Welcome to "How to Use Emojis 101″ because it seems we’ve been substitutingthe wrong symbols for actual words.It’s not like somebody—ahem, Apple or Shigetaka Kurita, the great creator of emojis—ever gave us a how-to manual. Time to get schooled on practicing grammatically correct emoji usage with the help of Unicode’s very extensive dictionary. 欢迎来到"Eomji表情课堂第一讲",因为貌似我们一直都在用错误的符号来代替真正的语言呢。毕竟苹果和emoji的创始人又没有教过我们这些表情该怎么用。所以是时候在万国码大词典的帮助下,好好学习emoji的正确使用方法了。 1. "I Know I’m **Flawless**" Emoji 1."完美"表情 What it really means:information desk person. 真实含义:咨询台服务员 2.The "HMPH!" Emoji 2."哼"表情 What it really means: triumph. 真实含义:胜利 3.The Rockstar Emoji 3.摇滚手势表情 What it really means:horns. 真实含义:一对角 4.The Whining Emoji 4.抱怨表情 What it really means: tired. 真实含义:累了 5.The BallerinaEmoji 5.芭蕾舞女演员表情 What it really means:a woman making an OK gesture. 真实含义:一位女性在做"OK"手势 6.The "I Just Got A Brilliant Idea!" Emoji 6."我刚刚想出了个超棒的点子"表情 What it really means: bowing. 真实含义:鞠躬 7.The Random X’s-For-Eyes Emojis 7.叉叉眼表情 What they really mean:dizzy and astonished. 真实含义:晕、震惊 8.The Twins Emoji 8.双胞胎表情 What it really means: bunny dancers.真实含义:两个跳舞兔女郎 All this time we thought they were sisters dressed alike—nope! They’re just doppelgngers. 这么久以来我们都认为这是对双胞胎姐妹。但并没有!她们只是长得很像而已。