管得严,管得宽,犯了错还会狠狠地惩罚你。 各种严格严厉,英文原来还能这么说~ 1. Run a tight ship 表示管理严格,纪律严明,英文可以用这个短语。 例:My coach makes us run 10km before every practice. He runs a tight ship. 我的教练每次训练前都让我们跑10公里。他真的好严格啊! 2. On a short leash 栓狗的绳子短,说明主人拉得紧,比较严。 例: He doesn"t go out with the lads so much these days. His wife keeps him on a tight leash. 他平时不怎么跟哥几个出门。他老婆管他可严了。 3. Have sb on a string 把某个人拴在绳子上,真好似是拿提线木偶一样控制。英文里用来形容对某人掌控得紧,想怎样就怎样。 例:He has his girlfriend on a string. 他的女友就像个玩偶一样被他操控着。 4. Throw the book at 要看一个人严不严,还要看看你犯了错,他会是什么反应。"扔书"这个短语其实是指"严厉惩罚"、"狠狠地罚"。 例:I thought I would get off with just a warning, but they threw the book at me. 我以为这回有个警告就能算了,谁想他们居然狠狠地罚了我。