谢娜 中国农业大学6号楼306室100193(+86)135-8177-4274Email:jessica.xie206@gmail.com 教育背景2008. 09-今中国农业大学农学硕士GPA: 3.66 主修课程:昆虫学进展,昆虫学实验技术,农业有害生物预防与控制,害虫生物防治理论与实践新进展,昆虫分类学原理与方法, 园林植物病理学,设施园艺学,植物学,遗传育种学, 土壤肥料学、草坪学 选修课程:管理学,市场营销学,生物统计分析,高等数学,心理学,有效沟通技巧 2010.02-2010.03苍南县蘑菇项目项目参与者 ? 分析试验数据,查阅大量外文资料解释试验数据中出现的异常点,将结果及时提交导师,导师查阅无误后,撰写技术报告及工作报告, 提前两天上交总课题负责人 2009.01-2010.08主要果树高效标准生产技术研究项目执行人科研经历 ――国家科技支撑项目 ? ? ? 通过查阅相关国内外相关资料,撰写项目任务书及财务预算表,提前一周完成导师交代内容 带领两人完成项目结题材料整理(技术报告、工作报告);提前完成项目结题所需财务方面材料核对 独自完成导师结题汇报材料,上交导师(导师直接录用未修改) 2008. 09-今果树重茬土壤修复技术研究项目执行人 ――国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)子课题 ? ? 查阅国外相关资料,实地调查北京郊区果园土壤情况,了解全球当前果树重茬问题;独自制定试验方案(根据国内外重茬病研究),及时上交导师审核,受到导师一致好评;联系试验地点各级领导,向各级领导汇报实验方案及可行性 带领4人完成试验及时向导师汇报试验进展,按照试验目的及所要反映的问题,分析试验数据及时解决试验过程中出现的问题 实习经历2010.04-今 奇异显示技术有限公司项目管理 ? ? 带领5人团队制作"地铁屏蔽门体及窗体多媒体播放体系"项目,据每个人专业特性,将宣传策划通讯技术等方面因人分工合作,拜访上海信息服务行业领导,洽谈项目在上海地铁的准入问题,受到当地领导的大加赞扬 参加全国大学生创业大赛,因项目创新性强,获得"2009欧莱雅全国大学生就业创业基金"二等奖(奖金5万元)、"2010德丰杰- 思科全球创业大赛"中国赛区第三名 2009.03-2010.03新华培训学校校长助理、班主任 ? ? 负责学校招生,联系各个中学负责人,组织宣讲会,并安排人员在学校附近发放招生传单,使得招生率同比提高10% 作为班主任管理两个班的学生(30人/班),每周开一次班会,每月组织一次家长会(租场地,安排时间、地点) 2007.06-2007.09情定奇缘摄影公司市场营销专员 ?10个小时内拜访了301个客户,最后签了200个客户,赢得团队销售冠军 ? 带领6人的团队,发放调查问卷,掌握本地消费者摄影需求,销售"订单"影集,签约订单金额最大 课外活动2010.10.12 与团队六人参加杜邦先锋于中国农业大学的圆桌会议,获"最佳合作奖" ? ? 作为组织者,成功的组织了本党支部成员参加参观民族文化馆等活动,无一人缺席 2008-2009年度获优秀学生奖(奖金2000元)、"三好学生"称号;2008年获"省级优秀毕业生"称号;2005-2008年度连续三年获 "专业一等奖学金(3%);2005年获校内英语演讲比赛第三名 ? ? ? ? 中共党员,生源地:山东 英语:通过CET-4、CET-6 计算机:熟练使用office办公软件(Word、Excel、PowerPoint等),熟练使用SPSS软件进行数据分析 兴趣爱好:旅游、音乐、排球、园林系排球队主力队员 2008.09-2010.07中共中国农业大学农学院党支部宣传、组织委员所获奖项其他 Jessica Xie Room 306, Building 6, China Agricultural University, Beijing, 100193, PRC, +86 135-8177-4274, EDUCATION 09/2008-nowCHINA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY College of agriculture and biotechnology Candidate for Master of Plant Protection expected in July 2011 Elective courses: Management, Marketing management, Psychology, Statistical Analysis, Higher Mathematics, Effective Communication Skills RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 02/2010-03/2010CANGNAN MUSHROOM PROJECT ? ? Made analysis of test data and consulted a large number of foreign material to explain the problem Wrote project materials and submitted reports in two days in advance ――national science and technology support programs ? ? ? ? ? Consulted the related foreign materials, wrote project commitments and financial budget sheets and completed them a week early Led 2 people to finish the project materials and finished financial materials checking in advance Alone completed concluding report material――The national high technology research and development program (863 program) corpusConsulted the related foreign material, investigated on-the-spot orchard soil conditions in suburban Beijing, realized the problem of replant, formulated testing program according to the diseases of research in abroad, contacted leaders and reported the feasibility of testing program Led 4 people to complete the test and reported promptly to tutor, made analysis of test data and solved the problems which emerged during the test 01/2009-08/2010MAIN FRUIT PRODUCTION EFFICIENCY STANDARDS 09/2008-nowFRUIT TREES REPLANT SOIL BIOREMEDIATION TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH WORK EXPERIENCE 04/2009-06/2010SUBWAY MEDIA ? ? ShanghaiAttended the university students" Business Plan Competition, acquired the second award of " 2009 Loreal campus fund" and the third place of "2010 DFJ and Cisco Global Business Plan Competition" in China 03/2009-03/2010XINHUA TRAINING SCHOOL ? ? ? ? ?Assistant principal Responsible for recruiting students, contacted the principal of middle school for recruiting students and arranged the staff who near the school releasing admissions leaflets, increased the rate of year-on-year admissions by 10%Managed 30 students of the class, made analysis the advantages and disadvantages of the students, selected class committee members, 90% of the students’ scores being increased and organized a meeting every month?Draw up school curriculum and arranged seven teachers’ five courses teaching plan, and received the school leadersVisited 301customers in 10 hours and signed 200 customers, won Sales champion Led 6 people to release the questionnaire, grasped local consumer demands, sold photographic order in each big square Principal 06/2007-09/2007PHOTOGRAPHY COMPANYMarketing specialistProject LeaderLed 5 people making the project of "subway’s door and window multimedia system" and visited the leader of information service industry in EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES09/2008-07/2010COMMUNIST PARTY OF CHINA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY ? ? ? ? ? Successfully organized the party members attending national culture activities, no absence Fluent in English. Past College English Test Level Four and Six Native speaker of Mandarin Fluent in the use of the Word, Excel, PowerPoint and SPSS software to make data analysis Travelling, Music, Volleyball and being a top player PERSONAL