在食堂吃饭时,看到了之前辞职走掉的同事?这真不是你眼花了。虽说好马不吃回头草,但职场"回头客"如今却也越来越常见了。 Boomerang refers to an employee who quits to take another job and later returns to the company. 职场"回头客"指的是辞职另谋职位后,又返回原公司工作的人。 Boomerang is an employee who is laid off and then rehired as a consultant or contract worker. 职场"回头客"还可以指被解聘,之后又重新被雇佣为顾问或者合同工的人。 这种行为在英文中也称为Workplace U-turn。 Workplace U-turn refers to the action of bouncing back to a former employer after quitting. 职场回头草指辞职后又回到原单位的行为。 While it may seem inconceivable, it is possible to make the dreaded employment U-turn. 职场上吃回头草是人们避之唯恐不及的事情,可能显得不可理喻,但它还是可行的。 Returning employees usually end up appreciating their jobs more. And their careers can emerge unscathed, if they give sound reasons for flip-flopping - and stay put for a while in their second stint. 而回到原单位的员工往往会更珍视自己的工作。另外,如果能说出让人信服的变卦理由,并且在回去之后继续工作一段时间不跳槽,他们的职业发展也可以不受影响。