抹布轻轻擦走油污,不要放在太阳下暴晒。 Store your trainers in a cool, dark place, as sun exposure can discolour the white material, leaving a grubby, yellow tinge. 把运动鞋放在阴凉避光的地方,暴晒会使白色材料褪色,留下显脏的黄色印记。 推特用户也来教你几招: Crafty Texas-based Twitter user Sarah Tracey, has - deservedly - labelled herself a "miracle worker" after managing to restore a dirty pair of sneakers to their former glory. 来自美国德克萨斯州的推特用户萨拉-特雷西自称"奇迹创造者",聪明的她得到这个称呼也当之无愧。她让一双脏脏的运动鞋恢复了昔日的光彩。 The first step, she said, was to rinse the shoes with water. Next was the cleaning mix made with a ratio of 1:1.5 baking soda to detergent, scrubbed into the shoes with a toothbrush. 她说,首先用清水冲洗鞋子。接下来,以1:1.5的比例将小苏打和清洁剂混合均匀,用牙刷蘸着这份清洗剂刷鞋。 After this, the shoes should be left to sit "for a while" before rinsed once again. Then, they should be thrown into the washing machine. 随后把鞋静置一会儿,再次冲洗。之后放入洗衣机清洗。 Once out of the washer, the shoes are dusted with baby powder and left to dry. 洗毕,在鞋上撒上婴儿爽身粉,晾干。 Sarah included a pair of photos to prove her miracle, showing a single tattered, dirty Converse sneaker in one, and a pair of spectacularly white ones in the other. 萨拉还拿出两张照片证实她的说法,其中一张里面是一只肮脏破旧的匡威运动鞋,而在另外一张照片里,一双白运动鞋非常亮眼。