提起宾大,最有名的就是他的沃顿商学院!中国很多家长希望孩子读商科,那么最眼热的就是沃顿商学院。申请感觉很难,没有绝对的实力根本不可能。那么曲线救国,申请其他学院再转,是否很容易实现呢?答案是"YES"! 先看下宾大的录取曲线,红色是总的录取率,深蓝线是ED录取率,淡蓝色的是RD录取率。可以看出,一年比一年难,另外RD和ED的差距不是一点点。所以,宾大是一个需要靠ED冲的学校,这点大家一定要关注到。 宾大一共有四个学院:护理学院,工院,文理学院和沃顿商院。一般中国孩子申请最多的就是文理学院。没关系,宾大在哪个学院都可以转沃顿商学院。在大一两个学期结束或者大二的第一个学期结束(也就是三个学期)的时候就可以申请转学到沃顿商院或者申请沃顿商院的双学位,但是转学进宾大的学生是不可以再申请转进沃顿商学院,不过可以申请沃顿商学院的双学位(感觉这样也不错哦)。 我们先来看看转进沃顿的条件: GPA 3.3是必须的。 每学期必须完成4门课程 学生可以在暑期修课,但是必修课必须在申请沃顿前修完。 暑期修课的数量不计入学期要求完成的4门里面。 每学期只有一门课可以不算绩点,用P/F(通过/不通过)表示,必修课程不可以。 必修课程需要获得C(2.0)以上,且不能重修。 在学期结束后两周,所有未完成或没有成绩的问题必须解决。 课程取消,AP换的学分,转学的学分必须体现在递交的成绩单上。 (下面是英文原文) ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS In addition to the eligibility requirements, there are specific academic requirements and course prerequisites that all students wishing to internally transfer into Wharton must meet: Students applying for internal transfer must have aminimum cumulative GPAof 3.30—there are no exceptions to this GPA requirement. Applicants must complete at least four (4) course units (CU) per semester at Penn (fall and spring semesters only). Students can take required courses over the summer as long as those courses are completedpriorto applying for entry into Wharton. Classes taken at Penn during summer terms do not count towards the four-CU requirement. Only one course can be taken pass/fail during an academic year. Required courses cannot be taken pass/fail. Students must earn a "C" (2.0) or better in required courses to be eligible to apply. Students cannot retake required courses. All open grading issues (Incompletes, NRs, or GRs) must be resolved within two weeks after the official end of the term. Course waivers, advanced placement credits, and transfer credits must appear on the student’s transcript before the application is submitted. 5月申请的二年级学生(8月进入沃顿商学院) 必须有MAth 104,ECON001,ECON002的成绩,可以用AP或者IB的成绩代替。 (原文) COURSE PREREQUISITES May Rising-Sophomore Applicants (August Entry) The following three (3) prerequisite course must be completed by the end of the spring semester. MATH 104¹ ECON 001¹ ECON 002¹ 12月申请的二年级学生(1月入学) 必须完成下面6门课程: MAth104,ECON001,ECON002, BEPP250或ECON101, ACCT101或 STAT101 或STAT102 MGMT101或 MKTG101 December Sophomore Applicants (January Entry) The following six (6) courses must be completed by the end of the fall semester (rising second-semester sophomore): MATH 104¹ ECON 001¹ ECON 002¹ BEPP 250 or ECON 101 ACCT 101 or STAT 101² or STAT 102³ MGMT 101 or MKTG 101 其他考虑因素: 这些就不是硬核了,就下面三条: -在高中时候的领导力和社区活动参与度 -在宾大的学术难度 -申请表上的回答水准。 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Please note that the Internal Transfer Admissions Committee will also take into account the applicant’s: Demonstrated leadership and community engagement in high school and beyond Academic rigor while at Penn Quality of the answers to the application questions 如果要申请沃顿双学位,其他一样,只有一条GPA要3.4以上,条件略高一些。 录取多少人要根据当季有多少学生来定,当然,第一次申请没有录取的话,第二次还是可以继续申请的。所以,可以这么说,入学宾大以后转学沃顿商学院比直接申请沃顿商学院容易很多。这个路径是可以考虑的。基本可以这么认为,进了宾大,可以选择任何你喜欢的专业,顾问如果告诉你进去再转,在宾大基本完全成立,除非你水平太差。 下面这是一个宾大毕业生的描述,但是我觉得在中国能上宾大的孩子,应该能够达到GPA要求。当然最坏的结果就是转不进,但是只是没有本科学位而已,想学的课程还是可以学到的。