电视剧《小别离》(A Love for Separation)通过三个家庭面对教育、留学等问题的不同表现,多维度、更立体地将众生的悲喜真实呈现在观众面前,在成千上万家庭中引发共鸣。主演黄磊曾在《小别离》的专访中说,"世间所有的爱都指向团聚,唯独父母的爱指向别离。"咱们今天要探讨的,就是英文中的"别离"都咋说? Migrants feel uprootedfrom friends and relatives. 移民有一种亲友别离,情谊割断之感。 This is real life, we must go through the parting, reunion will be valuable to know. 这就是生活的真实,我们必须要经历了别离,才会知道重逢的可贵。 Since fate has foreseen our meeting and leaving, why not compromise to it? 既然命运安排了我们的相聚和别离,又何必强求呢? He had something he must say to her before he bade her a long farewell. 有一桩心事必须在和她长远别离之前对她说出来。 The seagulls fly off, the waves roll away and we depart. 海鸥飞去,波澜滚滚地流开,我们也别离了。 And ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. 除非临到了别离的时候,爱永远不会知道自己的深浅。 I couldn"t even take proper leave ofAmundsen. 我离不开阿姆森了。 I got awayas quick as I could. 我尽快离开了。 That afternoon I was on my way home after three years of absence. 那天下午,我在离别三年之后踏上了回家的路。 这部剧话题严肃,但又不失满满的笑点~ 学完了英语,咱们再来感受一下~ 夫妻俩趁着孩子不在调侃 台词经典,引发深思 TFboys特别演出 孩子为骗过老师谎称父亲去世